Bribri's blog

Bribri's blog

Starting this blog to document the journey.

This is my graph since I started playing on iPoker (10NL):

It hurts my eyes, so let's turn it around. I have been ****ing around in microstakes for as long as I can remember.
But now I am taking it more seriously than ever. Try to play 15k hands a month, I review my hands on a daily basis, do drills in GTO wiz, do 1 coaching session a month.

Follow along to see me ****ing around some more or finally break through. 3 more buyins until I can take a shot at 20NL.



03 July 2024 at 07:16 PM

15 Replies

Best of luck!
Will be following!

15k hands a month is not serious approach imo try to increase volume, anyway gl mate

Gl gl. See you at the top.

I know it's a tiny amount of hands but I recently started playing 3 tables instead of 4 (regular) in order to force myself to think about why I want to do a certain action.
I also have a fulltime job so can play around 2h - 3h per day max during weekdays.
Quality over quantity for now, will prob go for 4 tables again sooner or later, as it is very slow a lot of the times

Good luck

Disappointing results, even though I feel like I made massive progress. There's a big, positive difference between how I play now and 2 months ago. If I just stay focused and keep improving on a daily basis (both in life and poker) then success is inevitable.

Also took 3 aggressive shots at 20NL which all failed due to both bad play and variance.

Due to all the progress I have made when it comes to my strategy and understanding of poker I am confident August will be a solid month.

Below the result for 10NL and 20NL,

What have I learned?
- the impact of rake structures on preflop ranges
- significantly improved strategy against both aggro players & fish
- better understanding of 3B SB v BN heuristics
- it's all about EV!

What are my biggest leaks I will work on?
- 3B OOP (especially v strong EP ranges)
- don't try to win every single pot, it's ok to let go sometimes

Goals for August:
- play 40k hands
- drill 3B OOP at least 3h per week
- have 2 coaching sessions
- daily 10min meditation
- daily exercise

I have also set myself a life goal. Have the option to play fulltime by 02/2026!

lets get that moneyyy

August 2024:
Win/Loss: -44,8eur
Rakeback: 117,01eur
Total: 72,21eur

Started off the month with minus 13BIs and struggled to climb out of it. It was the accumulation of runbad, bad play and tilt.
For the remainder of the month I focused on study and played a bit of 5NL. In the beginning I got a bit overwhelmed by all this new information until I was overthinking every simple spot to the point where I didn't know what to do anymore.
So in order to resolve this I implemented a study routine: 1 coaching session per month & 5 times per month study on my own (only 1 topic per month allowed until I feel confident in given topic in order to avoid jumping all over the place and getting overwhelmed again). These study sessions on my own are always after office days since I have less energy then.

With this study routine focusing mainly on exploits instead of drilling GTO things started to pay off and made me feel very confident playing.
Climbed out of the by then 15BI hole and took a shot again at 20NL.

Anyway, below the results;

The minus 44eur came from losing 2 stacks at 20NL which I think I could've avoided.

First hand v what seemed to be nitty villain which makes it in my opinion an easy fold as I don't think he will do this w anything less than 2p

Second hand v bad reg


ps: will be updating weekly from now on as it feels ages ago since last update

Following! Gl dude

Allright! Didn't play as much as I wanted (results below include 2 Sundays which is my highest volume day). Still figuring out the balance between study and play.
Happy with the results though. Played a mix of 10NL and 20NL during the week and full 20NL during the weekend.
Starting to feel more and more confident in my game, more composed, less punting. It is easier to stick to the plan when you actually know what the plan is 😀

Will be playing 20NL only this month unless I drop down to bankroll of 200eur.

Win/Loss: +65,02eur
Rakeback: +72,77eur (normal rb + commissions)
Total: +137,79eur
BR: 455,48eur

Biggest pot of my poker career so far:

Inspired by kidcudi, I will turn this thread into more of a diary. Would be cool to look back a couple years from now and see the rollercoaster journey.
Today I feel like talking about why I want to turn this poker thing into a success and how it has affected my life so far.

As a starter, I don't mind my job. It pays decent, mostly from home and honestly don't have to do a lot. But if somebody would tell me that this is what I need to do for the coming 30 years or so, like "this is it man, your life from now on", I would immediately fall into a depression again. So in a way I am actually grateful for the life I have right now (it has been way way worse which I will probably talk about later).
But the thing is, I can't stand spending energy on something I am not passionate about. Working for a company I don't really care about, just spending 40h a week on meaningless tasks, abiding by other people's rules, corporate nonsense, creating an IT ticket, having to go bouldering (climbing) in the evening when everybody is there because that's the time when everybody else has time to go climbing, only being allowed to go on holiday 26 days a year, I also cannot spontaneously go to Spain tomorrow if I wanted to, I have to get approval first. These are of course "first world" problems, as said I am grateful but I want the life I want to live, not somebody else's life.
It is my dream to make a living out of something I am passionate about. The 'working days' wouldn't feel as work because I love to play and study. Also, I could go climbing during the day when I will have all the walls for myself. This game of cards keeps me sane in a way as well. For the greater part of my 20s my mental state was far from ideal. Lots of depression, alcohol, drugs, rock bottoms, 2 months in rehab in SA and eventually daily panic attacks and not wanting to live anymore.
By now I have worked a tremendous amount on this already. I had to take drastic measures a couple years ago though, leaving everything behind (quit job, sold house and left with nothing but a backpack) and started traveling without a plan, I just knew I had to do it.
I spent a lot of time in Spain, then 3 months alone on a Croatian island where there were times I couldn't recall one word coming out of my mouth for 4 days straight, 7 months working as a volunteer in a dog hotel, sleeping in the house of a Berber family in the mountains of Morocco along with 2 crazy Germans, working for a gambling company in Malta and living with a drunk aggressive Hungarian. To leave my country was the best decision of my life. Of course there were a lot of ups and downs. My lowest point being in Malta, spending all my savings in one depressing alcohol fused night and waking up not knowing how to buy food. But I got back up every time, every time a bit stronger.

But now, I have balance in life, I am confident and mentally strong, I'm in a very good relationship with somebody that supports me in every way.
Then poker came into my life again (I played on and off before, never really winning or taking it very serious). I met (online) new people with the same goals which inspired me a lot.
So for a little over 2 months now, I didn't drink any alcohol, didn't smoke 1 cigarette, no coffee and I started working out, running or climbing almost on a daily basis. I even changed the way I eat. All of this for my own mental and physical health but also because I want to give myself the best odds to turn pro and live the life I have envisioned for myself.

Feels good to write all of this out honestly. Anyway, the motivation is there, the passion and the hearth are there, I am in no doubt I can achieve my goals!

Thanks for reading and GL!

Monday after weekend of playing:
Do course or coaching session
- if I do course: take it as serious as playing, take notes, and by taking notes I don’t mean just screenshot the slides and paste them in word doc.
- If I do coaching session it needs to be about spots or certain lines that kept coming back throughout the week where I felt uncomfortable and unsure what to do

Once a week (after office day prob best) take 5 or so hands where I saw river (or memorable hand I tagged) and analyze in detail:
- What are the pro’s and cons of each possible action
- What are the scenario’s and how likely is each and how bad/good is each
- What adjustments are best based on villain type

Post 1 analysis in discord and 2p2

Other days I try to play as much as I can (especially Saturday & Sunday are grind days). Of course always take time to workout first after work.
Gf is extremely busy herself so we will plan fixed days to spend time together when she is less busy training horses

I sincerely wish you all the best dude. It takes a lot to "open up" to strangers on the internet. Also nice that you have a fixed plan!

by benzzinho P

I sincerely wish you all the best dude. It takes a lot to "open up" to strangers on the internet. Also nice that you have a fixed plan!

Thanks man! Hope everything is going well on the felt for you as well!
I see that you are pretty serious about poker as well.
Hit me up on discord if you want to join our study group

I would send you PM but I can’t

The whole week I was playing around break-even. Being a bit conservative, trying not to punt, in which I succeeded for the most part. (punted of a bunch of stacks for absolutely no reason a bit too much for my liking in the past).
Yesterday though I was looking at my red line and it was just going downhill very steeply which started to frustrate me as it was obv crushing my winrate.
Apparently my winrate from the blinds was atrocious. It's gonna be negative of course (except maybe a crusher can get positive winrate from SB) but mine was around -35bb/100 from BB.
So, Today I woke up earlier in order to do some analysis before my grind to change my whole blind play. Especially BB v BN & BB v SB. Also started playing more aggro in general and stealing more blinds. Did some crazy exploits as well!

I only tested it out today but I think it worked wonders. From the beginning of this week until Saturday evening my won without showdown was -20bb/100. Today (Sunday) it was -1.3 over 2.3k hands (most of the time I was running above 0). The winrate from BB was only -5.6bb/100 but I doubt that is sustainable with my current skill level.

Feel like I'm finally playing some real poker instead of being an ABC *** reg that is getting nowhere.

If I hit 650eur next week I might take a shot of 1 BI at 50NL depending how I feel.

Week 2:
Win/Loss: +110,1eur
Rakeback: +36,59eur (normal rb + commissions)
Total: +146,69eur
BR: 608,88eur

Staying consistent and trying to get a little bit better day by day. Next week might be a blast with the new strategy. Trying not to get ahead of myself but I thrive of dreaming about the life I want. Let's get it!

Thanks for reading and GL!
