Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

Discuss my fellow 2+2ers..



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07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

23620 Replies


which one -

the one where israel knew that oct 7 was about to happen and made an affirmative choice to allow it to proceed?


the IDF may have killed most of the israeli civilians that lost their lives on oct 7?



the 2nd.

wrt the first, I think Oct 7 was a military victory by the brave Resistance. Israel certainly didnt allow it. they just got beat.

got it ta

Vile personal insults itt

by Victor P

Vile personal insults itt

Yes, yes I know you aren't a liberal. I don't like how that word is misapplied either. Just pretend it says "enemies of Western civilization" or however you prefer to frame your belief system.

Got to have a Muslim name to count as a killer of Israelis. If not, you're one of the brave boys and girls of the IDF.

Not that it makes much difference but

[New UK PM] Keir Starmer has told the Palestinian president, Mahmoud Abbas, that recognition of the state of Palestine as part of a Middle East peace process is an “undeniable right”. Labour’s election manifesto committed the party to recognising a Palestinian state as part of a process that results in a two-state solution alongside Israel.

the West murders journalists and then gives journalism awards to intelligence officers laundering genocide like Barak Ravid. sick world.

by jalfrezi P

Not that it makes much difference but

Arabs completely controlled the West Bank and Gaza Strip for 20 years. The issue of statehood never even came up. The Palestinian state lives nowhere but in the Western imagination. There is no interest at all from the popularly supported Palestinian leadership. They want it all, from the river to the sea; and are playing the long game to get it.

And if Israel follows the playbook of Western leftists it will be destroyed eventually. Whatever fault the current Israeli leadership has in its strategy and tactics; following along with the completely fake Palestinian state narrative is not one of them.

Anyone looking from outside would think it was Israel who wanted everything from the river to the sea.

by jalfrezi P

Anyone looking from outside would think it was Israel who wanted everything from the river to the sea.

After 80 years, 4+ wars, 2 Infintadas, innumerable terrorist attacks, and whatever you want to call October 7th; at some point you have to take No for an answer and move on.

How's the genocide going? To plan, I guess:

Even at the cost of Israeli lives

Too much anti semitism going on imo. People need to focus on the IDF as the bad guys and leave the Jews alone.

I think alot of Jews don’t like Palestinians because they were told not to like them, and once society shows them that’s this isn’t ok, jews around the world will turn on the IDF

by Victor P

Any luck translating the other 11 bullet points on Hamas 10/7 itinerary?

you could always ask the guy. he doesnt live in Gaza so he should respond.

by PointlessWords P

Too much anti semitism going on imo. People need to focus on the IDF as the bad guys and leave the Jews alone.

I think alot of Jews don’t like Palestinians because they were told not to like them, and once society shows them that’s this isn’t ok, jews around the world will turn on the IDF

You dont think that Palestinian/Arab behavior towards Jews over the last 80 years, culminating in 10/7, might be part of the puzzle?

I understand In your mind 10/7 was a justified military operation and all the women and children murdered in their homes in there underwear were "enemy combatants," but I would wager the majority of Jews dont share this perspective.

can confirm that most of the jews i have spoken to about this consider that the rapes and murders by hamas on oct 7 were in poor taste


can confirm that most of the jews i have spoken to about this consider that the rapes and murders by hamas on oct 7 were in poor taste

What do they think of the IDF murdering Israelis?

i haven't discussed any antisemitic conspiracy theories with anyone irl

Haaretz being part of an anti-semitic conspiracy is a scorching hot take.

Man the IDF is hardcore. They obviously don’t care about their own citizens.

You think they care one bit about Palestinian civilians? They are a great example of a group that couldn’t care less

by jalfrezi P

Haaretz being part of an anti-semitic conspiracy is a scorching hot take.

the article going round says that there was some friendly fire incidents, which i think is highly likely given that hamas turned the concert and surrounding area into a warzone

the antisemitic conspiracy part comes in when people claim that a significant portion of the civilians killed on ocy 7 was due to the IDF, when it was in fact due to hamas terrorists carrying out their orders to murder in an indiscriminate fashion

it's done to promote the idea that the IDF are uniquely bloodthirsty/evil, and that the jews are by extension uniquely bloodthirsty and evil
