Politards - mm corner (movies& music)

Politards - mm corner (movies& music)

So yeah, I always thought this section is too dry and serious sometimes and could use a hang out and recharge corner. So here it is:

The Movies and Music corner
Only one rule:
You can only post really good music or movies, lol I know this is highly subjective, but maybe, just maybe we can get some traction and this is a good counterbalance for all the craziness around us.
I hope we can get some traction and happy holidays all!

Think restore and enjoy!

I get to start:

This chick is just awesome, awesome and calming vocals.

Chandalier 2 versions

Sitting on top of the bay

26 December 2021 at 01:24 AM

40 Replies


you guys can show us some biden music!

rickroll, how u like that?


by Bobo Fett P

LOL, this sounds like nonsense to me. I'd say you more than likely read someone else's poor "interpretation" of a poll or two, because I can't imagine you would be able to find multiple (even slightly) reputable polls that would show "we are getting trump either way now. that much is for certain, right? there is no way around it." Any polling I've seen has ranged from a 0-9% edge. Not remotely close to results that would indicate it's over

Vanilla is 56 bobo, why would he still be performing on stage? no rapper is seriously performing at that age.
hes just playing around. living off royalities which I think are over a mill a year, and has friends like donnie who he performs for at times like last new years eve at mara lago imo.

by lozen P

Great Interview with Vanilla Ice

Broken YouTube Link

yea u gotta like the guy. I like him man. look at that car.

check this out lozen

bobo, you think he can still do this?

by washoe P

Vanilla is 56 bobo, why would he still be performing on stage? no rapper is seriously performing at that age.
hes just playing around. living off royalities which I think are over a mill a year, and has friends like donnie who he performs for at times like last new years eve at mara lago imo.

That was point. Why you think that him liking Trump demonstrates...anything, I have no idea.

by washoe P

bobo, you think he can still do this?

I neither know nor care whether this guy who built a career on a stolen song can or cannot still rap.

so you dont like vaniila ice, bobo? in the music industry everything is stolen!! cmon bobo, dont you know?
he is a great artist and he didnt built his carreer on one stolen song. lmao. you could say this about pretty much any artist.
I know what you mean, you mean queen and ice ice baby, but thats funny that you say this. I could tear apart pretty much any artist
with that argument.
who you like, bobo? lets see!

LOL, no, you can't say the same thing about any artist. There's a reason Vanilla Ice was sued, and had to settle.

by Bobo Fett P

LOL, no, you can't say the same thing about any artist.

I call, showdown please. what u got?

or shall I raise... hmmm ok wtf were not playin for real money.
I raise, which artist didnt get sued?

No interest.

by Bobo Fett P

No interest.

ok. you got something there, I mean yeah, but if anyone pulled it off with one song then him.
he does not have another great song?

how about this guy bobo, you dig?

you know this song?
