Is reading the Wall Street Journal and Financial Times every day a good use of time?

Is reading the Wall Street Journal and Financial Times every day a good use of time?

Hey guys,

Marc Andreessen, a pretty famous billionaire venture capitalist, recommends reading the Wall Street Journal and Financial Times cover to cover every single day for people who are relatively new/beginners to the world of finance/money/investing/stock markets/financial literacy etc. (me)

Do you guys agree? Would this be a good use of time?

25 December 2015 at 05:21 AM

1 Reply

by rivercitybirdie P

i will note that in jobs where you manage money or service those who do that you are often expected to know about all the noise (like going in front of a client committee). unless you are pure quant shop or something like that.

Couple of decades back, I coached a stock analyst friend of mine on what to say when someone brought up a point that was contrary to what he was recommending. The key phrase is "Yes, but the market's already priced that in." He made a good career for himself on the back of that.
