The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

10347 Replies


by pocket_zeros P

We get it - you're not a woman.

Another exactly.

Should men have any say at all in this subject? And before you answer... think about it even more. And before you think you have an answer, think about it some more.

by pocket_zeros P

That's Oscar Wide-level eloquence.

Or something "orthagonal" to it.

by ecriture d'adulte P

There are a lot of stereotypes about Magas. Low intelligence, low performing, violent, welfare dependent etc.

So unreliable and low-performing in fact that Springfield had to actively recruit Haitian immigrants to fill in the jobs that the locals are too incompetent/drug-addled to perform.


Amazingly, the same people who allegedly oppose "DEI hires" now want the federal government to actually deport more-qualified workers and replace them with workers of their preferred ethnicity, ya can't make this up, folks.

by David Sklansky P

It's not orthagonal to political ideology. Most people would agree that a certain category of abortion should be illegal if it is actually murder (with certain extreme exceptions) and legal if it is not murder. But most people consciously or unconsciously cheat when forming their original premise. They have other reasons to support or oppose various categories of abortion and since they know that those reasons are never enough to overcome t

Most people? I don't disagree w/ what you're saying if you applied this to a lot of topics. Abortion is obviously a tricky one.

The original Roe ruling is pretty fair-minded, and I think that's why most people agree with it. Are people who agree w/ it unconsciously doing so because they want abortion legal?

This is why the MAGA argument of returning abortion rights back to the states is so disingenuous, because it already was under the purview of states rights after the first trimester. They just want to outright ban abortion, regardless of any timeline or situation. This is why there's validity behind the argument that this is about controlling women.

This is a summary of the ruling:
First Trimester: During the first three months of pregnancy, the decision to have an abortion was left entirely to the woman and her doctor. The state could not interfere.
Second Trimester: In the second trimester, the state could impose regulations reasonably related to maternal health but could not prohibit abortions.
Third Trimester: Once the fetus reached viability (the point at which it could potentially survive outside the womb, generally around 24 weeks), the state could regulate or even prohibit abortions, except when necessary to protect the life or health of the mother.

How do you get any more fair-minded about this than that, considering how complicated this topic is?

Trolly is like my aunt who is offended about every little thing (everyone is a racist, bigot, etc) to the point where she's not invited to anything, whether it's hosted by a DEM or REP.

"Sally, you are exhausting and no one likes you."

by natediggity P

Trolly is like my aunt who is offended about every little thing (everyone is a racist, bigot, etc) to the point where she's not invited to anything, whether it's hosted by a DEM or REP.

"Sally, you are exhausting and no one likes you."

how dare you assume trolly's gender!

by d2_e4 P

Bahbah is a lying POS and a clown who shows up on the reg to push dogshit MAGA talking points. It has been thus for the best part of 10 years.

His a good earner shrug 😀

Ok friends, let’s stop insulting one another please or there will be timeouts etc.

Regarding the Haitian immigrants discussion, the allegation that Haitians eat cats and dogs is indisputably a racial slur. The issue I’m running into with moderating it is that the ****ing former president claimed as much on a national stage…

The line for the above debate will be thin. If you’re not sure where the line is, PM a mod before making your post, or it is at your own risk.

Master of persuasion

Yes, I'm sure that part when Hitler compared the Jews to cockroaches was very effective too. Racist demagogues are very good at eliciting visceral reactions from the scum of the earth who form their base.

As far as "master of persuasion" - well, I, for one, am becoming increasingly persuaded that universal suffrage is a terrible system.

by d2_e4 P

As far as "master of persuasion" - well, I, for one, am becoming increasingly persuaded that universal suffrage is a terrible system.

Yes, we already know Democrats feels this way.

by d2_e4 P

Yes, I'm sure that part when Hitler compared the Jews to cockroaches was very effective too. Racist demagogues are very good at eliciting visceral reactions from the scum of the earth who form their base.

As far as "master of persuasion" - well, I, for one, am becoming increasingly persuaded that universal suffrage is a terrible system.

But it’s ok « because it doesn’t hurt me » 0o….
Baham for president 2028 !

by Shifty86 P

Yes, we already know Democrats feels this way.

There is absolutely nothing positive for society that comes of an individual like you having a vote. The only reason for it is to uphold a greater principle.

by Crossnerd P

Ok friends, let’s stop insulting one another please or there will be timeouts etc.

Regarding the Haitian immigrants discussion, the allegation that Haitians eat cats and dogs is indisputably a racial slur. The issue I’m running into with moderating it is that the ****ing former president claimed as much on a national stage…

The line for the above debate will be thin. If you’re not sure where the line is, PM a mod befo

i'd like to preface by saying:
-i did not preclear this with a mod
-i respect CN, both for level of modding effort and certain IQ scores that have been disclosed
-it pains me a great deal to see so much discussion in the political sphere of haitians eating cats and dogs. i feel i'm living in a dystopian novel.

that said:
-haitians are not a race
-call me a moral relativist or POS, but it's possible the statement "Haitians eat cats/dogs/ducks = racial slur" and banning most discourse on the subject is itself prejudiced, culturalist, or [insert appropriate term here]. i have no view on the likelihood haitian immigrants have eaten either animal, but say they did: why is that taboo and terrible? we (or those who partake in meat eating culture) torture and slaughter all sorts of animals on the daily.
-maybe a line is drawn when it's other people's pets, aka "property", but i feel "immigrants are stealing/looting" would not draw anywhere near the same banworthy ire.
-discussing these issues in the open is the most effective way to get to the truth of the matter, while banning speech leaves conspiracists and prejudiced people feeling they know a secret so true and damning it cannot be openly discussed

tldr: downvotes and ban in 3, 2...

lol Haitians being a racial slur

INDISPUTABLY a racial slur


by lozen P

Hmm what do they all have in common? More conservative possibly?

I am only 4th . Come on I am actually saying that I do not think Trump is fit to be president .

What can I say, you 5 are the only right leaning posters in this forum and therefore the only people I define as terrible posters obv

You got me

reporter confronting Stephen Miller on the facts

Miller would be very comfortable in an SS uniform.

That right there folks is what creepy looks like

by smartDFS P

i'd like to preface by saying:
-i did not preclear this with a mod
-i respect CN, both for level of modding effort and certain IQ scores that have been disclosed
-it pains me a great deal to see so much discussion in the political sphere of haitians eating cats and dogs. i feel i'm living in a dystopian novel.

that said:
-haitians are not a race
-call me a moral relativist or POS, but it's possible the statement "Haitians eat cats/dogs/ducks = ra

Why do you believe Haitians were singled out in this rumor?

We're still allowed to say they're eating park geese I think.

I just got a puppy and I threaten to send her to Haiti all the time when she's being bad but she doesn't know where that is.

by smartDFS P

i'd like to preface by saying:
-i did not preclear this with a mod
-i respect CN, both for level of modding effort and certain IQ scores that have been disclosed
-it pains me a great deal to see so much discussion in the political sphere of haitians eating cats and dogs. i feel i'm living in a dystopian novel.

that said:
-haitians are not a race
-call me a moral relativist or POS, but it's possible the statement "Haitians eat cats/dogs/ducks = ra

Its a pretty easy line to draw at pets. Its probably against the law to kill geese, even wild geese, most places. I don't have any moral issue with someone killing a wild animal for food.

People aren't saying "Haitians eat cats/dogs/ducks", they are saying "20,000 (invasion) Haitian (black) immigrants (illegals) have moved to the town of Springfield, population 60,000 (invasion), and are stealing (criminals) peoples pet (immoral) cats and dogs to eat them".

Discussing cultural differences seems fine but its possible to do that without being blatantly racist, though its probably not possible to do that on this forum without it devolving into certain people being blatantly racist

by smartDFS P

i'd like to preface by saying:
-i did not preclear this with a mod
-i respect CN, both for level of modding effort and certain IQ scores that have been disclosed
-it pains me a great deal to see so much discussion in the political sphere of haitians eating cats and dogs. i feel i'm living in a dystopian novel.

that said:
-haitians are not a race
-call me a moral relativist or POS, but it's possible the statement "Haitians eat cats/dogs/ducks = ra

Certainly is an anti immigrants slur at the least if you don’t like the racist definition of it ?

FWIW to me , I would find that trump rhetoric as bad and stupid in either case .

are you morons pretending not to know that haiti is like 95% black?

i'm not racist i'm just repeating obviously fake and widely debunked conspiracy theories about (((HATIANS))) is like the least subtle dog-whistle of all time

anyway keep going with this ****, it's laughably absurd and completely repulsive to everyone but racist boomers. dumbasses still haven't figured out that in order to win a national election you have to appeal to people outside the silo, rather than preaching to a shrinking cult
