Omaha Journey to High Stakes

Omaha Journey to High Stakes


I had previously created a pb&c thread, but since I achieved most of my short and mid term goals I figured a new one was in order.

I have played Omaha for roughly 1.5 years.

Currently in an Omaha stable playing 1/2 PLO online.

Gym, school, poker is my life right now 😀

I want to grind up to high stakes PLO and play against some of the toughest competition.

After I grind a roll with the stable I want to transition primarily to live PLO and maybe also travel for good PLO games.

Primarily things I want to work on are eating more healthy, and not losing confidence in my plays when I am losing.

graph of January so far!

23 January 2022 at 05:45 AM

358 Replies
