Video Games

Video Games

DisRuptive1 4 months ago

No one's talking about Balatro on a Poker forum?

It's kind of fun. Easier to hit your flush.

evil twin 14 years ago

Let's talk about Stream and buy mountains of games

I thought we might like to have a Steam offers catch-all thread, and maybe even any general discussion about the service.

Like many of us here I have been using Steam since it first appeared with Half Life 2. Initially it seemed pointless and intrusive, but we put up with it because, well, we needed to play CS:S and HL2. Over the years I have found myself buying more and more from Steam and now I pretty much exclusively buy my games there.

JuntMonkey 12 years ago

Review the Last Game You Finished

Title is self-explanatory. Feel free to just "rate" if you don't want to review.

Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood (PS3) - 9.5/10

I already wrote about this in one of the AC threads, but I was really surprised at how much I liked the game. AC2 bored the hell out of me after about 15 hours and took me 25 total with DLC (which there is no way to skip since I had the complete edition). Brotherhood took me exactly 15 hours and then I spent an extra 6

Suigin406 14 years ago

Starcraft 2 (GAME IS NOW FREE!)

Hey, figured we could have a thread in which we could post our random BBV's from games that we play in. Ownage/rapes, bitches and just weird stuff imo.

ZachShalack420 8 years ago

Any "Retro-gamers" out there?

Currently going back on my NES and beating all the Mega Mans(besides one cause I HATE that game.. lol)

Any other retro-gamers here at 2+2??

liming1237 1 month ago

Louisiana doubles video poker

Years ago, played Louisiana doubles video poker, now it's hard to see where you can play this video game? Do not know what strategy, who knows, tell me

AUGUY55 9 months ago

Grand Theft Auto 6

goofyballer 11 years ago

Europa Universalis IV: Greatest game of all time

Europa Universalis IV: Greatest game of all time
chuckleslovakian 11 years ago

Summer Games Done Quick 2024

Every year the members of get together to do a marathon run of games to raise money for charity. It starts at 1:00 PM EST today and runs all week. The schedule is listed here.

July 2024 Link

I'm guessing the stream will be going on here.

Surprisingly addicting to watch. All the players they have are sick good, and they like to show off with other random challenges.

Link to 2012 and bef

wineandpound 1 year ago

Esports is dying but...

Seems like Esports is dying because they can't find a sustainable business model. Although I have one for them, players should compete as we compete in poker, which sounds sustainable.


recallme 16 years ago

Your Top games ever

I am not sure if there was a thread like that before.
I am just interested what your favorite games are.
You can choose from every console (PC) too and name the games you liked best, of course you can choose more than one.
My favorite Pc game: Diablo2
Nintendo multiplayer: Mario Cart

goofyballer 16 years ago

We should have a "random ****" thread in this forum imo

Frequently I have questions or want to talk about something that doesn't really warrant its own thread.

For example, once I finish Metroid Prime 3, the last game I got w/ my Wii that I've yet to play is Zelda. I've never played any Zelda games before. Would you guys recommend I play Ocarina on VC first? Or any other Zelda games?

Jetto 13 years ago

The JRPG Discussion Thread

Disclaimer* This is not a ****ty ass WesternRPG thread. get that **** out of here. If you want to talk about crap i.e oblivion, Fallout and what have you. Just go away.

I think I had a really great childhood growing up. Through grade school I was able to live in a neighborhood where if it were a sunny day out. We would all go outside and do something. Whether it was playing soccer,whiffleball, building forts, nerf gun battles, or whatever

MizrachiPoker 8 months ago

NHL 97 on Sega Genesis: Can you still play this online?

This post is a bit of a fantasy, but I'm just seeing if there is any chance to make it reality.

I used to love playing NHL 97 for the Sega Genesis. Is there any way to play this with other people online at this day and age? I am really removed from the video game world and have been for years. The last system I owned was the PS1. So I'm just seeing if anyone can point me in the right direction to re-live my Sega Genesis glory. Thanks.