

guirodolfo 52 minutes ago

Error H2N3

System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (0x80004005): Access is denied at System.Diagnostics.Process.StartWithShellExecuteEx(ProcessStartInfo startInfo) at System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(ProcessStartInfo startInfo) at Hand2NoteCore.Integration.IntegrationHost.Start() at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown --- at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Th

whoamiii 2 days ago

Does GG Poker support real-time data capturing and HUD?

Does GG Poker support real-time data capturing and HUD?

Wilfram 13 hours ago

Importing .txt Files from CoinPoker to H2N

I have a .txt HH file (PLO4) that I am trying to import to a tracker. When I attempt to import these hands into H2N3 or H2N4, nothing happens. I don't get any error messages or anything, but the hands don't get imported. I've asked in a couple of discords and it seems like I should be ablw to do this. Am I missing a step like file conversion?

GCheng 2 days ago

H2N Wont Open - Crticical Error

System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (0x80004005): Access is denied
at System.Diagnostics.Process.StartWithShellExecuteEx(ProcessStartInfo startInfo)
at System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(ProcessStartInfo startInfo)
at Hand2NoteCore.Integration.IntegrationHost.Start()
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispa

CornerMerc 2 days ago

Understanding Database


I need to read the hand2note3 database for another app, specifically the winnings_summary in the player_pdi table. However, I don't know the decoding format. Could you help me understand this?


Andrii Plakhotnyi 2 years ago

How to post here?

This is an official Hand2Note support forum. Staff from Hand2Note provides customer support here.

Post here:

  • Questions about Hand2Note
  • Suggestions about Hand2Note
  • Bug Reports
PreflopWarrior 3 days ago


recently i had a bug ( i think is a bug) with the HUD:

A player's hud has moved off the table and can no longer be moved back into the table. I can only move it vertically as if it were on a rail.

It happens on Ipoker and Pokerstars.it but on 2 different seat

how can i resolve it?

GuGuGFBPA 3 days ago

Bug and H2n 3 not open

Hello guys! switching databases this bug starts to happen, over and over. rebooting doens´t change a thing, program does not open anymore.

Can u help me?


System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (0x80004005): Acesso negado
em System.Diagnostics.Process.StartWithShellExecuteEx(ProcessStartInfo startInfo)
em System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(ProcessStartInfo startInfo)
em Hand2NoteCore.Integration.IntegrationHost.Start()
em System.Thre

poroto 4 days ago

reinstall h2n

i want to uninstall h2n because i have a problem with the hud and then downloading it again. when i do this it doesnt get fully deleted because it still has the old data that i have problem with

Chinaski88 6 months ago

Hand2Note 4 does not work in Winamax ESCAPE tables


I am trying to import hands from Winamax, Escape tables, into Hand2Note4 but I am getting an error for hands after 19/01/2024. ("Failed to import hand")
From this day Winamax changed the name of these tables, which were previously called HOLD-UP, to ESCAPE. t seems that for this reason the file cannot be parsed correctly.
In Hand2Note 3 it works perfectly.
Can you review it or give me a solution to correct this bug?

Thank you.

Ojusto252226 6 days ago



What means BSS in the name of some stats ?

Scarmaker 6 days ago

HUD not working on PokerStars cash games/Zoom

1) HUD does not show up on PokerStars cash games including Zoom
2) Hands are being imported correctly
3) Tournament hud works well

Any fix?

Thank you very much!

Ojusto252226 6 days ago

Dynamic HUD - PMU


Dynamic hud doesn't work on PMU/windows. Juste positionnal Hud work. Is it because i don't use partycaption or because of the beta version ?

pepa87 7 days ago

Problem with Hand2Note Virus WIN32 Gamehack

Problem with Hand2Note Virus WIN32 Gamehack
jorjulnun 10 days ago

Winamax problem

Winamax is not tracking my hands. In the room it tells me that it is disconnected. Since H2N the Autoimport is correct, but suddenly it stopped tracking my hands and I can't find the error. Could you help me?

Jilano 1 month ago

PMU (partypoker network) isn't detected anymore

Hello, Hand2Note 4 isn't detecting PMU software and the HUD isn't working. Although the hand histories are properly imported, and detected in h2n "Sessions".

It seems the software isn't detected at all because I don't get the small H2N icon on the table.

The installation path is the default one. The room was properly detected before WSOP, the time is in CEST, the hands are saved in the default folder and the auto-import in h2n is properly set

Slugant 13 days ago

rake difference between trackers

Ive imported 135k hands of bet365 cash games to different trackers...
HM3 & PT4 says i paid € 9087 rake exactly
H2N says i paid € 6951 rake...

How can 2 other trackers say the exact same different number? And it cant be because they are missing hands because the rake is actually higher there.

Can I trust the rake paid number of H2N when it comes to bet365 cash game hands?

vxxtrdr 1 year ago

Can't export HH's from PT4 to H2N


I'm trying to send my HH's from PT4 to H2N but not having any success. I've tried just about everything..... Exporting from folder. Creating a separate file and trying to do it that way. Trying to import directly from the Database through POSTGRES. It appears to try and load something but nothing happens and the same blank green screen remains. When I click build stats nothing happens and I can't click "clear stats" which I assume mea

Lovemetwice 14 days ago

stat filter for buy in level

First thing first: your software is great.
Then the question:
Is it possible to filter a stat for the buy in?
If not, I was thinking to do a popup/hud profile, export it and then locking it for that buy in level only..would that do the trick?
I know it's possibile to do it in the report, but I would like to filter in the popup section

Jimbo24 17 days ago

Impossible de voir les courbes d'EV H2N4 gratuit


J'ai H2N4 depuis peu, je ne vois pas les courbes d'ev quand je joue en mtt !
Est ce que vous savez m'aider?
Pour info, j'ai la version gratuite, faut-il la version payante ?


ggwpnore 1 month ago

Hotkeys on Winamax don't work because of bug with Auto pop-up

Hello, I play on WM, using Playground and Shiva. 10 stacked tables.
"Auto pop-up(Multi-table)" option on WM is on, but when any slot with action is popped-up - i must left click with mouse on the table and only after that i can use hotkeys. I also noticed, that before i left click, slot has a thin yellow frame, although "active table border color"=none. After i left click - it disappears and hotkeys begin to work.
"Select table on mouse over

Pierrecan 20 days ago

H2N4 reports board textures


I searched and couldn't find the information.

I can select Flop Board but it will show only:
- Rainbow, Suited, Ace high, Paired, Summary.
Not bad, but I want more categories. I mean K high is very important, A high has so many different textures, and connectedness etc.
I can do a custom filter for that but will obviously filter as opposed to the aggregated report I'm looking for.

Btw, as a separate issue, on the custom filter, I've been u

Agak79 22 days ago

auto import not working on PartyPoker.es


I'm being using Hand2note 4 for some months on Pokerstars.es without any problem. I'm trying now partypoker.es but the autoimport function (and thus the HUD is not working). the folder is properly configured and the hand history is there, becouse if I manually select the folder to import, it works.

Slugant 22 days ago

green and red dots in front of player / won from hero question


in the player menu there is either a green or red dot in front of the player name
what does this distinction mean?
its not profit/loss or profit/loss from hero

also the number "won from hero" for me is not correct, its counting every pot they won even if its just me paying a big blind. If they then win a big pot it claims they won a big amount of hero but i want it just to say the amount they won from me (so in this case just the big blin

Andrii Plakhotnyi 2 years ago

Hand2Note 4 Beta Discussion: free keys for 2+2 members.

Discuss the latest Hand2Note 4 Beta update here.

If you need a key, please, register here https://beta.hand2note.com, and send me your email in the private messages.