The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

10583 Replies


i hope barron doesn't see those, he'll be so sad that papa's dumb head has been indirectly removed from his cute butt

Security fences at DNC aren't even bolted,
just hung there and easy to lift up and off.

This guy spamming Corbett report links all over the place is something else.

by pocket_zeros P

You should familiarize yourself with public health policy and the reasons vaccines for deadly communicable diseases are mandatory in our society. This isn't something new. But it appears to be something that is new to you. Here's a reference to get you started:


There are almost no mandatory, general population vaccines mandates for adults in most western countries actually, when covid vax mandates happened they were the first either ever, or in many decades, almost everywhere.

Interesting that you give me a link with mandatory vaccinations for minors (*FOR PATERNALISTIC REASONS* *WITH STERILIZING VACCINES* *FOR DISEASES THAT ARE VERY DANGEROUS FOR MINORS* ) to justify a vaccine mandate for adults *for a very innocuous disease for a portion of the population *with a vaccine that doesn't even guarantee immunity* *entirely predicated on protecting OTHERS (first time worldwide for most countries.

Care to find pre-covid examples of vaccine mandates for diseases that did almost nothing (lethality 0.1 or less) for the vaccinated individual adult? i'll wait.

Very very bad faith to claim it was common pre-covid to mandate vaccines for general population adults ing eneral, incredible to claim the VERY very mandates that exist in some places (some mandates to travel , some work-related mandates) have anything to do with mandating vaccines to 26y old employees outside of healthcare.

Oh good, the Covid vaccine chat again.

Monkeypox vaccine soon

by d2_e4 P

Oh good, the Covid vaccine chat again.

It's the "democrats can never, ever again play the my body my choice card" chat. Ever. It's obvious, they denied choice to many millions of people, by force of law, and tried to deny it to many more but SCOTUS blocked that.

You can think all the mandates "made sense" but you cannot defend vaccination mandates for adults and claim "my body my choice" has ever been part of your belief system. Or claim republicans want to force healthcare choices as if that, per se, was bad, because democrats did it more than anyone else before in 70+ years during covid.

by Luciom P

Vaccine mandates can be constitutional yes.

Not if passed by the executive without specific delegation for that purpose by Congress though.

The OSHA attempt to mandate them wasn't constitutional.

It's anti-rhetoric: you go for many years with my body my choice, claim republicans want to control women health (and it's true for some republicans) then try to mandate the first vaccine to adults since what, a century? More? Even to adults that don'

Yes that was ruled unconstitutional and is probably correct, I thought you were referring to vaccines mandates more broadly.

Look a lot of Dem voters are stupid. As a percentage, there are more stupid Republicans than stupid dems. There’s also the sense that you are making a category error, because the “my body my choice” can be isolated to one person’s body (plus the life of the fetus), but not getting a vaccine under certain assumptions can mean decisions about more than the person’s body.

Anyway yeah same set of words doesn’t always apply to the situation. Just like conservatives were saying “my body my choice” in the context of vaccines but didn’t agree in the context of abortion. It’s just a product of sloganeering, not something super deep like you are trying to imply

by checkraisdraw P

Yes that was ruled unconstitutional and is probably correct, I thought you were referring to vaccines mandates more broadly.

Look a lot of Dem voters are stupid. As a percentage, there are more stupid Republicans than stupid dems. There’s also the sense that you are making a category error, because the “my body my choice” can be isolated to one person’s body (plus the life of the fetus), but not getting a vaccine unde

Proof of the bold? I know that the very smart skew democrat a bit but that doesn't imply the bold.

How is having an extra human in society or not, not something that affects more than the person body? fertility rates in society, as per the recent endless debate on the topic, are something that affect everyone in the long term, in very big ways. They are literally used to justify more immigration than inthe past in many countries for example. They are used to reduce pension benefits or delay their trigger.

How detached from actual life can we have become if we don't consider a woman having or not a child as the tantamount "it takes a village, and it changes the village" decision? i do refuse to take that into consideration because for me freedom is actually the most important value above all, because i am anti-collectivist at the core and i don't accept the use of "externalities" to justify reduction of freedom.

But most people use externalities to justify every freedom limitation they like so they can't deny they exist for abortion as well.

In fact i did clash heads with anti-vax-mandate people who are against first trimester abortion no question asked, you just can't know that because afaik there are none in this forum, but yes the contradiction is egregious and a few of them knowing i speak as a cultural friend even starting doubting their own abortion position.

by Luciom P

Proof of the bold? I know that the very smart skew democrat a bit but that doesn't imply the bold.

I think the claim is better stated not as "a higher percentage of conservatives are stupid" but as "a higher percentage of stupid people are conservative". But, given the law of large numbers, it's pretty much the same thing.

by d2_e4 P

I think the claim is better stated not as "a higher percentage of conservatives are stupid" but as "a higher percentage of stupid people are conservative". But, given the law of large numbers, it's pretty much the same thing.

Proof of the bold pls

by Luciom P

Proof of the bold pls

I have confirmed it by thinking about it.

by Luciom P

Proof of the bold pls

They let the current loonies take over the party. QED

by Didace P

They let the current loonies take over the party. QED

Nero becoming emperor of Rome doesn't prove Romans IQ in 54 AD was lower than 50 years before when the emperor was a good one

by Luciom P

Nero becoming emperor of Rome doesn't prove Romans IQ in 54 AD was lower than 50 years before when the emperor was a good one

Show me your leader and I'll tell you about your people.

by d2_e4 P

Show me your leader and I'll tell you about your people.

and if, as per example, the same people have in a short span of time some of the best leaders in human history and some of the worst?

by Luciom P

and if, as per example, the same people have in a short span of time some of the best leaders in human history and some of the worst?


Not much variance in the intellectual quality republican presidents and candidates in the last 25 years or so though. If anything, it's gone down after Bush, which nobody thought possible at the time. Bush --> Palin --> Trump is an amazing race to the bottom.

by d2_e4 P


Not much variance in the intellectual quality republican presidents and candidates in the last 25 years or so though. If anything, it's gone down after Bush, which nobody thought possible at the time. Bush --> Palin --> Trump is an amazing race to the bottom.

Agreed, but your post would be better if you distinguished between H.W. Bush and W. Bush. H.W. Bush was an intelligent person, however W. Bush is a morAn.

by ladybruin P

Agreed, but your post would be better if you distinguished between H.W. Bush and W. Bush. H.W. Bush was an intelligent person, however W. Bush is a morAn.

I said last 25 years so I thought the cut-off made it unambiguous, but for the avoidance of doubt, I did mean Dubya.

by d2_e4 P


Not much variance in the intellectual quality republican presidents and candidates in the last 25 years or so though. If anything, it's gone down after Bush, which nobody thought possible at the time. Bush --> Palin --> Trump is an amazing race to the bottom.

Palin don't you mean McCain and I think he never wanted Palin either.

by lozen P

Palin don't you mean McCain and I think he never wanted Palin either.

I was giving examples of absolute morons who ascended to the highest levels in Republican circles. It wouldn't be particularly difficult to find many more if we started looking in congress or at other presidential candidates. I think the fact that the party has been fully taken over by a complete moron is the only point that really needs to be made here, though.

by d2_e4 P


Not much variance in the intellectual quality republican presidents and candidates in the last 25 years or so though. If anything, it's gone down after Bush, which nobody thought possible at the time. Bush --> Palin --> Trump is an amazing race to the bottom.

Vance is by a significant margin the smartest of the 4 candidates in the 2 tickets though

by Luciom P

Vance is by a significant margin the smartest of the 4 candidates in the 2 tickets though


If true, might explain why Republicans think he's a terrible pick lol.

by d2_e4 P


If true, might explain why Republicans think he's a terrible pick lol.

Yale law median LSAT score in 2013 was 175.

Vance was white so, requires more than median on avg to enter. we are talking better than 3 sigma over median LSAT (top 1 in some hundreds probably, possibly better than 1 in 1000, at worst top 1 in 50).

this maps to 135+ IQ with strong correlation.

Harris for reference failed the bar at first attempt in California mid 80s when success rate was approx half. can't map better than 115 IQ

Walz and Trump are 100-105 IQ guys

by Luciom P

Yale law median LSAT score in 2013 was 175.

Vance was white so, requires more than median on avg to enter. we are talking better than 3 sigma over median LSAT (top 1 in some hundreds probably, possibly better than 1 in 1000, at worst top 1 in 50).

this maps to 135+ IQ with strong correlation.

Harris for reference failed the bar at first attempt in California mid 80s when success rate was approx half. can't map better than 115 IQ

Walz and Trump

Have you heard Vance say one smart thing? Like, one single sentence where you thought to yourself, "damn that chap is smart"

I haven't

Every time he opens his mouth he sounds like a rube. And hes a puppet so its significantly more likely than normal hes just a plant.

But I guess if hes 135 IQ then I'm 150+
