Joe Rogan

Joe Rogan

As an aside the way the sharks are now circling for Rogan, I find despicable but also template.

I think it is exactly why many on the right have learned you never apologize as that leads to a feeding frenzy, on the left to try and end you. It is what they call the left eating their own, and yes, Joe Rogan is a lefty even if you believe he is left who says wrong things and lacks polish.

In the very segment I am watching on CNN as i type this Jim Costa keeps saying "Joe Rogen was caught repeatedly saying the 'N-Word' when Jim is doing the same thing. Rogen just thought hiding behind saying the 'N-Word' instead of saying the actual word was not productive or silly.

So Costa says 'that guy just the said N-word' and every one says, that is fine to say.

Rogan says 'That guy just said n*&^er' and they say that is wrong to say and worse they cut the reply of that quote so tight you only hear the word said without context so you will assume he was using it despairingly when he was not.

And I am not saying Rogan has never, in all his years of making long form public statements said anything that does not sound off or bad as he has and has admitted it. But anyone who has listened to much of his comment and context over the years would never assume he was anything but a lefty. this idea of him being a righty only really took root as he was in opposition to much of the science around covid and some people believe being so then requires you be put on sides.

05 February 2022 at 07:29 PM

8 Replies

I know half of you people have a stick up your ass and won't watch anyone who doesn't align with your bullshit and often wrong political ideas but Billy Walters - one of the biggest names and most successful sports betters was on Rogan and I'd might put his show in the top ten of all Rogan episodes.

Rogan stayed quiet for most of the show just like he used to do, which was nice, and was clear that he should because of the info Billy was spewing.

by formula72 P

I know half of you people have a stick up your ass and won't watch anyone who doesn't align with your bullshit and often wrong political ideas but Billy Walters - one of the biggest names and most successful sports betters was on Rogan and I'd might put his show in the top ten of all Rogan episodes.

Rogan stayed quiet for most of the show just like he used to do, which was nice, and was clear that he should because of the info Billy was spe

I enjoyed that podcast as well. So many interesting stories

by formula72 P

I know half of you people have a stick up your ass and won't watch anyone who doesn't align with your bullshit and often wrong political ideas but Billy Walters - one of the biggest names and most successful sports betters was on Rogan and I'd might put his show in the top ten of all Rogan episodes.

Rogan stayed quiet for most of the show just like he used to do, which was nice, and was clear that he should because of the info Billy was spe

He did the same thing with Sebastian junger and it was excellent

by formula72 P

I know half of you people have a stick up your ass and won't watch anyone who doesn't align with your bullshit and often wrong political ideas but Billy Walters - one of the biggest names and most successful sports betters was on Rogan and I'd might put his show in the top ten of all Rogan episodes.

Rogan stayed quiet for most of the show just like he used to do, which was nice, and was clear that he should because of the info Billy was spe

i used to love listening to Rogan when he had other comedians on and they would talk about all the behind the scenes stuff in getting into comedy. they were some of my favorite podcasts. then he got brain worms and not only is most of it the dumbest things i've ever heard its not nearly as entertaining going "wow how come no one is doing something about that" about something that is completely made up.

by Slighted P

i used to love listening to Rogan when he had other comedians on and they would talk about all the behind the scenes stuff in getting into comedy. they were some of my favorite podcasts. then he got brain worms and not only is most of it the dumbest things i've ever heard its not nearly as entertaining going "wow how come no one is doing something about that" about something that is completely made up.

The thing with rogan and what makes him good, at least in my opinion, is the long format of having interesting people speak unscripted, in a comfortable manner, that leads to them discussing all kinds of interesting back stories that you never would have learned about anywhere else.

Rogan got worse when he delved into some right wing shenanigans but what also made things worse was he had a period during that time where he just talked too much and wouldn't shut up. You'd often see during that time that he'd just interject himself and go off on a tangent of some really horrendous bs and completely ruin the flow of the conversation that makes the show great. He kind of has to realize that the success of the show is the person across the table from him.

I havent watched much lately but rogan did a good job of staying quiet and letting Billy wonder off on his thoughts which made the episode really enjoyable and what I personally like about the show.

Is the Spotify contract over or what?

New contract that allows him to upload on youtube too.

Pretty sure he signed an extension for 200m or something crazy.

Cool thanks for the info.
