Home Poker

Home Poker

petrify 3 months ago

Bomb pot suggestions?


I'm thinking of adding bomb pots into my home games, occasionally at least.
We sometimes do the 2-7 game, and a variation we call 'pineapple' (NLHE but with 3 cards, and you fold one card when the action is on you on the flop).

Anyway, I know how bomb pots work, but I recently bought some new Copag cards and got a bomb pot oversized chip aswell.
I'm looking for any fun ideas to implement this chip into the bomb pot?

At first I thought w

southernnuts 1 month ago

5/5 PLO - 5-way action and 2 of distracted dealer's cards end up in remainder of deck

5 ways to flop: 2 checks, I bet pot ($100), 1 call. Player in between caller and dealer spills his drink and dealer turns to help out. Somehow, 2 of his 4 cards end up in the remainder of the deck. We worked everything out with only 1 player complaining quite a bit, but first, what is the BEST way to resolve this while allowing action to continue?

tomshooter 5 months ago

Am I out to lunch on this?

A player at my game decided to have a tournament at his house for the first time. When the smoke cleared there were four people left with three being paid. I was knocked out fifth so I have no vested interest but I watch it unfold. After the bubble boy got knocked out the host asked if the people in the money wanted for give the bubble $20.00 each. One of the players said the time to ask was before the bubble burst and it was not fair to

BigBlue56 1 year ago

Our 'home' game

Current situation:

We play weekly at a local cigar shop.
Dealer's choice with a dealer ante.
Small stakes spread limit, table stakes-ish (occasionally we let a player do a minor freeroll by choosing to borrow enough to make a call or not).
No wild cards, but lots of non-traditional games.

Most popular games called:

2-3-5 Double board 5-card Omaha h/l where you can also play 3 cards up a column or 5 cards in your hand.

2-4-5 aka Boogaloo Single (

9eas 3 months ago

How to get Copag Wholesale account?

I am trying to get a Copag Wholesale account so that I can bulk purchase their decks to use in casual home games. I filled in and submitted the form on https://www.copagusa.com/pages/wholesale.... However I never got an email from them, nor did they respond to my email. Are Wholesale accounts only for commercial Casinos and Cardrooms? If so, are there any third-party websites that sell Copag cards at a more affordable price?

D_Redstone 5 months ago

Marked cards?

I play in a couple of low limit home games.
There are few regulars but lots of new players comes and go.
Yesterday we were 3 regulars and a new player waiting for everyone. It was his second time in this house (I haven't been when he came first)
We were preparing the chips, arranging the cards and shooting some ****. In this particular house we use two old Pokerstars deck (one red one black). The cards and the backs are faded . The new player

tomshooter 5 months ago

Is his a high hand?

Is a small house tournament (30 players) with a bad beat jackpot that must be won.

On a board of queen, queen, six, six five, One of the players tables his hand (queen five) and says he has high hand as queens over fives is better than what has been posted before and by declaring queens over fives he uses both cards. Others state correctly that cards count and his best hand is queens over sixes in which case he only used on card.

Who is ri

YanasaurBBQ 5 months ago

Is there a good app for an online home game?

If so, recommendations? Trying to play with friends in a bunch of different states

CesarSamp5 6 months ago

Can you envision enjoying poker home games with friends without the hassle of dealing?

Hello everyone!

A while ago I have asked on Reddit "How would you feel playing live poker w... and I got a few responses from the Poker community about it.

I kept trying to find an app that could potentially provide that experience and I could not. But this idea got stuck in my mind. Therefore, I've decided to build my own app with two other friends and finally we have a working product which is currently under

Grimstard 7 months ago

Is this the new state of home game poker?

Hello this is the artist formally known as the infamous Grimstarr.

This will likely be my one and only post on this forum as I’ve been banned more times than I can count and have just been lurking the past decade and expect the grudge holding mods to snap ban me after seeing this. Anyways I have a question regarding a local home game that may generate interesting discussion about what the poker community has devolved into over the past dec

Sisu41 6 months ago

Introducing Limit Games

I'm a college student who is home on the weekends and I want to know how I can show my friends limit games instead. I want to play Stud, Stud 8, Hold'em, Cray Pineapple etc. limit but idk if they'll understand or accept the change.

mariettabull 9 years ago

Official Home Poker LC/Open Thread

I played in a home game for the first time in over a month last night. Between holidays and the water pipe bursting in my friend's apartment, there wasn't much playing going on outside of disastrous trips to Cherokee (-500BB) and Ebro (-300BB). The game last night was sparked out of the Ingress community here and a number of folks wanting to do a cross-faction poker game (Ingress is an augmented reality game with two faction, Enlightened

Cheekysteve 8 months ago

How much should the dealer in my home game be getting payed?

Im hosting a home game soon in which I’m asking my friend to be the dedicated dealer, I am working/spending money on things to make the game better so it’ll be raked. But Im not sure what’s standard with dealers, does he get a a cut of the rake? If so how much? Or is he payed by the tips?

FaceplantWizzard 7 months ago

cheap poker games

I'm thinking about starting a home game. I have a table and a chip set. I was planning on inviting some old friends who used to play for quarters in a dealers choice game on a kitchen table.
I think the game could improve with a real table and a permanent game like hold'em.

But I don't know much about running the game. It will need to be cheap. I'm thinking 5 dollar buy in. How do you manage the cash and chips? What should the denominations

JackTen00 7 months ago

Your thoughts on this invite

So I've met and played with this guy in my local casino at a 1/1 cash game table (UK) and he seems... ok. Pleasant enough but at the same time, I'm not sure how much I trust the guy given how I've seen him **** talk people who have left the table (having been nice to their face).

Not sure what he makes of me. First time we played together I was stomping the table, but made a terrible loose play at the end of the evening that cost me about £

homegamerunner 8 months ago

High hand for quarterly League

For our league we do a high hand each quarter. Must use both hole cards with the exception that for quads you can use one hole card. I have made a request that we should do Quads or better using one hole card. Im assuming a straight flush or royal is still tougher to make regardless of using one or both hole cards. Opinions please?

Moofey 11 months ago

Tips on how to hold College Cash games on campus

Hi all,

I have created a club for poker at my college with the intent of holding meetings to go over strategy/hands etc. Many people have asked me to set up games so we can actually play. At first I wanted to hold them off campus, but my place is way too small to hold a game, so I decided to make them on campus games. Would there be any way to set up these games for money, but no money to be exchanged at the time of the game? I do not want t

shortedc 9 months ago

Question about forming a No Rake Home Poker Club in Ohio

Poker at Home
Citizens can legally play poker at home in Ohio so long as no one profits from conducting the game or hosting the games at their residences as per Section 2915.02(A)(2). If a rake is taken from the pot then the game becomes illegal. Also if players are earning more from home poker games than they are from any other source of income, then they would be violating Section 2915.02(A)(4) of the Ohio code.

Is it legal if I create a c

moginsburg 9 months ago

Premature turn card in Big O

So my home game plays 9 people and plays Big O. We do not utilize a burn card for the river. What do you do in a situation where there's action and 3 people in on the flop and the 4th person is thinking but the dealer burns and deals the turn?

Do you shuffle back the flop burn, turn burn, turn that came out and unseen river and mix those 4 cards together?

Same question if it's the river that's prematurely burned so then you only have 3 card

AK59 9 months ago

Poker Chipset

Hi, I’m trying to buy a new chipset for my home game. The slowplay chipset on Amazon looks really nice. Any reviews?

Also, is there a poker supply shop in Seattle where I can buy the stuff?
