Can a friend film my play in tournaments?
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Can a friend film my play in tournaments?

In tournaments such as the WSOP, can a companion stand right next to me while I am playing at a table and film my gameplay? If an approval of some sort is required, what credentials do they ask for? Will I get a pass by saying that this filming will be my first video, or do I need to establish a considerable following first?

29 May 2024 at 04:27 PM

2 Replies

by 9eas k

In tournaments such as the WSOP, can a companion stand right next to me while I am playing at a table and film my gameplay? If an approval of some sort is required, what credentials do they ask for? Will I get a pass by saying that this filming will be my first video, or do I need to establish a considerable following first?

I don’t think so . But you can try with tournament director to get your friend a special photographer badge or something.

In 2021 at the Main Event I saw a Japanese Player had someone with camera 🎥 ( and some kind badge )filming the play.

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For actual long term recording of you playing, you would need a press pass. Pretty sure they have internal rules and such to acquire the pass and to comply with while recording. It’s just too easy to cheat without proper vetting and standards in place.

That being said, he can probably get some video here and there for some passing shots but they absolutely won’t let him just stand there recording the whole time.
