In other news

In other news

In the current news climate we see that some figures and events tend to dominate the front-pages heavily. Still, there are important, interesting or just plain weird things happening out there and a group of people can find these better than one.

I thought I would test with a thread for linking general news articles about "other news" and discussion. Perhaps it goes into the abyss that is page 2 and beyond, but it is worth a try.

Some guidelines:
- Try to find the "clean link", so that links to the news site directly and not a social media site. Avoid "amp-links" (google).
- Write some cliff notes on what it is about, especially if it is a video.
- It's not an excuse to make outlandish claims via proxy or link extremist content.
- If it's an editorial or opinion piece, it is polite to mark it as such.
- Note the language if it is not in English.
- There is no demand that such things be posted here, if you think a piece merits its own thread, then make one.

12 October 2020 at 08:13 AM

1469 Replies


I use fri/sat as more of a shorthand. They just seem to be the busiest nights for getting pizza. And when I assume they probably aren't testing out brand new guys. But you could pick some other days too.

by Luciom P

it might be the case that starlink got funds frozen because it refused to ban Twitter for the people using it for internet access but it's unclear as the only source claiming that that I found is the guardian.

it's also unclear if all VPNs are blocked (with app stores being forced to remove them under threat of repercussions as reported by many sources) or only using a VPN to access Twitter is now forbidden behavior in brazil

Almost like you should never trust anything musk says because he’s a liar

by checkraisdraw P

Almost like you should never trust anything musk says because he’s a liar

I wasn't relying on what musk said at all I'm any exclusive way, what I reported about was all over the news (including the guardian itself).

and for the 100th time while I understand most people care about the twitter ban, I focused on the much more insane starlink & VPN topics.

requiring a local legal representative to operate in a foreign country isn't absurd and locking your activities until you do isn't either.

American pizza is superior to Italian pizza

Deep dish in inferior to all

Indian food pizza is superior to all

Chicken tikka masala pizza is the nuts

Started out good but things went way off track in the second half 😀

Oh btw wet work this is also what you get with communism

lol My platform is going to be Xmas every month. Keep that economy cranking.

by wet work P

lol My platform is going to be Xmas every month. Keep that economy cranking.

Now that's the kind of capitalist thinking I like.

Gatorade in the water fountains.

by campfirewest P

Now that's the kind of capitalist thinking I like.

That's how you get invited to next month's bday party for Jesus™

In other news, it is pretty common in the Western world, for "critics of Israel" to deface or remove posters of 10/7 victims. Whether you think this is problematic or not (I feel I can guess pretty well who would find it problematic and who wouldn't) I will say it is interesting how it seems to 100% be females who do the defacing of posters. There has to be some sex-based psychobio reason for this. Maybe something to do with stronger levels of in group compassion and out group disgust and dehumanization. I dont really know for sure, but I do find it interesting.

The Italian minister of cultural affairs just resigned.

He had a (far younger) lover, an archaeologist, to whom he promised to give a public job/contract and stuff.

She registered everything and when he failed to deliver she made it public.

I agree that if you are a minister in Italy and you can't give your younger lover a position with your job you have to resign in disgrace. Your entire job as a minister is supposed to be to pocket money for yourself, and give public money to friends and family. That's literally the only reason to take the job.

Failing at that easy task is ground for resignation.

Kim Jong Un’s ‘pleasure squad’

Twenty-five virgin girls are carefully chosen each year to fulfil the dictator’s desires.

authorities meticulously screen candidates through medical examinations to ensure their virginity

the sole purpose of these girls is to satisfy the dictator

He should put out a calendar

by wet work P

lol My platform is going to be Xmas every month. Keep that economy cranking.

I think that was a joke on the Daily Show. If the jobs report is bad, just declare an emergency Christmas.

If true KJU still has a long way to go to emulate Mao.

Pager explosions injure thousands in Lebanon

pager explosions kill nine in Lebanon

Hezbollah blames Israel

by steamraise P

Pager explosions injure thousands in Lebanon

pager explosions kill nine in Lebanon

Hezbollah blames Israel

If only we had a Israel/Palestine thread

which is more shameful - that Kennedy has the nerve to
behave this way or that he wasn't called out by any other members

This senator's racist attack on a witness was appalling, even by Trump-era standards

Berry went before the Senate to discuss the important issue of hate crimes

Republican Senator ATTACKS MUSLIM WOMAN in Committee Hearing

Dick Diddy will never see the light of day again in his life. That's my prediction.

The media (because they're controlled by "piddy's ppl" so to speak) is just playing it off as "sex trafficking" like he's some sort of a pimp or something but according to my own peeps this is just a small part of something much bigger than even the Epstein case.

The following is all fact, which can be verified by researching it; this isn't a "conspiracy theory":

About 10 years ago it was made public that dick diddy spent 48hrs with then only 15yr old Justin Beiber. Then a year or so later they were both seen in another video when diddy came up to him while he was being interviewed and said "justin, why you block me, man? I though u wuz my boy?" by interupting justin while he was being intervied on video (which is why there's video of it).

Justin later cancled a world tour for what he said was for "religious reasons, trying to find God" or something similar to that and later it was leaked by people in his private bible study class that he broke down crying one day and said he attended a hollywierd "initiation party" with all of the top music industry elites (such as dick diddy) and they tried to initiate him and make him part of their inner circle, promising he'll be so big and will have enough money to control the world, etc., but he had to rape a minor in front of them, of which he witnessed the kid being abused (sure they could all be lying, but the story does make sence. People don't cancel concert tours to "find God").

Broken YouTube Link
