Do I have enough equity to get it in?

Do I have enough equity to get it in?

Ignition - $0.25 PL Hi (6 max) - Omaha Hi - 6 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4

SB: 118.16 BB
BB: 100 BB
UTG: 183.48 BB
MP: 87.52 BB
CO: 154.32 BB
Hero (BTN): 106.28 BB

Pre Flop: (pot: 1.4 BB) Hero has 7 8 6 T

fold, fold, CO calls 1 BB, Hero raises to 4.4 BB, SB calls 4 BB, BB calls 3.4 BB, CO calls 3.4 BB

Flop: (17.6 BB, 4 players) 8 4 6
SB checks, BB checks, CO checks, Hero bets 12.56 BB, fold, BB raises to 54.4 BB, fold, fold,

I have two pair, gutter, and straight-blocker. No diamonds. I do well against an overpair + flush. But I'm in really bad shape vs a set or straight.

I folded, but not sure if that was correct.

Also, I'm not sure if 2-pair is strong enough to c-bet on this wet board, given we're multiway. I probably should have just checked back and pot controlled.

07 May 2024 at 08:25 PM

4 Replies

Standard fold multiway pot imo, i expect BB to be quite strong since he is potting vs a bet and 2 players still left to act.
We have stack off equity only against pair+fd pretty much, i think he is often a lot stronger.
Cbet seems close, not sure.

I would always just check this back. You have 7 nut outs so your hand hates getting raised. IP you shouldn't play a strategy where you bet because you have something. You should be more polarized, i.e. bet only really strong hands (once you generally want to just go with) or with hands like gut shots that you can easily for to a raise.

Of course you can't start betting every gutter multiway, that is burning money.

I don't mind cbetting cause we block strong hands

Dont quote me on what is the exact logic behind it, but regarding cbet gto does the following here:

Our exact hand here 4way is a clear check, but if we had diamonds its 100% bet 1/2.

Things get more interesting if this would be 3 handed and no CO in the hand, we raise BTN, SB and BB call.
In this case with our exact hand it bets 1/3 100% of time.

But example hands with different suites like:

These are all almost even mix between check, 1/3 and 1/2.

In real life i dont mind checking in both situations, bet certainly way more happy to bet 3way.
