Micro-Small Stakes Limit

Micro-Small Stakes Limit

DalTXColtsFan 3 months ago

Hypothetical flopped set

We have 22 in the BB. An aggressive player who c-bets a lot of flops raises UTG. 2 cold calls, the SB folds and we call. Just for the sake of discussion let's say all 3 villains are prone to call one small bet on the flop with just about anything.

4 players, 4BB, flop comes K72r.

EDIT: Were this a 4-way limped pot, I'd want to bet out rather than miss an opportunity to build a pot with a monster. The pot being a raised pot instead, I'm s

DalTXColtsFan 7 months ago

The "one overcard" thread

One spot where I often find myself questioning how to continue is when the flop puts one overcard to my pocket pair on the board.

Starting with the specific case where I have KK and an A flops, I feel like such a pessimist assuming I must be behind when I face any action at all, but it's often true, especially when there are at least 2 other people seeing the flop with me. If my math is right, the probably that nobody got dealt an ace at

killians3 3 months ago


4/8 Game usual suspects.

9 players, 3 limps to me AKo OTB, I raise, SB folds, BB calls, 3 more calls. 5 BB

Flop is something like J83r

3 checks, player to right bets, I raise, folds to better who calls. 7BB

turn is a brick, check to me, do I barrell and also the river UI?

killians3 3 months ago

4/8 AK SB

V1 is a not very good player, V2 is pretty solid postF but plays too many hands up front.

V1 opens, V2 3 bets, folds to me in SB, I look down at AKo, I cap, call call. 6 BB pot

Flop is AQTr. I bet, call call. 7.5 BB

Turn is a 7, bringing 2 of a suit.

I bet V1 calls, V2 raises

Getting 11 to 1 I have to call with the gutshot to likely nuts and call 1 river bet no matter what? Possible V2 or V1 have the straight already but lots of other hand

killians3 4 months ago

4/8 loose table AA

V is a young AA girl who I played with on another table prior to this one, she seemed somewhat new to live poker and asked some dumb questions but also know how to raise, but seemed to do it on later streets. She very much wanted to see cheap flops and was playing a wide range. Pretty sure she busted on this table and must have come back to play on the other table.

She seemed to genuinely have trouble reading boards and got slaughtered on a

killians3 4 months ago

schizo table, A7s felt awkward the whole way

Table had been a bit schizo, with about every 4th pot 3 bet or capped. Others just limped but several players calling all the way.

For awhile it was like the glory days where 6-8 were seeing the flop, almost always calling my raises,etc.

8 handed as someone just left. I felt lost in this hand and want some feedback.

UTG folds, loose UTG+1 calls, I am next and limp with A7 uber loose player next to me calls, call, BTN raises, LAGy SB who like

killians3 4 months ago

Standard ?

4/8 game, I Am EP Fold to me

Look at AA I raise, folds to loose but somewhat tricky SB who calls and somewhat aggro monkey in BB calls.

Flop is KQ8r

Checks to me I bet.

Turn is a 2 bringing a heart draw

Checks to me I bet, SB raises, BB insta calls. There 9 BB in the pot for me to call one more. I put SB on2TP, or a set of 8s. Put BB on 2P, or FD

I tank briefly and fold.

killians3 4 months ago

500 hours Live 4/8 results and lessons

I came back to live LHE last year after about 15 years away as I was busy with family and career.

As I wind down to retirement I want to (eventually) play profitably at a decent size game.

Results below include promos but not my $500 in free food. About 30 hands/hr so about 15k hands total.

I still have a few years to build up to this.

lessons learned mixed with results:

1.Low stakes has changed from 15 years ago
1a. I came back, played ABC TAG

DalTXColtsFan 4 months ago

Turn spot with 99

3 limpers, we're on the button with 99 and we raise. SB calls, BB 3!, one limper calls, we call, SB calls.

7bb, 4 players, flop J33

SB checks BB bets, limper calls, we ?

It's a shame we can only put one villain in a position to have to call two bets cold, and SB will still be getting 9 to 1 which is actually not a bad price to chase a 6-out draw (though it's a worse price than 17 to 1). BB could easily have unpaired overcards. We're on the

DalTXColtsFan 7 months ago

Revisiting SSHE (the book) in 2024

I'm probably going to be getting back into poker this year. We'll see if life throws curveballs at me to prevent it, but it looks like I'll be playing regularly for the first time since early summer 2019.

Since most of the poker I play is live SSLHE, I dusted off my old copy of SSHE intending to re-read it from cover to cover several times.

DISCLAIMER: I haven't read the "preflop checkup spots" post yet 😃

I remember a lot of debates about h

killians3 4 months ago

QTo in the CO

Don't remember every detail of this hand, but would like general feedback.

4/8 game. SB is new to table but very loose and passive, BB is pretty aggressive PF and I have seen him take shots at pots with missed draws or marginal holdings.

I am in the CO with QTo. 3 limps to me, I limp BTN limps, Blinds call/check.

Flop is T high and pretty dry. SB checks, BB bets, one caller, 2 folds, I raise, BTN folds, SB calls 2 cold, BB calls, other playe

DalTXColtsFan 4 months ago

LHE vs. NL

This thread is one example of why I literally may never take up full- or deep-stacked NL (short-stack NL yes, absolutely - full or deep? Forget it):


In LHE, you're showing down your nut straight 100% of the time and not losing a second of sleep if the other guy made a flush. In low-stakes no-limit, the percentages say this is an "easy"

killians3 4 months ago

4/8 full kill big blinds play

I am slowly plugging leaks in my game after my 10 -year break from the game. Amazing how many bad habits came back.

My local casino 4/8 is a full kill, and I sometimes question my standards in kill pots. Focused on blind play below

I typically tighten up slightly because of the unpredictability of the kill players. I also will loosen my raising hands with position and 1 or 2 limpers.

Also consider the position of the kill and who I am playing

DalTXColtsFan 6 months ago

Winstar $4/$8 rivered baby flush

4 limpers, I'm in the SB with 56 and I complete, BB raises, everyone calls.

Flop 782 6bb

BB bets, 2 callers, I raise, BB and callers call

Turn: K, 10bb

I bet out, 3 callers

River: Q 13bb

Plan for river? Not a lot of reads at this point, sometimes someone bets the river and everyone calls, sometimes someone bets the river and everyone folds. So far raises seem to be the nuts.

If I bet and get raised I'm going to have to make a cursing call and lo

DalTXColtsFan 4 months ago

Playing against a loose raiser or straddler/3-better

In the SSHE book, in the section "Cold-Calling Raises with Medicore Hands" there's the text "When someone raises, it typically indicates a strong hand" and there's a footnote that says "Obviously, you will occasionally run into an opponent who raises with a wide range of hands. We will discuss later how to handle these players." I didn't see anything anywhere in the book that described how to deal with these kinds of players. Am I missin

killians3 5 months ago

LagTard playback-not sure of my line

Villian is a LAG borderline maniac but usually only with draw hands. There are very few of these types in my games and I have little experience with them.

Earlier session he opens with Axs, I 3 bet with AKo, he calls. HU, he bets blank flop into me, I raised, he called. He bets turn(picked up his draw on the turn) and river, I call him down and scoop with my kicker. Witnessed several hands like this, some he hit, most he missed. He lost 2

killians3 5 months ago

4/8 w full kill Btn AKo facing LRR

Pretty sure I misplayed this. Not a kill pot.

2 limpers to me , I am on BTN AKo

I raise, tight SB calls, loose BB calls, call, MP 3 bets , I call, all calls. Putting MP on QQ+, maybe AK-AQs based on read, not a great feeling. MP plays a wide range and chases but does not raise very often and 3 bets even less. Pot is 7.5 BB

Flop is QTx 2 spades. MP starts talking, common thing for him to affect action. Checks to him, he bets, I call, SB

PrGarland 5 months ago

BB multi way

$4/8 Good table with 5-6 seeing flops and people cold calling liberally preflop.

EP(decent regular) open limps, MP(widest range possible from this guy pre), LP (reasonable player)raises, SB calls raise short for all in, I am in BB with 9c4c--I call.

9s 3c 4h

I bet, EP calls, MP raises, LP calls raise, I call, EP calls.


I check, EP checks, MP bets, LP calls, I call.

killians3 5 months ago

4/8 kill pot 3 way fold the river?

Yes this is a bad beat post but it relates to my AK post because it was a 3 way pot and I am wondering I am overcalling muiltway rivers.

Full kill pot so 8/16. I am SB

Kill is EP. UTG loose asian MA woman loves kill pots calls, quiet Asian male button raises, he has raised his BTN a couple of times, the only time I saw his cards after a BTN raise it was something like Q7s or worse.

I look down at JJ and 3 bet. Tight BB folds his AKo(he t

DalTXColtsFan 6 months ago

Quick Software Review: World Class Poker with T.J. Cloutier

If you go to the website Wild Tangent Games (which is similar to Steam for those more familiar with Steam), they have an old game for purchase called World Class Poker with T. J. Cloutier for ten bucks. It runs fine on a Windows 10 machine - I've had a few hiccups with it, but one or two reboots and reinstalls and they seem to have gone away. I haven't tested it on Windows 11.

The reason I bring it up in this specific forum is it does have

DalTXColtsFan 5 months ago

Super sick river 4/8

We are on the button with AQ. UTG raises, MP calls, we 3!, SB folds, BB calls, UTG 4!, MP calls, we call.

4 players, 8bb, flop Q98

BB checks, UTG bets, MP calls, we raise, BB calls, UTG calls, MP calls

4 players, 12bb, turn 7

checks to us and we bet. Everyone calls.

4 players, 16bb, river 6

BB checks, UTG bets. If it were heads up I'd snap-sigh-call but there are 2 more villains to act behind us. If we call here, how can we call a raise?

DalTXColtsFan 6 months ago

Flopping a vulnerable two pair

Early in a session but seems like a prototypical SSHE table so far.

MP+2 limps, HJ limps, I'm in CO with JT and I raise. BTN 3!. BB and both limpers call, I call.

5.5bb, 5 players, flop is AJT. Checks to me, I check, BTN bets, BB and MP+2 fold, HJ calls, I call.

I see no reason to donk the flop, and I see no reason to raise the c-bet. There are a LOT of turn cards that could cripple my hand. This seems similar to the "Two Overpair Hands" s

Sisu41 6 months ago

3/6 Turning Stone

I'm planning on going to the WSOP Circuit Event at Turning Stone. I've never played live before so I wanna start with Limit Hold'em. Is 3/6 a good game and how much should I buy in for?

DalTXColtsFan 6 months ago

Top pair, donked into on river

Prototypical SSHE table for the most part.

4 limpers, I'm in the CO with QJ and I raise. BB and all limpers call.

6bb, flop 7J3:club

BB donks. 3 callers, I raise, everyone calls.

11bb, turn 4

checks around to me, I bet, everyone calls

16bb, river 7

Checked to the player on my right who donks.

I most certainly would have bet had the donker not donked. Now that the donker has donked, I'm not even considering a fold unless there's a raise *and* a r

DalTXColtsFan 6 months ago

Bottom pair scenarios

Hypothetical scenarios here.

3 limpers, I complete in the SB with 56s, BB checks. Flop is K95r. 2.5bb pot, 5 players.

1. Do I even consider betting out? I'm thinking no way.

2. If BB bets, there's no raise and I'm closing the action, how many callers do I need to chase my 5-out draw (that on this board is much more likely to be good than on a more coordinated board)? If all 3 limpers call I'll be getting 9 to 1, that seems like enough to