Science, Math, and Philosophy

Science, Math, and Philosophy

vhawk01 15 years ago

SMP Life is Being Drunk -Random Content thread

Politics has one and its fun, so I figured I'd start one here and see how it goes. Obv you should, but are not requried to be, drunk if you want to post here, and its a LC thread.

Zeno close I guess if for some reaosn this is grossly inappropriate but I think it should be fine.

GreenTeal 15 years ago

Camus, Suicide and the Myth of the Sisyphus

Most of you will know Albert Camus` - The Myth of the Sisyphus, if you dont google it for a second, its not all that complicated or long.

Something from a Wikipedia page that explains it pretty well:

Tuma 2 months ago

What are some of the properties of the simulation we live in?

Recent events, namely Donald Trump narrowly avoiding being murdered, in astonishing fashion, is one element that leads me to believe we are in some sort of simulation.

I think there is a large amount of cause and effect in the simulation. The kind you would expect. But I also think some things are predetermined, or post-determined. The latter being Trump's survival this weekend potentially.

I'm curious if other forum members think this way.

craig1120 2 months ago

The End of Philosophy

The philosophy endeavor is fulfilled when you reluctantly accept the following truths:

(1) Only the life of greatness is worth living

(2) Your current life is not in alignment with the great life

(3) While you are currently disconnected from greatness, the spirit of the great man is accessible within you

Much of philosophy is a futile attempt to avoid or work around these truths. Once you surrender to these truths, then life becomes about relat

JayKon 3 days ago

Yellowstone Supervolcano

If an eruption at the Yellowstone Supervolcano would seriously damage the U.S., not to mention the world, wouldn't it be wise to look at ways to minimize the risk?

Morphismus 3 years ago

Is it possible to orbit a black hole at relativistic speed?

I'm wondering if a space ship could be accelerated close to the speed of light by putting it in orbit around a black hole and accelerate it externally e.g. with a las.... The idea would be to give it a final push out of orbit such that it would go along some intended linear trajectory close to the speed of light. Might it even be possible to taget another black hole that can "catch" the ship in it's orbit?

What say you good people of SMP? 😀

BrianTheMick2 10 years ago

What is the '80s

Gregory Illinivich 19 days ago

Math Riddle: The 100 Prisoners Problem

This is a fun one! I spent a while trying to figure it out but to no avail.

Zeno 7 years ago

Decent Modern Songs Part II

PairTheBoard 8 months ago

Collective Intelligence

PointlessWords 6 months ago

how would it be possible for a book 4000 years old to accurately describe radiation poisoning ?

The Mahabharata

accurately describes radiation poisoning from nuclear war. How is this possible?

merlot128 4 months ago

12 Golfers Playing 4 Rounds in 3 Groups of 4

With 12 golfers playing 4 rounds in 3 groups of 4, is it possible for everyone to play with everyone else?

Day 1 - 1 2 3 4 - 5 6 7 8 - 9 10 11 12

Day 2 - ????

Day 3 - ????

Day 4 - ????

Any advice would be appreciated.

FellaGaga-52 2 years ago

Webb Telescope: Predictions and Findings

It's gonna be awesome. I'm betting it destroys the Big Bang Theory, already under assault and somewhat precarious. And much, much more changed, undercut, confirmed, radicalized. The standard picture is going down it says here.

linda8987 6 months ago

Creative futurism/ wild take

Yeh ok. This kind of depends more so on somebody who knows alot about the sun and hot it specifically affects our planet organically and us physically.
Now I'm just rambling on here, hence the title up there ....but let's face it here....we're already living in the future.

The idea here is that the world hasn't ended.
It's now 2000 AD. Technically speaking we've now made it to the point where the future could've created the now, which would

Henk from Holland 1 year ago

ChatGPT: Exploring the Wonders of OpenAI's Natural Language Processing Technology

When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one individual to declare the opening of a new discussion thread and to share their knowledge and insights with the wider community, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that I should declare the causes which impel me to this action.

I hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men and women have the right to seek knowledge and understanding, and that the pursui

RainDog 9 months ago

Odds of winning the lottery given implications of potentially living in a computer sim

I made a post in a not-so-intellectual communitity. This community group is titled something akin to "We Live in a Computer Simulation", but most members don't really seem to accept that possibility. It's just a clickbait-join for them or something. So I can't adequately discuss.

Said community doesn't generally agree with a statement I made and I'm thirsty for a deeper dive.

My statement:

"Since we're living in a simulation, my odds of winn

jbouton 9 months ago

The formalization of Ideal Money

Bitcoin is said to be an implementation of 'bitgold' which was a reference to this blogpost by Nick Szabo:

In this writing szabo is aiming to design something that has the property of what he describes as, 'unforgeable scarcity due to the costliness of their creation.'

To create this setup he references his formalization of a proof-of-work implementation based on his formalization of I