ex-President Trump

ex-President Trump

I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?

So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at low-info Boomers like my religions aunts. I have two questions:

a) Is anyone here who supports Trump bothered by lies like this?

b) Does anyone know what he's even talking about here? Like is there some grain of truth that he's embellishing on bigly?

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28 April 2019 at 04:18 AM

8565 Replies


by lozen P

When CNN refers to multiple sources . It may be that MSNBC reported it from unnamed sources than the View reports it based on MSNBC's report and than John Oliver reports it based on the View and MSNBC . So now CNN will report it based on multiple sources which are MSNBC, John Oliver and the View even though the story is false

No. In that case they would say multiple reports.

by checkraisdraw P

Any other person that did the actions that Trump did at the Arlington National Cemetery would be universally condemned. The Republican Party doesn’t deserve power, even if you agree with them more politically. There is no low they won’t stoop to.


Well this hasn't aged well and completely back fired. The parents of the fallen soldiers have been posting videos on X.

Hahaha, after all the disrespect that Trump has heaped on the military, porky pig here still sees him as a "leader". Odds that he thinks that Trump won the 2020 election?

by Shifty86 P

Well this hasn't aged well and completely back fired. The parents of the fallen soldiers have been posting videos on X.

Please keep on promoting Trump violating the law and his team assaulting an Arlington staffer. This is definitely going to be good for his campaign lol

by d2_e4 P

Hahaha, after all the disrespect that Trump has heaped on the military, porky pig here still sees him as a "leader". Odds that he thinks that Trump won the 2020 election?


by checkraisdraw P

Please keep on promoting Trump violating the law and his team assaulting an Arlington staffer. This is definitely going to be good for his campaign lol

The videos can be found here:


Trump was invited by the families, they also asked the campaign to film.

Jesus Christ you’re dense

It doesn’t ****ing matter if the fam is down for the cause, Arlington is explicitly, legally, not a campaign stop and the guy is still posing with a shiteating grin and a thumb up above the literal grave of a dead soldier

how broken as a human being do you have to be to know all of that and still say 'take that, libtard'?

Trump knew really early that he could shoot someone on the street and win an election before his cult of personality even became what it is because he knows how to talk to the lowest common denominator of American filth.

by StoppedRainingMen P

It doesn’t ****ing matter if the fam is down for the cause, Arlington is explicitly, legally, not a campaign stop and the guy is still posing with a shiteating grin and a thumb up above the literal grave of a dead soldier

how broken as a human being do you have to be to know all of that and still say 'take that, libtard'?

You should really watch the videos. This was a massive fumble by the Harris campaign.


lol laws...WATCH THE VIDEOS!!!

lol, these people are that dumb

I watched the one he posted. Will watch some more if Daffy and Bugs are also putting in appearance. I miss Looney Tunes.

by Shifty86 P

The videos can be found here:


Trump was invited by the families, they also asked the campaign to film.

Oh great, well if they ask Trump to kill Biden because they’re mad their family died, I guess that makes it ok, because people with dead military family can never do anything stupid or immoral

Let’s make sure we have this all correctly clocked

1. Trump campaign comes to Arlington for a campaign stop in complete disregard for the rules of Arlington
2. Arlington staffer tries to stop trump campaign from using this as promotion. They in turn call this person a despicable, mentally unwell person who should be fired (their words)
3. Some family member posts a video therefore all is forgiven and really Kamabla is in the wrong

MAGA logic is definitely something

by Shifty86 P

The videos can be found here:


Trump was invited by the families, they also asked the campaign to film.

Did you know that it's a violation of federal law to film a campaign ad in Arlington National Cemetery even if invited by the family of a fallen soldier?

by StoppedRainingMen P

Let’s make sure we have this all correctly clocked

1. Trump campaign comes to Arlington for a campaign stop in complete disregard for the rules of Arlington
2. Arlington staffer tries to stop trump campaign from using this as promotion. They in turn call this person a despicable, mentally unwell person who should be fired (their words)
3. Some family member posts a video therefore all is forgiven and really Kamabla is in the wrong

MAGA logic is

It sounds like it’s a strawman, but this is exactly what happened. If it’s true that the Trump campaign was ASKED to film this, that means that everything that happened was premeditated.

And you know what? That precisely maps onto the fact that the family was smiling along with Trump over the grave of their loved one. It was premeditated to make it better for his campaign ads he was going to release based on this literal grave visit.

I mean Trump had the ability to turn it down as too craven, but he is that deranged that he sees it as an amazing opportunity for him.

Trump can’t even respect the law has a president candidate .
Imagine what he will do when he is president and being back by the SC ruling saying he can do w.e he wants …

45 soldiers died in combat in Afghanistan during Trump's term. Gee, I wonder why Trump only mentioned the 13 deaths from the withdrawal during Biden's term, considering how much concern he has for our soliders.

by pocket_zeros P

45 soldiers died in combat in Afghanistan during Trump's term. Gee, I wonder why Trump only mentioned the 13 deaths from the withdrawal during Biden's term, considering how much concern he has for our soliders.

It’s worse than that. Half the time he’s taking credit for there being no deaths was literally during Biden’s term in office.

by pocket_zeros P

45 soldiers died in combat in Afghanistan during Trump's term. Gee, I wonder why Trump only mentioned the 13 deaths from the withdrawal during Biden's term, considering how much concern he has for our soliders.

Already forgot the fact that Biden and Harris had denied any soldier had died in Afghanistan under them? and that's why the 13 soldiers thing comes up as often as it does?

by Luciom P

Already forgot the fact that Biden and Harris had denied any soldier had died in Afghanistan under them? and that's why the 13 soldiers thing comes up as often as it does?

Harris is not the one using solider deaths as political props.

And when did Harris deny the solider deaths in Afghanistan under Biden?

Your first mistake was engaging the guy whose resume includes ‘full time far right politics troll on a poker forum’

by checkraisdraw P

It sounds like it’s a strawman, but this is exactly what happened. If it’s true that the Trump campaign was ASKED to film this, that means that everything that happened was premeditated.

And you know what? That precisely maps onto the fact that the family was smiling along with Trump over the grave of their loved one. It was premeditated to make it better for his campaign ads he was going to release based on this literal grave visit.

I mean T

We're only taking the Trump campaign and an extreme MAGA famies word that it wasn't the campaign that came up with the idea and contacted the family. No reason to take them at their word.

Biden assassinates your son through his incompetence, you very reasonably back the candidate for republicans and start hating democrats, you magically become "extreme MAGA", this is the level.
