Micro-Small Stakes Limit

Micro-Small Stakes Limit

DalTXColtsFan 15 days ago

Winstar $4/$8 KQo turns TP

Table is temporarily unusually tight - 4 or 5 players seeing every flop. Preflop raises are extremely rare - I have SEEN AA and KK get limped a couple times each.

2 limpers, I'm in MP with KQ:heart and I raise. Both blinds and both limpers call.

5 players, 10sb, flop J76

SB donks. I've seen this player bet a KK overpair and then just flat a flop raise and call down. BB folds, limpers call, getting 13 to 1 I feel fine closing the action for

killians3 2 days ago

KQo BB 4/8

Previous to this hand I saw V1 raise turn after flopping TPTK with AKo(limped pre) for context and similar with AQs(limped pre) on a turned Q board-I had raised pre with AQo and I called him down and we chopped. V2 was new to table so no history.

8 handed, I am in BB with KQo..

V1 limps, V2 calls, SB completes, I raise. Call, call, SB folds(lol) 3BB

Flop comes something like 974r. I bet out, call, call. 4.5BB

Turn is a Q, I bet , V1 raises,

killians3 yesterday

Low content alert they counted my streak

I usually start the first 4/8 table with some regs early on Sundays, today I show up and there is a overnight game still going with some of the degen regs.

4 of the players leave for a new 1/2 table and I get a seat.

I open a couple of hands and the degens start making fun of me for raising as I lose the first couple.

Then they start counting as my open-losing streak continues. And continues.

We counted up to 17 in a row. On the 18th I open

DalTXColtsFan 2 years ago

AA in a huge pot: Tough spot

Player immediately to my left is a maniac before the flop and on the flop but has a tendency to slow down once the turn comes out. Player 2 seats to my left has raised a couple draws on the flop and shown down the busted draw. Rest of the table is more or less SSHE standard.

I'm in the HJ with AA. 2 limps and I raise. Maniac 3-bets. Button, BB and limpers coldcall. I 4-bet, everyone calls.

Flop is 699r. 6 players. 12BB in the pot.

DalTXColtsFan 14 days ago

Winstar $4/$8 tough river spot with 2 pair

4 limpers, I'm on the button with T7 and I limp along, SB completes, BB checks.

I have a very narrow limpalong range on the button - I raise 66+, 87s+, Axs, K8s+, KJo+ along with all the preemies after 3 or more limpers, especially when I believe the blinds will call along with most of their range. That may be too tight, I need to rethink it and come back to this. I think this hand is just a shade too weak to try to limp along on the butto

killians3 19 days ago

4/8 turn made straight but also FD too passive?

8 handed pretty straightforward LP 4/8 crowd

4 limps to me in the SB , look down at 68o, I complete. BB checks.

Flops comes something like T57cc. I don't have a club. I check, check, UTG bets, UTG+1 call, call, fold, I call. Without the 2 clubs I CR here. 5.5 BB

Turn is the 4c completing my straight and the flush. I check, UTG bets, call, fold, I call. 8.5 BB

River is a blank. UTG checks, now UTG+1 bets. I call, UTG calls.

DalTXColtsFan 15 days ago

Winstar $4/$8 big blind special

5 limpers, SB completes, I'm in the BB with 37 and I check.

7 players, 7bb, flop 456:diamond.

SB is a serial checker-in-the-dark. For some reason I end up sitting to his left quite often so I often "act first" when I'm in the BB. Obviously I bet. 4 callers. SB checkraises. I 3-bet. 2 cold-callers, SB caps, coldcallers call.

4 players, 10bb, turn J

SB bets. I raise. 1 coldcaller, SB calls.

3 players, 16bb, river 9

SB bets. I raise. coldca

DalTXColtsFan 8 days ago

Naked backdoor draws

I want to make sure I'm not folding too much when I flop backdoor draws and not much else.

3 limps, I'm on the button with JTs and I raise, both blinds and all limpers call, flop is A65r giving me a BDFD. SB donks, 2 callers. If my count is correct I'm getting 15 to 1. I have the BDFD and absolutely nothing else, so I have 1.5 outs. This feels like a call since I'm closing the action and can safely fold on the turn if I don't improve. I

killians3 12 days ago

4/8 flopped nut flush from BB

Standard 4/8 table 8 handed. I am BB.

Something like 5 limps and SB completes, I look down at A7s and raise, all calls.

Flop comes something like 952 of my suit. I figure with this many players someone hit something.

SB checks, I check planning to CR (d'oh?) Checks around. Well, that sucked,

Turn pairs the 5. SB checks, I bet, one call, old white guy who plays the Mix games usually Raises. Did he check the monotone flop with a set?

Folds to

mongidig 9 years ago

Pre flop check up posts.

I thought it would be helpful to start an ongoing thread where people can post pre flop situations they have questions about. I realize that what once may have been a fold could be a call these days. Hopefully we can hone in on what the winners are doing these days

Provide relevant reads, position, image, number of players, what game etc. If you can explain the reasoning behind your response that would be great.

I'll start with a couple. 8/16

DalTXColtsFan 1 month ago

Swings in LHE, 4/8 or otherwise

When I looked back through my records I was surprised to see I've actually only played about 500 hours TOTAL of live LHE since 2012. I thought, "that can't POSSIBLY be right", but without boring everyone with the details, I do believe it's pretty close to correct.

When I first started learning to play LHE I had people warning me that the downswings can be pretty brutal. I had one guy tell me he's gone on downswings of over $1000 at $4/$8 L

killians3 19 days ago

4/8 Capped Pre SB with 78s

8 handed, mix of loose passive and 1 or 2 more aggro.

UTG fold, limp, Mp raise, call, Fishy V call, BTN 3!, I look at 78 and Cap, figuring it will be capped anyway and I am not folding. BB folds. 1 more fold, 4 calls.

5 way flop, 10 ish BB

Flop is bingo, 456 with 2

I lead, 3 calls, BTN raises, I 3!, 2 folds, V ccs and BTN calls. V has a wide range Pre, he loves his little connectors, suiteds and any pair, could have a set, draw, 2P or a

killians3 19 days ago

4/8 JTs turn raise with big draw?

8 handed, relatively LP table

2 limps to me in MP, I have JT, I raise, fold ,BTN call, SB call, Taggish asian lady BB 3!, 1 calls 1 fold to me, I call, call, call. 6 way flop 9.5 BB 19 bb

Flop is A93 with one

SB checks, BB bets, call, I have a BDFD and BDSD and getting 21:1 call. BTN and SB fold. 3 way to the turn, 12.5 BB

Turn is the 8. Now have the FD and OESD.

BB bets, call, I raise.

asmitty 22 days ago

Bike 20/40 - I Fold TPTK

I open AKo under the gun and an elderly tag Korean woman 3bets the CO. BTN calls 3 cold, blinds fold, I cap, both call.

Flop KT3r. I bet and both call.

Turn 3 putting up a FD. I bet, CO calls, BTN folds.

River Jr. I bet and CO instantly raises. I sigh and fold.

killians3 1 month ago

When the table gets crazy-too loose?

4/8 lhe, table has been good, 2 buddies drinking and having fun, loose mostly passive play, lots to flop etc.

Then one of the UTG buddies decides to get a little crazy, announces he is playing blind and will cap all the way . Laggy CO says 'lets do it"

UTG raises blind, Tight old man calls, I look at A6s, buckle in and 3!, fish to my left calls, CO caps blind , UTG, old man calls.

I flop the nut draw, it is capped flop and turn. I miss, fish

killians3 27 days ago

ATs SB with LAGS and fishes oh my 4/8 with full kill

I had table changed to this very active table, it was adjacent to my old table which was dead and no action. I knew most of the players and the pots were good so I moved expecting some craziness.

A few hands in 7 handed I am UTG with 99, I open LAG next to me 3!, 2 or 3 fish types cold call, LAG fish in BB cold caps. I pray to the poker gods for a 9 on the flop and call, calls all around.

Flop is K73r, BB checks, I bet, LAG raises, fish cal

killians3 1 month ago

Drooler raises me OTR, nut flush, paired board 4/8 LHE

I think I need to fold here against this V.

V is a drooler, playing 90% of hands, seeing most rivers. he has hit against me a couple times in a few hours and I have dragged him to the river a couple of times.

He is aggressive in spots but not too ool.

He open limps from MP folds to SB who calls I am in BB see A8 I raise, call call.

Flop comes QQ3 2

SB checks, I bet, call call. 4.5 BBish

Turn is the 9 bringing me the flush.

SB checks, I bet, V

DalTXColtsFan 1 month ago

Fourth club hits the river

This is from a videogame but I'm sure this situation could come up in a live 4/8 game. I'm also going to admit that I'm posting this prior to doing any Flopzillaing - when I get around to that I'll post the results later.

UTG raises, 3 coldcallers, I'm on the button with 79 and I call. SB coldcalls BB calls.

7 players, 14sb, flop AJ6.
SB checks, BB bets, 4 callers, I raise, SB coldcalls, BB 3!, 4 coldcallers, I 4!, everybody calls.

7 players,

DalTXColtsFan 1 month ago

The preflop limping "trap"

I am a serial raiser in late position when there are multiple limps to me - I will raise almost any hand that either has a clear equity advantage or would benefit from seeing a 4-card flop. This includes suited connectors, suited aces, any 2 broadways and pocket pairs.

I've posted before that in the games I play, a raise is exactly QQ+/AK a significant if not large percentage of the time. In my last session even THOSE hands were getting op

mongidig 1 month ago

88's in capped pot.

The LJ has been at the table for an hour. He has open limped and over limped several hands. He has raised once and had KK's. He is a mid 50's guy.

The SB is a Lag pre but plays reasonably post flop.

I should have a tight image.

The LJ opens, CO calls, I 3 bet from the button with 8s8h, SB calls, folded back to LJ who caps and all call. I didn't feel great about 3 betting and was not shocked when he capped. My gut told me his open raise was

DalTXColtsFan 1 month ago

When you suspect AA might be out there

UTG+1, MP and HJ are all players I've played with for years and have varying degrees of holes in their games.
BB is someone I'd never played with before and said he was sitting our game while he was waiting for his NL seat to open.
UTG+1, MP and HJ all limp. I'm BTN with AK and I raise. SB coldcalls. BB says, "16". The dealer of course had to correct him and say 12. Everybody coldcalled. When action got to me I said, "*I* am going to ra

DalTXColtsFan 5 months ago

Flopped nut flush - slowplay?

UTG and UTG+1 limp, I'm in MP with A5 and I limp. CO, BTN and SB call, BB checks.

I flop a nut flush. UTG checks, UTG+1 bets.

This feels like a textbook slowplay. The pot is not big (8 small bets minus rake, BBJ and future tip). There are 5 players to act behind me. My only real threat is if someone flopped a set, and that's really rare. This seems like a trivial call. I'm hoping someone behind me - preferably UTG - has a smaller flush

killians3 2 months ago

Find a fold? JTo live 4/8

4/8 lhe live, game is pretty quiet, some new younger guys just joined, playing somewhat smart but passive and loose

V is MA asian lady, loose somewhat aggro.

3 limps to me, I am in CO with JTo, I limp, V limps from the BTN, blinds call. 7 way action, 3.5 BB

Flops comes T52r

Checks to me, I bet, V raises, 2 cold calls, I close out the action getting 14:1 I call. 7.5 BB

Turn is a 7 checks to me, I check V bets, 2 calls..again I close out the act

killians3 1 month ago

Sitting to the left of a self-described Pro for 6 hours at 4/8

White guy, 35-40 maybe? Usually playing NL, tourneys or mix games, I have seen him around but not paid much attention.

Has a 'uniform' hat, sunglasses, zip up sweat shirt hoodie. I have had him at my table 3 times that I remember, looser pre but playing very well post. Never saw him add chips(that I noticed) or get felted. Small sample size of course. I recalled him because one of the times I was running stupid hot and he was folding alo

killians3 1 month ago

Jam and jam some more? JTh 4/8 live

These spots give me trouble. Too much MUBsy probably.

Great table in general but In flux as a couple new players just joined. V is experienced older reg player I have only played with a couple times. he was new to table.

I am in MP 7 handed.

Terrible lady limps, I look down at JTh and raise, V on BTN 3 bets, SB folds, New to table BB seems slightly drunk, calls, lady calls, I call. 6 BB

Flop is Kx9h5h

Checks to me I check, BTN bets, call, c