Searching for Studypartners in PLO (PL20-50)

Searching for Studypartners in PLO (PL20-50)

Hello! I am a PL20/50 Player who has ambitions to develop as much as possible!

I study about 5 h/week so you are welcome to have similar ambitions😀 The idea is to be able to look through each other's sessions, discuss hands and more.

I would prefer my fellow studypartners to play 20/50 pl but if you are a 10 pl with high ambitions then that is also possible😀


29 May 2024 at 11:39 PM

3 Replies

Hi man, playing 10
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Hello Samme!

I am very interested in learning and would love to join you as a study partner. I play PL20 but have high ambitions to develop my skills and move up in stakes. I am committed to studying and improving my game, and I think working together could be very beneficial for both of us.

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Best regards,
Landlerd. My tg: @sshumakov


I am PLO10 player and would like to improve my game and my mindset to growth my stake.

If your group is still opened could I be a part of it ?
Thanks 😀
