Health and Fitness

Health and Fitness

mindflayer 3 years ago

Mindflayer's looking for abs Log

I Turned 55 a month ago. On my birthday my 7d.a.wt. was 166.77 lbs. I have lots of financial, education, and fitness goals, and thought I should start posting to give myself an extra boost.

Since I am up there in age, I am not trying to build muscle to look good for the ladies. I have been studying health and longevity for a while and so i thought it would be better to set an alternative goal. If I end up looking better that is just a

GuyThatGoesToDaGym 2 years ago

Bodybuilding Classic Physique Division Offseason log

You know you who it is already. Can't recall my old password or even what email I used so here we are. I promised I'd start logging if legend n1h did. So that's why I'm logging.

Short term goal:
Successfully formulate a relatively optimized and easy to adhere to offseason diet model. In terms of food selection, I am more or less following Chris Tuttle's recommendations. Our very own BGP has been getting some free diet stuff from Chris since

beeschnuts 7 years ago

Beeschnuts Strength Training Log

Finally starting a log on here after lurking H&F for like 7 years or so. A little about me: I'm 6ft tall and currently about the heaviest I've ever been at 212. I've been pokering since graduating college in 2005 and started doing personal training a couple years ago after getting my certification. Recently moved from the US to Germany and now playing poker on the Euro sites and doing personal training for the military community here. Also

ChanY 8 years ago

The fitness well

Ask anything, I'll answer. OP is jacked.

Soulman 6 years ago

***Official H&F LC Thread***

***Official H&F LC Thread***
PayoffWiz 11 years ago

POW's CrossFit Log

A little history:

I've done some variation of a split routine on and off through undergrad/law school, but have always been a captain upper body, almost always ignoring leg day. The very few times I did squat, I did them in the Smith Machine, and although I don't remember what my form looked like, I'm sure it was awful.

After law school, my first job was an absolute high stress grind, frequently working 12+ hour days on a regular basis. I a

arjun13 6 years ago

Road to the 2027 Crossfit Games

You gotta have dreams, right?


feel wrath 3 years ago

50th year PRs

Cliffs: I'm 50 later this year and am challenging myself to set as many lifetime PRs as I can


49yo male. 6ft, 90.5kg/199lbs. Grew up in London, now live in Sydney Australia.

Have long term sporting background. International representative rugby player at top tier sporting university and played semi pro into my late 20s. Also played varsity soccer as freshman at college, plus all the sports including track and field growing up.

The past

Bob148 9 years ago

Zero Program: I just wanna break a sweat and have fun doing it.

Yup. Title says it all. I don't have any goals. I don't have a program. I don't really care if I gain or lose weight. I'm currently 35 years old, 6 feet tall, and about 205 lbs. When I was 30, I did Starting Strength and went from 165 lbs to 215 lbs. My personal records were: lbbs 225x3x5, bench 165x3x5, ohp 125x3x5, dl 270x1x5, pc 145x5x3, chins 6, 4, 2, fail. I didn't lift for years after that, but I had a physically demanding jo

KhalynYohrk 14 years ago

Not an SS LOG; Lots of Excuses



Age 28

Height 6'

Weight 185

History; No athletics, no exp in gym till 23.

Regular working with free weights and BB since 23.

Posted routine here, got flamed and recommended to SS.

Started SS appx. 1 month ago.

I'm working alternating days on M/W/F of Squats/DL/Bench and Squats/Press/PC all 3x5 after warm ups. except the DL(1x5)

Today 2/1/10 my lifts were;

Squat 3x5 @ 265

DL 1x5 265

Bench 3x5 235

I added 10lbs to my squat since friday, form

Number1Hater 2 years ago

N1H- The Return(Minus Butthole Pleasures)


Got my computer back set up and wanting to log for a while now.

Anyways, not logging has made me v lazy and unorganized. My diet is also trash and I look like I don't even lift no more.

I'm also selling most of my sneakers to start a poker bankroll. I haven't played in over 3 years, but looks like nothing has changed, lol. They also open up a poker room nearby and I'm sure the players still suck.

My childhood buddy keeps inviting me

river_tilt 9 years ago

Old man river's log

I did a log before, but failed to update it for a while. So I thought I would restart.

I went through a phase of not lifting earlier this year. I did some kettlebell stuff, but not frequently enough. So I stopped that, and started a linear progression on the major lifts.

All weights in kgs.

Age:43. Weight:85. I will write as sets x reps, although opinion differs on this crucial issue.

Friday 11 September 2015

My weekend of scuba diving was blown

Malucci 14 years ago

Malucci is a FPOS!

So I'm a huge fat piece of ****.

I'm about 5'10, 245lbs. and it's upsetting. I weighed about 255 in December 2006, and I worked my way down to 205lbs. And now I have ballooned back up to close to that weight which is the most I've ever weighed. I have always struggled with weight issues my entire life, and my parents are both fat slobs.

I have been lifting weights (weight training/bodybuilding) since I was 15 or 16 (I'm now 27), so I h

Montecore 13 years ago

Monte's Log, Featuring a Debate About Dotard Genetic Potential with an Ant

Brief Background
Long time lurker who recently registered. I'm 31 years old, 6'4", and 220 pounds. When I graduated college 10 years ago, I was the same height, but weighed 165 pounds. After college, I found the gym and packed on a lot of muscle over the subsequent 2 year period of working out, but did the typical broish bench/curl-centric exercise routine while rarely squatting or deadlifting (i.e. I maxed out at 330 benching and 235 squ

loco 11 years ago

Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile

Faster than Ever: Loco runs a sub5 Mile
kidcolin 15 years ago

Kidcolin's log: back to basics (plus neck harness)

After much pussyfooting around and just generally sucking at life, I finally got into lifting heavy stuff. Basic background:

27 years old
205 lbs

Good athlete in HS (soccer, basketball), always really skinny, ~150, probably 160-165 when I graduated. Put on a little weight in college but not much until my senior year where I was ~180. Fluctuated around 180 for a bunch of years. Eventually got up to ~200. Have fluctuated between 200-190 f

cha59 14 years ago

cha59's log

I posted a long story a while back. Basically, I'm 45, used to be pretty strong, had shoulder surgery, got fat and really out of shape which led to more injuries and all kinds of bad stuff.

Last July I was ~255 lbs and really out of shape & fragile. I hired a trainer & started working out. At first, cardio was all I could physically do. After a while I was able to do leg presses and a few other resistance things, but I wasnt able to squa

plaaynde 6 years ago

Complete Turnover


I visited H&F before but didn't feel it concerned me. Now that has changed. Trying to pop up what's left of my life. Some background: I quit nicotine in 1992. After that some attempts in leading a healthier life, regularly irregular. Got a gym card maybe ten years ago, sometimes didn't go there for a couple of years. I once dropped 10 lbs in one month counting calories for real, wasn't sustainable.

Now there seems to be things happening

The Yugoslavian 13 years ago

Yugo's SS and Basketball Log


Cha59 and a 2p2 lurker who is a friend of mine have both independently convinced me to change my current workout to include complex barbell lifts. This log is for that transition to SS-type stuff and also for me to do support things to help with the Rec basketball I play. For now, I'm not going to get into changing my nutrition significantly and I understand saying that is a red flag to smart posters but I'm okay with that for no

Parasense 3 months ago

119kg to below 96kg within 3 months (before September)

I'm a 39yo man.
1,98m tall, 119kg bw, skinny fat, with left over muscles from oly-turding until about 3 years ago...

This is not a goal, but simply my way to proceed.

I've been in the French Foreign Legion, hence why failure is not an opition. The question is not if i'll make it, but only how i get there...

Current stats:
- 16 clean push ups, nose to ground
- 4 clean pull ups, and 6 clean chin ups
- hardly able to walk stairs to 7th floor


Soulman 14 years ago

Soulman's RoFL and nomzies: vanity log


after mucking around with the Rapid Fat Loss diet (log here), I decided to stop screwing around and do SS properly. Warning: text ahead.

In my case, that means eating properly, 3k cals or so a day, sleeping properly (I suck at this) and foam roll religiously. That should help with the recovery problems I've had earlier. Particularly with the hip flexors (from what I've tried to find out, probably at the proximal insertion of the mu

astj 14 years ago

Jar of Peanut Butter Per Day

I've searched around and I can't find very much on Peanut Butter. People say its a good protein source and whatnot, but what about using it to gain weight like milk in the GOMAD diet? I don't know anything about diet or exercise, but peanut butter and milk seem to be almost equal besides the extra fat in peanut butter. Is this a problem? What would the effects be if I ate 1 18 oz jar of peanut butter per day for a couple of months? I'm 5'10

Thremp 16 years ago

Thremp - No More Fatties - The Return

I am kinda fat. Smiley can verify. While I have not yet joined the elitist ranks of old Dids of gobbo-"I'm a freak and a very weird dude who is also quite young"-boy, I am fatter than I like. I have also given up on my journey to get hooge. Part of this is 1) I'm lazy 2) My knee is bogus 3) I'm lazy. But I digress. First to cover my knee troubles. I've been having pain in my right knee. It happens sometimes when I squat. Sometimes when I lo