The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

10592 Replies


by Luciom P

I am fully denying those people weren't mostly already republican voters, and won't again be with a different candidate.

They are buying the current fad at the club they would go to anyway

Oh, for sure. But those who didn't want to be in the cult jumped shipped, so I am comfortable calling most of those who stayed cultists. I'm not saying every Trump voter is a cultist. But if you're ever said "MAGA" or purchased any merchandise with a Trump slogan on it, or have a Trump sign in your garden, or basically have any attitude other than "I'm holding my nose and voting for the fat orange bastard because of xyz policy", you definitely are.

by Luciom P

They are buying the current fad at the club they would go to anyway

I think that's mostly true.

by Luciom P

2012 wasn't close and the economy was worse and the opposition candidate was far better (in the political sense of having a chance with the median voter).

2016 had no incumbency advantage, 2020 was republicans being crushed even if incumbent (but the unicum of covid played a role, perhaps).

Yeah, 2012 wasn't close going into election day:

Gallup: Romney 49%, Obama 48% in Gallup's Final Election Survey

Source: https://news.gallup.com/poll/158519/romn...

ABC News: Post-ABC tracking poll: Romney 50 percent, Obama 47

Source: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-...

Pew: Obama Gains Edge in Campaign’s Final Days, 50% to 47%

Source: https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/201...

by 72off P

source: dude, trust me

as i expected

Get an adult to help you read what I wrote.

by pocket_zeros P

Yeah, 2012 wasn't close going into election day:

Gallup: Romney 49%, Obama 48% in Gallup's Final Election Survey

Source: https://news.gallup.com/poll/158519/romn...

ABC News: Post-ABC tracking poll: Romney 50 percent, Obama 47

Source: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-...

Pew: Obama Gains Edge in Campaign’s Final Days, 50% to 47%


Obama won the popular vote by 4%, well above the "republican buffer"

by ecriture d'adulte P

Get an adult to help you read what I wrote.

it was kind of funny in 2016 when online libs were saying bawitdaba, da bang, da dang diggy diggy diggy, said the boogie, said up jump the boogie

by ecriture d'adulte P

Bros here were saying we’re better off with Trump because it would hasten the collapse and leftist revolution. I can link but people here at the time can vouch for that.

Can confirm, there are tons of "accelerationist" dingbats out there in the post-left online world.

ok, if there are so many then surely yall can provide some evidence of a few

right but by definition those are not "progressives".

and most of the people disheartened and disaffected by the genocidal Democratic party are not strategically voting (or not voting) in the hopes to accelerate the demise of the USA. they just dont support the Dems. this is something that is extremely hard for liberals to understand.

Victor if the democratic party abandons Israel, the right will win every time anyway because of the money and clout people in favor of Israel provide.

Thank you guys anyway to put the democratic party between an anvil and the hammer, whatever they do they lose votes. That's a net positive for humanity which needs republicans to win (not POTUS, but congress mainly).

Trifectas are still bad (too much power even to the good guys, is risky), but the american republican party if the only normal rightwing party left in the west basically, if it dies, the west dies with it in the arms of Marx and it's followers.

Your help is appreciated, really

by Luciom P

lol @rick claiming the republican party shifted right when all measures tell us that republicans stayed in their place and democrats moved left every decade in the last 40 years.

Trans issues didn't even exist 20 years ago for anyone in the democratic party. You were a man living as a woman, it was your problem not certainly a topic for politics. This ALONE is an unprecedented shift to the radical maniacal left by democrats, with republicans

Wdym, there are plenty of cultures with different views of gender. This is just a lie that only until 20 years ago people were stuck in rigid gender roles of man or woman.

I also think that not every is trans in the same way, there are even very conservative trans people like Blaire White. The gender abolitionism stuff is far left, but just not wanting people to be beaten and killed for being trans is more than just a “live your life how you want” thing.

Clinton on immigration was like Trump.

On the deficit republicans moved FAR LEFT and democrats to the left as well. Clinton had the only surplus in what, 70 years?

Clinton wasn't pro gay marriage was he?

Can we stop the charade according to which republicans moved "far right"? can you guys stop lying on monumental issues at least once?

RNC just had a convention with a black ex-prostitute tatooed on her head as a speaker. Far right jfc

There’s two things going on here. First there is Trump, who really doesn’t give a **** about anything except getting into power. So he will pander and cynically manipulate people into voting for him. Then there is the party writ large, where there are people that are white identitarians, Christian nationalists, and fascists that identify in Trump a strong man that will be the king.

In that sense it’s way different from neoconservatives or romney moderates, who cared more about their grand vision for America at the top of the world than they do about their demagogues. Trump is a demagogue and so people can identify in him all manners of authoritarian visions, which just wasn’t possible under Bush. The fact that they constantly contest the results of elections would have been unheard of 20 years ago.

The truth is that Trump is incompetent so his ability to actually enact his right-wing vision was limited in his first term.

brother, Bush literally stole the election

there are no cultures where "men can get pregnant" that i know of, do you know any checkraise?

And "rigid gender roles of man and woman" has nothing to do with my claim.

My claim is that anyone who says, unironically, that women can have a penis, is to the far left of the most leftist congressperson in 1998.

And that disqualifies *any other opinion that person might have on any other topic*

A lot of absolutely not radical trans people exist but they don't claim women can have a penis. They claim some men want to live as women, are still men, and should be respected for their choice to live as women. Which is already radical vs year 2000, but far less so than people claiming women have penises.

But go on and claim that saying "men can get pregnant, women can have a dick" wasn't radical (to the point of "what the actual **** is this person saying, is he on heavy drugs") in year 2000.

by 72off P

it was kind of funny in 2016 when online libs were saying bawitdaba, da bang, da dang diggy diggy diggy, said the boogie, said up jump the boogie

by ecriture d'adulte P

Oh you don't have to infer or assume this at all. Here's Bernie Sanders' press secretary asking whether progressives should just "let" Trump win.

I think it's flawed for many reasons. It's not clear progressives have that power, it's not obvious that the DNC will come to the conclusion they need to move left if Trump wins, if you think the status quo sucks, younger, poorer less white voters not voting 40 years ago (the group progressives

Here is a self proclaimed progressive and former Bernie Sanders campaign manger telling Noam Chomsky that many progressives feel it’s better to just let trump win than support democrats.

The problem with people like you is it takes 0 effort or intelligence to post as you do but actual effort to refute your agressive nonsense.

presumably she says that at some point in the linked 50 minute video?

by ecriture d'adulte P

Here's Bernie Sanders' press secretary asking whether progressives should just "let" Trump win.

by ecriture d'adulte P

Here is a self proclaimed progressive and former Bernie Sanders campaign manger telling Noam Chomsky that many progressives feel it’s better to just let trump win than support democrats.

wow "asking" if 'let' became a whole new thing, thats wild

and when is the video from?

by ecriture d'adulte P

Here is a self proclaimed progressive and former Bernie Sanders campaign manger telling Noam Chomsky that many progressives feel it’s better to just let trump win than support democrats.

The problem with people like you is it takes 0 effort or intelligence to post as you do but actual effort to refute your agressive nonsense.

Yes they want to push democrats to the left in future elections, their votes aren't for granted.

It's the absolutely normal way to play repeated games btw. They have no other way to significantly influence policy. If they vote democrat anyway , democrats will keep doing too much stuff they deeply hate, so they can't vote them currently.

They can show them that democrats can only win with their support so they actually have a BENEFIT if trump wins. So next time (they hope), democrats can move left.

Actual rightwing people don't think like that. The main reason to vote is to piss off the people they hate in society (all leftists and many centrists). So no matter if Trump isn't perfect for them, given leftists hate him, that's more than enough to vote for him no matter what he ends up doing.

Republicans fall in line, like good soldiers against the enemy

by 72off P

wow "asking" if 'let' became a whole new thing, thats wild

and when is the video from?

Alas figuring out when YouTube videos were uploaded is one of the great unsolved problems of computer science along with P<> NP

by Luciom P

there are no cultures where "men can get pregnant" that i know of, do you know any checkraise?

And "rigid gender roles of man and woman" has nothing to do with my claim.

My claim is that anyone who says, unironically, that women can have a penis, is to the far left of the most leftist congressperson in 1998.

And that disqualifies *any other opinion that person might have on any other topic*

A lot of absolutely not radical trans people exist bu

Ok? And in my view advocating for isolationism and extreme tariffs would have made you be looked at like a psychopath in 1998. Criticizing Israel’s influence on our politics would have had you be called an antisemite. Possibly even gay marriage was considered some radical opinion. I don’t really care what people thought was crazy in 1998 tbh.

I will say though that to your point it might be more accurate to say that the right is more dangerous today than they were 26 years ago, rather than saying that they are more right wing.

Also not taking the bait on trans issues as I don’t consider that a far left position like I said. Gender abolitionism is far left but I don’t think you’ll see any of that from Democrats. And I think the excesses of gender self-ID are correcting nicely. I believe you saw a lot of gender exploration during covid among impressionable young females and now most of them have dropped the they/them or she/they and are back to their assigned gender at birth.

by ecriture d'adulte P

Alas figuring out when YouTube videos were uploaded is one of the great unsolved problems of computer science along with P<> NP

Perhaps careful analysis of the contrast and saturation can get us to within a decade range, at least. I can usually tell 80s movies apart from 90s movies from that.

by Luciom P

Yes they want to push democrats to the left in future elections, their votes aren't for granted.

It's the absolutely normal way to play repeated games btw. They have no other way to significantly influence policy. If they vote democrat anyway , democrats will keep doing too much stuff they deeply hate, so they can't vote them currently.

They can show them that democrats can only win with their support so they actually have a BENEFIT if trump

In other words everyone is trying to own the libs and we’re just trying to actually get stuff done. Now if only we could shed the insufferable part of liberal circles that thinks that every war is the Iraq war, that would be awesome.

by checkraisdraw P

Ok? And in my view advocating for isolationism and extreme tariffs would have made you be looked at like a psychopath in 1998. Criticizing Israel’s influence on our politics would have had you be called an antisemite. Possibly even gay marriage was considered some radical opinion. I don’t really care what people thought was crazy in 1998 tbh.

I will say though that to your point it might be more accurate to say that the right is

What's "she/they"? If we're self-identifying grammatical rules now, this is definitely the time for an intervention. I don't really care what anyone identifies as, but it doesn't give them carte blanche to butcher the language.

by checkraisdraw P

Ok? And in my view advocating for isolationism and extreme tariffs would have made you be looked at like a psychopath in 1998. Criticizing Israel’s influence on our politics would have had you be called an antisemite. Possibly even gay marriage was considered some radical opinion. I don’t really care what people thought was crazy in 1998 tbh.

I will say though that to your point it might be more accurate to say that the right is more dangero


President Bill Clinton's willingness to start a transatlantic trade war over bananas is proving to be anything but wise. On March 3, the President imposed duties of 100 percent on $520 million worth of popular European products, such as Waterford crystal and Italian pecorino cheese. The duties are supposed to punish the European Union (EU) for disregarding a 1997 World Trade Organization (WTO) ruling that it change its preferential policy favoring banana exports from countries in Africa, the Caribbean, and the Pacific.


So ok "you don't care about what people thought was crazy in 1998", except what i wrote was in response to the absoliutely nuts take by rick: which was that republicans moved to the far right while democrats stayed in the same place.

Literally the opposite is true, and that was my claim. Democrats moved to the far left, so much that it's incredible even to write it down, while republicans are run of the mill democrats these days on most topics.

Yes even not opposing gay marriage as an abomination (which both parties did for more than 200 years of US history) is a move to the far left. Doesn't matter if you, or many others, agree. Still is a move to the FAR left, to extreme radicalism compared to a few decades ago.

So any claim that politics today are to the right of 20-30-40 years ago is an OBJECTIVE LIE. A lie used to claim republicans today are crazy. While they objectively aren't, it's democrats claiming women have dicks who are radicals compared to every other political party in western society history until very recently.

by d2_e4 P

What's "she/they"? If we're self-identifying grammatical rules now, this is definitely the time for an intervention.

I’m not attacking trans people, I’m attacking cis women that think adding nonstandard pronouns to their bio makes them an oppressed class fwiw. Most of the time they are revolution obsessed socialists and anarchists as well so don’t feel too bad.

by checkraisdraw P

In other words everyone is trying to own the libs and we’re just trying to actually get stuff done. Now if only we could shed the insufferable part of liberal circles that thinks that every war is the Iraq war, that would be awesome.

If you shed them completly, you can't win presidential elections. There isn't a majority of center-left voters in the USA. You need the radicals or you lose every single time. And the DNC knows this.

It just hopes this time that radicals hate Trump enough to vote dem anyway.
