Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

Discuss my fellow 2+2ers..



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07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

23636 Replies


by The Horror P

This never happens, dude. These people are expert propagandists. Think about what they recruit people to do. And very successfully at that. Add int he suicidal nature of the religion and the long-term strengthening of antisemitic terror groups inevitable.

You really think the survivors are gonna forgive and forget? Or become diplomats?

I dont think israel cares or thinks that they can change the minds of their enemy or would suggest that the survivers arent going to be interested in coming after them.

They are trying to hamstring them so bad that rhey arent able attack no matter how high theur hate meter reaches. The hate between the two has been there for a long time and it isnt going away in the near future.

by The Horror P

This never happens, dude. These people are expert propagandists. Think about what they recruit people to do. And very successfully at that. Add int he suicidal nature of the religion and the long-term strengthening of antisemitic terror groups inevitable.

You really think the survivors are gonna forgive and forget? Or become diplomats?

I dont think israel cares or thinks that they can change the minds of their enemy or would suggest that the survivers arent going to be interested in coming after them.

They are trying to hamstring them so bad that they arent able to attack no matter how high their hate meter reaches. The hate between the two has been there for a long time and it isnt going away in the near future.

by Victor P

being mistaken is not the same as lying.

and even then, I was only mistaken about a specific thing and not the substance of the idea.

You INSTANTLY jumped in and accused the zionists of something.

But admitting you were mistaken is a big step.

they do a lot of false flags like that

like this lol

lol wait a minute, I wasnt even wrong. Zionists do use that slogan.

Victor undefeated lol

[URL=""]I Am a Jewish Student at Columbia. Don’t Believe What You’re Being Told About ‘Campus Antisemitism’
Smears from the press and pro-Israel influencers are a dangerous distraction from real threats to our safety.[/URL]

by Victor P

like this lol

Proof that this was put up by Zionists??

Pallywood meets grok AI

by Bill Haywood P

By "classic" I mean antisemitism that is not defined into existence by conflating opposition to apartheid with Jew hatred.

You seem to believe campus protestors support Hamas. A few do, most don't. These are my people, I know them. Antisemites would be ostracized. And you are not addressing the heavy Jewish participation.

Actions speak louder than words. "Your" people are at a minimum voluntarily associating and standing with people who openly support Hamas, and those people are not insignificant in numbers and are quite possibly the majority, at least of those most active in protests.

For the same reason you don't get to say some of the people that march with neo-Nazis are "very fine people", you don't get to claim "your" people ostracize the Hamas supporters when "your" people are standing and camping with the Hamas supporters and not telling them to **** off.

by formula72 P

I dont think israel cares or thinks that they can change the minds of their enemy or would suggest that the survivers arent going to be interested in coming after them.

They are trying to hamstring them so bad that rhey arent able attack no matter how high theur hate meter reaches. The hate between the two has been there for a long time and it isnt going away in the near future.

Israel is also doing things the way they are to show the world what happens when you attack Israel

by Bill Haywood P

I gotta think you’re smart enough to understand how disingenuous this is.

But you seem to be super comfortable dismissing those Jews who feel a certain way.

by Victor P

they do a lot of false flags like that

They those people

by Victor P

lol wait a minute, I wasnt even wrong. Zionists do use that slogan.

Victor undefeated lol


Your record is like 14-277.

I do admire how committed you are to being a delusional nut job. In an odd way it’s admirable.

Oh good Bill has a story from one person proving antisemitism claims are fake

by gs3737 P

I gotta think you’re smart enough to understand how disingenuous this is.

But you seem to be super comfortable dismissing those Jews who feel a certain way.

I mean microbet is jewish and basically said any Jews that feel that way should grow a set

This is what happens. People deny antisemitism until it's too late

by gs3737 P

Proof that this was put up by Zionists??


by metsandfinsfan P

Israel is also doing things the way they are to show the world what happens when you attack Israel

interesting, so is palestine

by Victor P


You always lol when you are wrong

by PointlessWords P

interesting, so is palestine

Then the war goes on until one group doesn't exist i guess. But israel is not stopping with hamas in power

by Victor P


Boom!! Win for Victor!!!

Naturally, antisemites around the world, including women who would never question the allegations of rape by anyone else, are challenging the facts specifically because Israel is sharing these. Fortunately, non-Israelis have witnessed and reported on this reality. After witnessing the gruesome evidence of rape, filmed and broadcast by the terrorists themselves, journalist Jotam Confino wrote he saw:

“Two dead women lying on the grass at musical festival – both with no pants on. One has her panties taken half off. The other doesn’t appear to have any on at all.”

Continuing, he saw an:

“Eyewitness describing how she saw a woman being raped by several Hamas terrorists, pulling her hair as they raped her and took turns. One of them cut her breasts off – the others played with them like a toy. The last terrorist to rape her shot her in the head and continued to rape her until he finished.”
Most of the most horrific documentation has not been widely released out of respect for the victims, and because this is part of ongoing investigations and likely additional criminal charges. But the terrorists’ confessions alone provide copious factual authenticity.

One terrorist was asked during his interrogation:

“And why take the kids and babies?”

He replied:

“To rape them.”

Another terrorist also confirmed that babies were abducted and raped.

These captured terrorists were not acting as “freelancers”. There’s documented evidence of Hamas commanders issuing specific orders to the terrorists who perpetrated the massacres not only to kill and kidnap as many Jews as possible, but to rape and sexually mutilate Israeli women.

Just posting that from this article to combat all the times that Victor insists that there was no rape

It was 6 months ago but it's important to not forget

by grizy P

For the same reason you don't get to say some of the people that march with neo-Nazis are "very fine people", you don't get to claim "your" people ostracize the Hamas supporters when "your" people are standing and camping with the Hamas supporters and not telling them to **** off.

Funny, I don't see any of you guys ever telling Kelhus or Lucio to **** off.

by metsandfinsfan P

Naturally, antisemites around the world, including women who would never question the allegations of rape by anyone else, are challenging the facts specifically because Israel is sharing these. Fortunately, non-Israelis have witnessed and reported on this reality. After witnessing the gruesome evidence of rape, filmed and broadcast by the terrorists themselves, journalist Jotam Confino wrote he saw:

“Two dead women lying on the grass at mus

Incoming responses.

Either “lol.”


“This journalist (who I never heard of prior to this post) has a history of lying for Israel.

I don’t actually have any proof of this, but that’s the zionazi way.”

Did I do it right genocide vic?

by Trolly McTrollson P

Funny, I don't see any of you guys ever telling Kelhus or Lucio to **** off.

Must have missed when you told Vic to **** off.
