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About the Forums

parisron 4 months ago

Today seeing new posts in subs that aren't there?

In multiple subbed threads, I see new posts there and they are not there when I click it and won't clear.

What is going on?

zrap 7 months ago

Does anyone know where to find some good call girls?

Asking for a friend.


Dr. Meh 5 months ago

How does 2+2 forum make money?

I don’t see many ads and membership is free. How does the site make money?

Mike Haven 16 years ago

"What to do if you've been banned" sticky - Discussion thread

Thank you very much, citanul, for the sticky, above.

I am certain a few ATFers will want to chat about it for a while, so here's the place to do it.

TucoSalamanca 5 months ago

Could the high stakes thread fit better to somewhere else than NVG?

I’m a long time 2+2er, I have been reading these forums for 10-15 years. NVG used to be a place where you would find the funniest memes and many threads got derailed in creative and funny way.

Nowadays NVG is just full of stuff about cheaters and scammers, people are only arguing and talking bad about other users, only thing I like to read is the High Stakes thread.

But I click on the other topics as well, and in a way I’m silently contributi

StoppedRainingMen 6 months ago

The politics subforum is a sideshow of stupidity moderated by a clown

I’ve been advised to take grievances to ATF

Your mod has explicitly stated the truth is not a priority. Decorum to people who don’t want to engage in the truth on the other hand is

Either shut this forum down or make it unchained again so people can air their grievances appropriately without fear of disproportionate reprisal. Browser is wholly unfit to moderate it

Dr. Meh 7 months ago

What’s the deal with so many banned members from back in the day?

When you read old threads, a large number of active users at that time are now banned.

Were they banned for being scammers? Self-banned? Mouthing off to the mods? Obviously, it’s a combination of all those things but at the same time, that seems like an awful lot of previous users who fall into those categories.

Is poker just that full of degenerates that it’s just a matter of time before a good chunk of people are banned for shady things? Is

ethbtc88 7 months ago

Intervention request

First off I want to note some great things:

I presume this moderator could just ban me. They haven't. They haven't done anything at all besides issue verbal warnings. They seem to be bending over backward - along with devoting a lot of their own time - to try and avoid things escalating. So big props to them on that. That's awesome modding.

But it appears we are rapidly heading toward escalations and I'd like to avoid that.

At this point the

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SimpleRick 10 months ago

Moderator Bobo Fett

I have a problem with the moderator Bobo Fett. Why is my account Rich Checkmaker banned? It makes absolutely no sense. If I'm not allowed to be here, why am I posting from this account right now? Here I am, yet my account Rich Checkmaker is banned? When I ask Bobo for it to be unbanned he sends me a screenshot of me badmouthing the mods on this site. But then why am I allowed to post from this account badmouthing the mods? How does a

Facts! 8 months ago

Are posters still getting banned for disagreeing with Mason?

Heard about a new big scandal potentially at GG, so checked out NVG to get the details.

Just a few posts into this thread I see a poster (with join date 2019) having 3 posts in a back and forth with Mason and he is now "banned".

His last post according to his post history was this:


So is this still the same old lame rule that

009285832 7 months ago

Is there a light mode for this website?

Is there a way to get rid of the black layout. I find it's not easy on the eyes. Thanks.

ossie 7 months ago

youtube and twitter posts

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monikrazy 8 months ago

What's Going on with Omaha Forum Coaching Dispute?

Hi all,

Is the moderation team aware of the situation in the Omaha strategy forum? It's been reported in both the 'Coaches & Schools' forum and the Omaha strategy forum.

The relevant coaching thread and omaha thread are linked below:


To summarize:
A community member [DumbosTrunk] has

Meisner 8 months ago

ganstaman not the unhinged one after all

The man issues me infractions for merely having an opinion and expressing it. In a thread where people constantly attack me, call me all sorts of vicious names, some even threaten to do me harm, I get an infraction for suggesting the thread would be better if he stopped posting in it since he doesn’t contribute anything.
I guess people with thin skin shouldn’t be moderators.

AlanBostick 2 years ago

How and to Whom Do I Report Spammers in my PMs?

In the forums there is a widget we can click on to report problem post to moderators. There is no such widget for PMs.

Who are we supposed to contact in order to have spamming vermin doused with Raid Ant and Roach Killer?

[QUOTE=ReadsEnhancer]hey man, on the 2+2 thread I saw you are playing on Ignition... when you are looking for more Rakeback, I may can help you because I can convey some affiliate RB deals for sites like ignition/bovada/bodo

the123 kiddd 12 years ago

How do I pm someone?

Just starting to post and wondering how I pm someone?