Business, Finance, and Investing

Business, Finance, and Investing

NajdorfDefense 8 months ago

2024 Trading Thread

Well, 2023 went really well with less than market risk so well done me.

First trade of 2024 is $CPRI which is being taken over by $TPR at $57 cash.
FTC is looking into the merger and has asked for a second review, but it's really hard to see them being made a bigger laughingstock over actually trying to block a midtier leather bag and expensive shoe merger than the giant laughingstock they were made over the ATVI deal.

Deal is supposed to c

theblueprint 8 years ago

Is reading the Wall Street Journal and Financial Times every day a good use of time?

Hey guys,

Marc Andreessen, a pretty famous billionaire venture capitalist, recommends reading the Wall Street Journal and Financial Times cover to cover every single day for people who are relatively new/beginners to the world of finance/money/investing/stock markets/financial literacy etc. (me)

Do you guys agree? Would this be a good use of time?

phantom_lord 10 months ago

The future of business when everyone is a FANG engineer

I worry that the old advice of just investing in index funds may be obsolete as tech companies lose their advantage.

My thesis is that the moat of large tech companies will be removed as everyone gets access to powerful large language models. Everyone will have the ability to become a FANG engineer. I feel like their margins will drop as anyone can create custom software.

FB and Alphabet killed local newspapers and advertising. Uber killed l

Twentyonenil 13 years ago

Bitcoins - digital currency

Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer digital currency. Peer-to-peer (P2P) means that there is no central authority to issue new money or keep track of transactions. Instead, these tasks are managed collectively by the nodes of the network. Advantages:

  • Bitcoins can be sent easily through the Internet, without having to trust middlemen.
  • Transactions are designed to be computationally prohibitive to reverse.
  • Be safe from instability caused by fractional reserve banking and central banks. The limited inflation of the Bitcoin system’s money supply is distributed evenly (by CPU power) throughout the network, not monopolized by banks.

Total size 5,811,700 BTC
or 4,585,431 USD
or 3,545,137 EUR
or 133,094,323 RUB
or 3,849 ounces of gold

Any value to this idea or will it never work?

dicky 11 years ago

TSLA showing cracks?

With TSLA going in the past few days from 130 to 110 and now back up to 120, it seems the market is a bit on edge about this stock. They report earnings on the 23rd, and with the incredible run up it's had in the past 3 months (40-->120) I get the feeling that if they don't blow people away this stock has the potential to crack pretty violently.

With articles coming every day for and against TSLA, I generally believe it to be vastly over

Peace&Love 19 days ago

Index Investing

One of the first arguments I remember reading about investing in stocks, that made sense, was that it's basically investing in businesses, with the expectation that those businesses you selected would do well and, as a consequence, the stocks would go up. For this to happen, this selection process has to be accurate, both in making sure that the businesses are actually sound, their future prospects for growth are good, and the price they ar

pokerfan655 11 months ago

Anyone wholesale real estate?

I'm an Agent as well as newer wholesaler - currently wholesaling on market properties only, but working on developing an off market strategy. I have a decent business as an Agent, but had a client that wholesaled 3 properties on market through me over the Summer and opened my eyes to how much more money he made on those deals then me. Just curious if anyone is wholesaling here - it's a great angle with little to no money involved. I do have

donkleadflop 3 months ago

Addressing gaps across the poker industry

What are the biggest gaps you see across the poker market?

Curious to hear thoughts and ideas about what everyone thinks is missing in the today’s poker industry. Feel free to bring up anything that comes to mind.

I’m a software engineer and part time poker player. As I’ve become more experienced, putting in a lot of volume on the tables, as well a lot of time studying over the years, I’ve definitely started to notice inadequacies across diff

statmanhal 27 days ago

CD Maturity Value Wrong?

I bought a $1,000 CD (actually a lot more) with a stated 5% APY on July 3,2024.

I assumed the maturity value would be $1,050. The bank shows a maturity value of 1,049.93 on Jul 3,2035. A minor difference, but why?

The bank stated it was because 2024 is a leap year. But, the buy was in July so leap year is not a factor and the 5% APY was established in May 2024.

Any thoughts?

mindflayer 4 years ago

Mindflayers journey to 100k PMNI

You can tell I have been around for a while from my join date and number of posts. PMNI = Passive Montly Net Income.

I used to post on 2+2 and read here every day when I started (the poker threads) then i move to (business finance and investing) when I moved out of poker and into business and real estate. When my business plans started to work, i stopped coming here and reading/posting. I did visit frequently but i moved to (health and fit

ArturiusX 15 years ago

The "I have XX money to invest, where should I put it?" Thread

Since there's a lot of overlapping advice going around, I've decided to create a new megathread dedicated to passive investing of a large lump sum. If you have a complicated situation, feel free to post a dedicated thread. Otherwise, all request for investing advice go in here.


  • Country you live in
  • Income
  • Risk Tolerance
  • Timeframe for investment
  • Debt
  • Any other information you might have that would help us

All threads with a simple line "I have $XXXX, what should I do?" will now be deleted with no explanation given. Thank you.

TeflonDawg 1 year ago

Twitter Showing Cracks?

Not sure how this thread doesn't exist so f it I'm starting it. I don't even come on 2+2 hardly anymore. Lol...

Musk is running Twitter like Trump ran the White House

Only he actually has to pay the bills. WH unlimited funds...

How did the Saudis end up backing Musk in buying Twitter? That's...interesting, to say the least...

Final question how the f is Musk going to service the debt? This inquiring mind would like to know. I'm aware he saves m

SonofPegasus 10 years ago

Virtual Currency - Alt Coin Discussion Thread

I wanted to post a different thread to discuss the "crypto-coin" boom that happened this week.

For those who don't know, crypto-coins (or alt coins) have exploded in popularity among the bitcoin crowd. Some coins have gone from 5-10 cents to 2-3 dollars, making early investors millions. The market caps have gone from $500,000 being significant to the same coins have 20-30 million in market cap just two weeks later.

While alt-coins have long

Jupiter0 1 year ago

Special Situations Merger Arbitrage

We have posts on the SAVE merger going on in the trading thread that is a little busier than usual. It's best to just have a thread for special situations, merger arb. This thread is strictly for special situations and arbitrage.

For those who are not familiar with this type of investing it is a proven strategy for small investors to achieve double digit returns. Warren Buffett grew his firm in his early days with this strategy. Granted, his

CandyKreep 2 months ago

Futures Prop Firms - Ponzi Scheme or Legit Business Model?

I'd love to get BFI's take on the futures prop firm industry - Apex, TopStep, My Funded Futures, etc, etc. For those who are unfamiliar... You pay a small fee for an evaluation account. You then trade that account and have to achieve a profit target (usually 5-6%) while avoiding a max drawdown (usually 2.5-3%). There's also consistency rules to eliminate windfall/gamble trading.

When you pass an evaluation, you get a "funded account" which

TheGodson 2 years ago

Mission to Retirement and Fun Spreadsheets

Mission to Retirement and Fun Spreadsheets
TrEeBLaZe 1 year ago

Become a professional poker player in the US, and filing taxes.....whats involved?

Just curious if the majority of the money a US poker pro makes comes from playing online, from ACR for example, which is unregulated and payments are primarily through to does one file and claim their income from to do you track, produce, and show your loses for right offs, what are other things that can be written off?

stephenNUTS 16 years ago

Wheres those GOLD bugs now?

GOLD down almost $90 in the last few sessions?

John Kane= seriously ouch dude:(

Fishhead and his farmland=seriously LOL

Binions= just pops his head when GOLD is up..LOL

Bluegrassplayer 2 years ago

How does BTC/ETH/Crypto work? Is it a scam/doomed to fail?

Discuss the legitimacy here.

housenuts 7 years ago

Ethereum - Blockchain App Platform

Ethereum - Blockchain App Platform
somigosaden 6 months ago

What's your experience with depositing 5-figures cash at a bank?

I was at a friend's house and he had a roll of cash that was probably 60k. I told him to deposit it so a) it wouldn't get stolen and b) it's costing him a few grand a year because of forgone interest in a money market account. He said he was afraid of it getting confiscated by some authority, along the lines of nightmares you hear about with civil asset forfeiture if he couldn't prove beyond all doubt where it came from. That seems tinfoil-

LetsSeeThree 5 months ago

Taxation on Investments in UK

Hi all,

I'm a professional poker player residing in the UK and looking for some clarity on the tax situation on investments when you have no other taxable income. Maybe some of you out there have encountered it yourself.

My annual Personal Allowance (PA) for Income Tax is £12,570, and my Capital Gains Tax (CGT) allowance is £6,000. I have no other income outside of poker (which is of course untaxed) and investments. Some of my investments ar

UgotMERKED 11 years ago

OPTIVER numerical exam

Hello -

I am going to be taking Optiver's numerical exam soon - I was wondering if anyone here has taken it/had any advice.

I have searched rather furiously online for the difficulty of the questions, but I haven't been able to come up with anything.

Some people are saying try "" but what level should I be concentrating on there?..if at all

Thanks for any comments or suggestions!

rivercitybirdie 1 year ago

NVDA (and cap-weighting question)

looking at NVDA and its weightings in the SPY and the XLK (largest tech ETF)....

here are the weightings in each:

AAPL. 21.8%. 7.1%
MSFT 22.7%. 6.7%
NVDA 5.0%. 3.0%
AVGO 4.34%. 0.95%

one can clearly see that the ratio of NVDA's weighting to those of AAPL, MSFT, AVGO differs completely between XLK and SPY... and I believe both of which purport to be market cap indices (not certain on XLK but