TSLA showing cracks?

TSLA showing cracks?

With TSLA going in the past few days from 130 to 110 and now back up to 120, it seems the market is a bit on edge about this stock. They report earnings on the 23rd, and with the incredible run up it's had in the past 3 months (40-->120) I get the feeling that if they don't blow people away this stock has the potential to crack pretty violently.

With articles coming every day for and against TSLA, I generally believe it to be vastly overblown stock. They are never going to be able to sell enough cars at $80k to be extremely profitable, and 5 years is a long time to wait with no profits for the time they supposedly have a $40k model that will ready for mainstream.


18 July 2013 at 02:27 AM

102 Replies



At the recent World Robot Conference in Beijing, myriad companies showed up with bots in tow. Robots were making food, playing instruments, even challenging kids at board games. Tesla, however, did nothing of the sort — instead leaving Optimus trapped behind glass.

the age of teslabot is upon us

by smartDFS P


the age of teslabot is upon us

Thanks for sharing. I love how the below video cuts right away after describing the Optimus bot, lolz:

per WSJ elon's now pitching TSLA sharing half its future FSD revenue with xAI... you know, the private company elon spun up and diverted all the NVDA chips to saying TSLA didn't need them.

anyone else would immediately be under SEC investigation for this **** but i guess his strategy of openly trolling them results in perma-immunity? good thing TSLA investors dgaf
