Annoying spot with AA

Annoying spot with AA

6max, effective stack 80bb

Btn opens 3.5bb, SB folds, Hero 3bets to 11bb with AAT9, Btn calls. My read is on btn is that he is quite loose preflop but plays straight forward post flop.

Flop: 8:74 (pot: 22.5bb)

First question: Should Hero cbet or check? Obviously not a great flop for our range but we're not that deep and we have the open ender

Second question: As played Hero checks, villain pots, what to do now?

Appreciate your advice

13 August 2024 at 03:37 PM

5 Replies

Definitely start with a check. How wide do you think he pots? Vs a tightish range I think you have about 36% equity - of course the wider this range gets the better your position. I think with these stacks I'm not folding unless villain is insanely tight with his pot.

Very easy spot to play imo. c/r.

Without checking solver guess would be call, even vs pot and call off on non spade turns. Would definitely check (close to range check) even at this spr

Feel like check/call is my line. No 5/6 or spade doesn’t make me want to CR this spot unless Whaley mc whale face is btn.

My guess would be that the openender makes this actually a top 50% flop for our hand.

I would bet-call the flop.
