Im so upset

Im so upset

I dont know what to do i seem to have been completely out of touch lately in poker. I typically play nlhe but i cant even play for more than 10 min without feeling as though i cant keep up with the rest of the people at my tables…i tried switching to plo and it really helped a lot! But every time i go back to nlh i still feel this strange absence of hand reading ability and general malaise at the poker table…

11 April 2024 at 03:13 AM

13 Replies

have you tried mixing in butt plugs?

Have you tried trying

you might have depression

by Tuma P

you might have depression

Unlikely as i dont feel out of touch in life just in poker

perhaps you'd be less upset if you relaxed and didn't send threatening dms to people

by rickroll P

perhaps you'd be less upset if you relaxed and didn't send threatening dms to people

Sorry got a bit carried away

by rickroll P

perhaps you'd be less upset if you relaxed and didn't send threatening dms to people

Also rip oj

by charades P

Also rip oj

that's the spirit

Perhaps when you return to nlh, you're putting too much pressure on yourself. Consider taking a short break or revisiting the fundamentals to clear your mind.

Strange but true i seem to now be very much more comfortable playing plo than nlhe…no idea

Maybe go down a level. Or try folding every single hand for an hour (even aces).

Some people don't like the adrenaline of poker, investing and sports betting. It gives them a sick feeling. You are probably one of those people.

Spend your time doing other things that you enjoy.

Also, poker is an emotional rollercoaster in general.

You are constantly winning, losing, winning, losing... if it's not effecting your mental health in some kind of a way you are a robot.
