Current resources.

Current resources.

If you were looking to get a firm grasp on the math and theory, what would you use?

Are The mathematics of poker and the Janda book outdated? Is Modern poker theory the go to?

Is there another source that’s more up to date?

Interested to hear other thoughts.

16 April 2024 at 05:47 PM

4 Replies

all of my information is gleaned from youtube videos

I can't speak about Mathematics of Poker, since I haven't read it, but both Janda's Applications of NL Hold Em and Modern Poker Theory are good for teaching you the foundational knowledge about game theory. The applied knowledge in Modern Poker Theory is more up to date with charts from solvers and such, but realistically you read the books to understand the underlying concepts. Then use videos, solvers etc to work on your game after you have a good grasp of the underlying theory.

Play Optimal Poker by Andrew Brokos breaks down the logic of indifference in the easiest to comprehend language i've found

MoP and Tiptons books are good.
If you want more practical to or their yt. On site videos are not free but they are good and more applicable to the game.
