Ask Me Anything

Ask Me Anything

Dr D 19 days ago

I´m a psychiatrist, therapist and former high stakes player AMA

general questions about mental health, lifesyle and poker only.

This is in no way a substitute for professional advice from a doctor or pharmacist and must not be used as a basis for independent diagnosis and starting, changing or stopping treatment of illnesses. Always consult a doctor you trust if you have any health questions or complaints! Dr. D accepts no liability for any inconvenience or damage resulting from the use of t

limon 10 months ago

I am a literal legend of gambling, ask me anything.

What im doing is a gift to this dead site but they will probably lock the thread since they want no traffic or interest.

CoachJoel23 3 months ago

$5/10 and $10/25 NLHE Specialist: Ask me Anything About NLHE

I've been a professional poker player for six years, and I currently specialize in live $5/10 and $10/25 NLHE. I also run a training site and have coached over 200 students. Ask me anything. I will answer the best questions, and try to help as much as possible. If you think my knowledge may be useful to you in any way, ask away.

donkology101 1 month ago

Poker in prison....AMA

So I have been playing online since the party poker days and played professionally for a few years before black Friday. Then just mostly for fun. I am in prison at a federal camp for money laundering. I get out in 2026 hopefully. So I just started getting back into poker in here but the games are SOOO much different. The dynamic is very bizarre. People will call river value bets so light because for some reason it makes you a coward if you

FrYoungtrad 1 month ago

I'm the guru of poker club apps. AMA

I'm FrYoungtrad, a doctoral student in pipe organ and live and club poker player/agent. Many poker players have dismissed club apps categorically, providing anecdotes about scams, moralizings about business practices, etc. I'm here to provide a more balanced and accurate perspective on clubs, tell you how they work, and how to make money playing in them and not get scammed. I have experience in all levels of poker club operations, including

Videopro 1 month ago

AMA about TV and Video Production.

AMA about TV and Video Production.
loliufg 4 months ago

I turned 40$ into over 1 Million! AMA

I turned 40$ into over 1 Million! AMA
DisRuptive1 4 months ago

I have never used shampoo since August 2011.

I work directly with people and with customers.

rjen47 4 months ago

I am the World's Greatest Unknown WSOP Historian... ask me anything (especially before 2003)

Since I have no questions to answer for this post, I asked ChatGPT the following questions off the top of my head consecutively:

1. When did the World Series of Poker Main Event first top 50 players?
2. Who was the first woman to win a World Series of Poker bracelet?
3. Who was the first woman to cash in a World Series of Poker event?

and it got all three answers wrong. Worse, it admitted it actually knew the correct answers when prodded.

Grimstard 7 months ago

I am also a literal legend of gambling, ask me anything.

Grimstard rocks the Grimstard

Max 6 months ago

Welcome to AMA Forum: Discover, Engage, Inspire

Welcome to "Ask Me Anything" (AMA) Forum!

Whether you're a celebrated personality, an unsung hero with captivating stories, or someone with niche expertise, this is your stage to connect, share, and inspire.

Starting a thread is simple, but the impact could be profound. Here's your chance to give back and to mentor from miles away;

Your experiences are a gift — share them in our "Ask Me Anything" threads.