Russian Invasion of Ukraine

Russian Invasion of Ukraine

More purges in Russia for being too patriotic:


The memo follows one leaked last month which denounced Igor 'Strelkov' Girkin and other "hurrah-patriots" as a threat to the Kremlin. Solovyov's TV show on the Russia-1 channel was denounced for hosting a nightly "gang rape of the authorities".

The new memo, published by the VChK-OGPU Telegram channel, is in much the same vein. It reiterates several of the same points as its predecessor, dismissing liberals, the left and 'hipsters' as possible threats. It calls the ultra-nationalist "patriots" assets of the West.

The memo complains that the "patriots" spend too much time highlighting problems with the war effort and creating a false impression of a "fifth column" around Putin who "rule our president". This, it claims, is part of a concerted "patriots against Putin" effort.

As well as attacking propagandists, the memo castigates "a large network of feminist and women's organisations" who it says are preparing a "full-scale female hysteria". These, it says, are "ordinary nervous and hysterical women who are afraid for their children and husbands."

Public humiliation for perceived sleights against Russia/Putin (probably won't be posting more of these for obvious reasons):


More explosions on Kerch Bridge; drone hits building in Moscow; CNN article on the drones and Ukraine's propaganda around them:


New fronts and Romanov confirming Urozhaine captured (probably happened a few days ago imo), Russia moving around troops:


Interesting read on the 50 Leopards recently purchased, and why 50 need to be bought in order to field 30. (WARNING TO THOSE TRIGGERED BY DOGS: THIS VILE MISCREANT HAS A DOG AS HIS AVATAR AND THEREFORE IS LIKELY A NAFO MEMBER. If all NAFO posts are this good, then it's really a solid organization):


More Russians begging for proper support; Russians forced to clear a minefield because their commander already reported it as taken. Commander shoots soldiers if they don't attack when told to, 80% casualties for those who do attack:


One Russian soldier told his mother, "If we don’t take Dovhenke, there are three criminal cases now hanging over the divisional commander, he [will be] imprisoned ... It was reported three weeks ago that we had taken Dovhenke. And we, over there, are [still] fighting for it."

Another soldier, Daniil Frolkin, said that his commander in the 64th Separate Guards Motor Rifle Brigade had falsely reported the capture of a forest belt. The man was injured in a Ukrainian attack and had to be evacuated in Frolkin's armoured vehicle.




ALCM: Air launched cruise missile
AFU: Armed Forces of Ukraine
ATACMS: Army Tactical Missile System
CEPA: Center for European Policy Analysis
HIMARS: High-Mobility Artillery Rocket System
ISW: Institute for the Study of War
KA-52: Kamov Ka-52 "Alligator" attack helicopter used by Russia
MOD: Ministry of Defense
Prig: Yevgeny Prigozhin, deceased leader of Wagner
PMC: Private military companies
SBU: Security Services of Ukraine (The law enforcement authority and main intelligence and security agency of the Ukrainian government)
UAV: Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, commonly referred to as drones.
WAPO: Washington Post


13 August 2023 at 05:41 AM

152 Replies
