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About the Forums

Phresh 1 month ago

Request to Recuse ganstaman from Trans-Identity Discussion

I’m writing to request that ganstaman be recused from moderating the ongoing discussion on trans-identity. While I fully support the right of every individual to be respected and treated with dignity, I believe that the role of a moderator should be to facilitate open and honest discussion rather than enforce a particular viewpoint (especially one lacking in evidence).

In this case, the moderator has made it clear that any dissent from

Crich 19 days ago

How do I favorite a thread?

If there is a thread I want to favorite it how do I do that?

chillrob 1 month ago

How do I view "New Posts" on mobile website?

When I go to the forums on my computer, I always have the option to see "New Posts" at the very top of the screen. But when I go to the mobile (Chrome on Android) website, I don't have that option, and I can't find it anywhere. Is there a way to see the "New Posts" from my phone?

Stumeister 1 month ago

How to get around firewall to browse 2p2 at work?

I’m having trouble accessing the forums at work because it is blocked by my companies firewall

What are my options for safely getting around the firewall so I can spend my work day browsing 2p2?

Any help is appreciated thank you

Theegage 1 month ago

HELP, Sorry in advance @admins

Hey guys.

I have been reading your four for a few months now never committing to making an account to post. Although not committing until recently I have always been in awe of the community that has taken root here. Great work guys. Anyway..

Recently I have committed to making an account so I can comment and ask my own questions. I've decided to take poker a lot more serious and I'm looking for a coach/mentor. I'm requesting to have my DMs e

DavidNB 1 year ago

twoplustwo.com main page long load time


Just wanted to mention it takes a very long time to load the page, http://twoplustwo.com/
I have noticed this over the last week or so. Not a problem for other pages that I can see. Has something changed, anyone else have the same problem?

colt_navy 1 month ago

A simple question about promotions and signatures

Hello everybody! I just got into the forum and have some questions.
1. Can somebody have signatures somewhere in their accounts? As I see, there is a nickname and then something else going downward, can I see the threads with the info how to change that or work through to change it?
2. Are there threads or forums for the promotion of some poker / similar in theme platforms? If so, where I can find the rules or info about that?

wreckem713 3 months ago

is Two Plus Two dead?

saw this tweet today. interesting perspective


BOIDS 2 months ago

how u gonna ban a guy with 159,821 posts

cmon man

Neil S 2 months ago

Permanently unread threads

Please fix the bug where deleted spam posts in a thread result in the thread being forever unread. Right now the only workaround is to mark the entire FORUM unread and I usually don't want to do that.

Mike Haven 17 years ago

ATF Chatroom, for O/T chat

We've been asking for it. Now we've got it.

Our very own chatroom, that no one else on the site may use!

If it's O/T, (or, for stabn: OT), then this is the thread for it.

And the good news is that I'll try not to make too many unfunny joke posts.

If this is the roaring success I expect it to be, (and that is basically up to tuq, who has been appointed Chat Monitor), then the thread will NOT be locked for perhaps several days. However, I will

Mike Haven 16 years ago

"Ban me! Ban me!"

"Ban me! Ban me!"
Mike Haven
Let1tGo 2 months ago

Two Plus Two "Older" Archives Site Down Since Since July 2nd

Returns error message:

Content Encoding Error
An error occurred during a connection to archives2.twoplustwo.com.
Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.

Is it down right now confirms archives2.twoplustwo.com is down and the server is not responding.

Two Plus Two "Newer" Archives, archives1.twoplustwo.com is working.

009285832 2 months ago

Any way to change the background from black?

I find it really hard reading these forums and the black color ruins the readability for me. is there a setting in my account that can change it?

rickroll 2 months ago

Jmitchell42 should be demodded and banned

Jmitchell42 should be demodded and banned
Y Closed Thread
jbouton 2 months ago

2p2 data breach/security exploit

Still not sure where the correct place should be but was recommended to post here:

by Videopro P

If it's pertaining an existing thread, otherwise ATF is the better spot.

Are the moderators going to let the players know about what happened, there could be the possibility then of responsible disclosure rather than just a pure data dump.

Let1tGo 2 months ago

Search Help

Using advanced search on threads (don't want posts view) for user name Buzz in the Omaha/8 subgroup the results are capped at 10 page or 250 threads.

Searching ascending provides results from beginning date to January 2008. Searching descending provides results from current date back to May 2015.

There's a gap of approximately 7 and a half years I can't see.

Any suggestions how to work around the search cap of 10 pages?


Y Closed Thread
jbouton 2 months ago

WTM: A Moderator Sent Me Something Inappropriate

Not sure what my action should be.

Kind of an unbalanced situation since there is no official place to make record of it and I don't control the mod tools etc.

Does one go straight to admin? What if they don't answer near timely enough etc.?

I don't have the favor of any mods here (thats an understatement).

But lets say a mod sends you something threatening or inappropriate (ie a dick pick) potentially abusing their power whats the proper

LimpDitka 3 months ago

Two plus two crashing not working ?

Has the site been down for anyone else the past 24 hrs ? Not sure where else to post this , but it seems like the site keeps being hacked and crashing.

ChipsOmNom 6 months ago

How do I find the funniest threads?

Is there a way to sort threads by number of responses? Whether it’s fights or stories, I’m after the most entertaining threads on the forum.

Mr. Big Stack 3 years ago

Missing Email Alerts

I used to receive daily email alerts for BQ and the Strategy Forums. It has been weeks since I've received one. I have unsubscribed and subscribed but no change. Any ideas?

jmRanger 3 months ago

Why can’t I DM?

New user it seems like I can’t dm

DumbosTrunk 4 months ago

No personal attacks anymore? lol. Tell dinesh that

Mod Dinesh did a terrible job moderating a thread I created in the casino and card room poker forum “hahaha all in? Muck.” He needs to be reminded that personal attacks are no longer permitted on this site.


I was done posting in this thread for what should be obvious reasons, but I’ll say a few more things given the mod’s post above.

dinesh- You should have made this call several posts ago and deleted the

Y Closed Thread
jbouton 5 months ago

Tourettes: Can I have a special don't ban rule for my account please?

I have tourettes and so once in awhile a mod of the day feels my posting style misaligns with 2p2 policy or the associated subforum etc. and I get reprimanded for it.

But I seem to be under a heavy hand here because my punishments are often not justly scoped to my infractions I think.

Yet I don't seek to bypass/evade the restrictions and I think I have shown history of that.

Since its clear I have sincere intention to participate in the fo

Howard Treesong 4 months ago

What's the right forum to post. . .

I have a tournament ticket to sell at a bit of a discount given a work conflict. What's the right forum in which to post that? I got an infraction on this point many years ago and don't want to revisit that trauma.