KJo vs 2 rec players

KJo vs 2 rec players


MP ($300) - A loose-passive fish, always limping.

Hero ($500) - Been playing at this table for only 1 hour. I've been aggressive in a few spots, 3-bet once, and folded to a jam.

BU ($500+) - A new player at the table. I haven't seen a showdown from him yet, but I'm fairly certain he's not very good. Appears to be a recreational player who likes to see flops.

MP limps, Hero(HJ) KJ raises to $25, BU calls, MP calls

Flop($85) J 3 2

MP leads $50, Hero calls, BU folds

Turn($185) Q

MP bets $100(125$ left), Hero - ???

15 September 2024 at 04:17 PM

9 Replies

When an LP donks out after limp/calling, alarm bells go off. I don't hate the flop call with TPGK, but if I'm playing my A game I probably fold flop. I definitely fold turn.

It depends a lot on the player but its something like A5cc minimum here. You'll fold turn incorrectly sometimes but the money you save when he has a set will more than make up for it.

Hmm, that's interesting. I was concerned that I was ahead of his range. He has a lot of draws and top pair-type hands. He's not so tight that he'd only have sets in his range; otherwise, I would have easily folded the turn. AP, I jammed for the rest of his stack. How bad is that, assuming he has a wide range?

by Bellezza P

Hmm, that's interesting. I was concerned that I was ahead of his range. He has a lot of draws and top pair-type hands. He's not so tight that he'd only have sets in his range; otherwise, I would have easily folded the turn. AP, I jammed for the rest of his stack. How bad is that, assuming he has a wide range?

Fish usually play very face up. His donk leads with flush draw are smaller on the flop (or non existent) and definitely smaller on the turn. If it's not a draw then you are behind his value range imo.

by Garick P

When an LP donks out after limp/calling, alarm bells go off. I don't hate the flop call with TPGK, but if I'm playing my A game I probably fold flop. I definitely fold turn.

Loose-passive fish donk bet multiway when they've hit the flop, not smashed the flop. More times than not it's a probing bet to see "where they're at" with their TP or overpair on a low board. Consequently, I think folding to the flop bet would be terrible.

Once he bets the turned Q everything changes, and I'm fine with a fold.

After a passive fish who always limps suddenly donks out 50 into 85, it's usually AJ at min., and possibly 22 or 33 worried about the FD. I have no problem folding otf depending on MP and how passive he is.

As played, there's now another overcard and he continues betting 100 into 185 without even batting an eye lash so just fold now then.

I don't think folding flop is an option, I would fold turn

Flop call is good, id say its a fold turn, bit i dont think its setting money on fire if you call or jam. The turn sizing concerns me more than the bet. If it was $50 again or something i think its a call.

Yeeesh. Ugly spot. I guess I call flop, and fold turn. Definitely goading V to show me a bluff if he can, and assuming we made a good fold if he doesn't show.

Agree with Tomark and whoever else is more concerned about the bet sizing than the fact that he's donking. The sizing of flop donks usually telegraphs the hand strength, especially on dynamic boards. Really unlikely loose-passive rec-fish is betting big on the turn without a pretty strong hand.
