The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

10350 Replies


by Rococo P

FWIW, I don't share the dislike that many others here have for you. I think you are funnier that most.

it took me ages to finally pull the trigger and put him on ignore

he would sometimes make me laugh but it's just tiring seeing him call everything and everyone hateful and extremist all the while he literally does nothing but post 1 line insults directed towards people

what broke the camel's back for me was when he insisted that gay men could never be attracted to straight men, like it was an impossibility - it wasn't until gay men actually stepped in to point out how dumb that was did he concede that perhaps he could be mistaken

since you love my soul reads, here's another - my guess is trolly has very few genuine personal connections in his life and spends majority of his free time in online circle jerks

hence how he can dedicate thousands of posts talking about gay men and the discrimination and hardship they face while clearly not actually having been exposed to any to the point where he gets insane ideas due to not having any real world inputs and only his pedestialization circle jerk to rely upon

was literally the most naive thing i've ever seen in my life and that was the point where i realized it's just no point wasting any energy engaging with him because he's just cosplaying as a zealot and repeating whatever he reads online

by rickroll P

it took me ages to finally pull the trigger and put him on ignore

he would sometimes make me laugh but it's just tiring seeing him call everything and everyone hateful and extremist all the while he literally does nothing but post 1 line insults directed towards people

what broke the camel's back for me was when he insisted that gay men could never be attracted to straight men, like it was an impossibility - it wasn't until gay men actually s

I have never put anyone on ignore, and if I were to start now, he wouldn't be close to the top of my personal list. It's best to ignore his comments about how the forum is run, but there is no way to automate that process.

by rickroll P

first of all, i say this with love, i don't dislike you as a person, as you know we've exchanged a bunch of friendly dms recently

we've had this discussion in the trans thread - it was these positions which regularly made you call me a transphobic bigot

1 transwoman should not be allowed to compete in women's sports
2 lockerrooms/bathrooms/prisons are a tricky subject because it allows for bad actors to exploit the system
3 children should nev

I never called you any such thing. You're projecting that. I honestly don't remember everything about that discussion, but my position about the app was that you weren't understanding how it worked. That's all. It had nothing to do w/ you wanting to filter trans people out of dating searches. I understood and agreed w/ you there.

by rickroll P

what broke the camel's back for me was when he insisted that gay men could never be attracted to straight men, like it was an impossibility - it wasn't until gay men actually stepped in to point out how dumb that was did he concede that perhaps he could be mistaken

Lol. That's pretty funny if true. I guess by the same logic, I'm not attracted to supermodels since they are not attracted to me.

by Rococo P

On the other hand, I certainly don't have enough respect for your views on moderation to be personally offended.

You care enough to come in and circle the wagons any time I'm critical of you guys.

Look, I'm not trying to upset you, I'm wondering if it's wise to provide a soapbox for the kind of racist demagoguery that's leading to schools in my area getting bomb threats. That kind of thing should upset you more than my (admittedly annoying) complaining?

by Trolly McTrollson P

You care enough to come in and circle the wagons any time I'm critical of you guys.

Look, I'm not trying to upset you, I'm wondering if it's wise to provide a soapbox for the kind of racist demagoguery that's leading to schools in my area getting bomb threats. That kind of thing should upset you more than my (admittedly annoying) complaining?

Rococo question is still interesting, which place online do you think is properly moderated? any subreddit you think got the balance right? any social media? what's your "go to" example of how a political forum should be moderated?

by Trolly McTrollson P

You care enough to come in and circle the wagons any time I'm critical of you guys.

Look, I'm not trying to upset you, I'm wondering if it's wise to provide a soapbox for the kind of racist demagoguery that's leading to schools in my area getting bomb threats. That kind of thing should upset you more than my (admittedly annoying) complaining?

I don't recall anyone here actually propagating that rumour, nor claiming it is true, only discussing the fact that Trump said it as a current event that is relevant in politics. So, the soapboxes for racist demagoguery being provided here are limited only by your imagination.

he prefers the forum where they think the "empathy has been bred out of Russians" and the most liked poster gets irate that trans (he did not use this term it was lets just say "someone with something") high schoolers may beat their daughter at track.

by d2_e4 P

Lol. That's pretty funny if true. I guess by the same logic, I'm not attracted to supermodels since they are not attracted to me.

yeah just like all overweight low income people i know out there claiming "i like my girls with a little meat on them" is not copium in the slightest

this guy clearly not attracted to supermodels either

I am not sure where the reverse groucho marx theory of sexual attraction developed but i don't think it's true

One party wants to decide when, where, and how women have agency over their reproductive rights. But yeah, the other party is fascist.

by d2_e4 P

I don't recall anyone here actually propagating that rumour, nor claiming it is true, only discussing the fact that Trump said it as a current event that is relevant in politics,. So, the soapboxes for racist demagoguery being provided here are limited only by your imagination.

yeah but the thread isn't a circle jerk of people taking turns condemning it

maybe if it were, those poor haitians in his neighborhood could go to school again - so we are the problem!

by Luciom P

reverse groucho marx theory of sexual attraction

i actually googled this and couldn't find anything, can you please elaborate

by pocket_zeros P

One party wants to decide when, where, and how women have agency over their reproductive rights. But yeah, the other party is fascist.

Both are fascist.

Both support slavery

by Rococo P

I have never put anyone on ignore, and if I were to start now, he wouldn't be close to the top of my personal list. It's best to ignore his comments about how the forum is run, but there is no way to automate that process.

gun to your head, you need to put 10 users on the ignore list

time is a construct so it doesn't matter if they don't post anymore

can we get a roc ignore list power rankings?

here's what i'm packin

by rickroll P

i actually googled this and couldn't find anything, can you please elaborate

groucho marx most famous quote is:

/I refuse to join any club that would have me as a member./

Here you guys are discussing a theory of sexual attraction based on the opposite (what i dubbed "the reverse groucho marx")

by Trolly McTrollson P

You care enough to come in and circle the wagons any time I'm critical of you guys.

Look, I'm not trying to upset you, I'm wondering if it's wise to provide a soapbox for the kind of racist demagoguery that's leading to schools in my area getting bomb threats. That kind of thing should upset you more than my (admittedly annoying) complaining?

I care about the forum to a degree. If the forum ever turned into a place where I was embarrassed to post, I would leave. I assume you would do the same. That's different than caring about whether you think I did a good job as moderator. As I said, every person who ever agrees to moderate this forum knows that you will complain that they are doing a terrible job. That's already baked into the market price, so to speak. I am not upset. I'm just explaining how I see things.

I am curious about what political forum you would point to as a standard for good moderation.

by pocket_zeros P

One party wants to decide when, where, and how women have agency over their reproductive rights. But yeah, the other party is fascist.

abortion is orthogonal to fascism.

You can have an exceptionally authoritarian country which allows abortion (China under Mao), and a very libertarian leaning one which doesn't (a lot of the USA in the 19th century)

Abortion is about when the thing inside the womb becomes a person with rights. That's what the disagreement is about. Once it has rights you can't kill it freely, until it does you can.

It's not about agency about reproductive rights if you don't mandate sex against the will of the person.

by Luciom P

groucho marx most famous quote is:

/I refuse to join any club that would have me as a member./

Here you guys are discussing a theory of sexual attraction based on the opposite (what i dubbed "the reverse groucho marx")

oh man, i've always attributed that to rodney dangerfield, could have sworn that was his

by rickroll P

gun to your head, you need to put 10 users on the ignore list

time is a construct so it doesn't matter if they don't post anymore

can we get a roc ignore list power rankings?

here's what i'm packin

LOL. I don't even know who half these people are. I'm going to decline your invitation other than to say that my personal list would not necessarily skew in the direction of people with whom I disagree frequently.

by rickroll P

oh man, i've always attributed that to rodney dangerfield, could have sworn that was his

I've actually used a variation of that here before, when there was a slight danger of my joking around about throwing my hat into the ring for mod being taken seriously. "I don't think I would want to post on a forum that would have me as a moderator."

by rickroll P

gun to your head, you need to put 10 users on the ignore list

time is a construct so it doesn't matter if they don't post anymore

can we get a roc ignore list power rankings?

here's what i'm packin

Lol, homeslice got half the forum on ignore. Where's the fun in that?

by rickroll P

oh man, i've always attributed that to rodney dangerfield, could have sworn that was his

I think details are fuzzy but it's definitely by G Marx


by Rococo P

LOL. I don't even know who half these people are. I'm going to decline your invitation other than to say that my personal list would not necessarily skew in the direction of people with whom I disagree frequently.

yeah looking at it now, i too have no idea who half of them are, they must have stopped posting years ago

i do not put people on ignore if i disagree or even if i dislike them

it takes a lot bad trolling (i'm a big fan of good trolling but bad trolling is just cringe), repeated bad faithed posting, or just constant mind numbingly stupid takes for me to take that step

worst part is you still end up seeing half their posts anyway (because bad posts get quote responded to so often) and you can't put a mod on ignore which wasn't so much an issue for me but why i made that atf thread about a mod doing nothing but troll a mentally unwell poster who couldn't physically put that person on ignore

by d2_e4 P

Lol, homeslice got half the forum on ignore. Where's the fun in that?

i used to feel the same way until i tried it and it was a game changer to just never be exposed to their stuff

by Luciom P

Yep you are actually always allowed to criticize bizzare behavior in other ethnicities/cultures, or never, there is no in between.

Surely you can find examples of many posters around today saying things like "covid was caused by bat eating chinese"

Should be straight forward and simple?

Otherwise it seems like you are making things up to justify a view point
