The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

10343 Replies


by Luciom P

yes I think he asked Pence to use his VP powers to stop the certification/substitute slates.

the issue was so unclear congress fixed it later to clarify the actual role of the VP is just cerimoniale (which means that when trump attempted it, it wasn't obvious that was the case).

trump attempt to overturn the election on technicalities made the republic stronger in that case.

imagine someone actually smart, with actual allies in all key positio

are we trying to appropriate the thanks obama meme into thanks trump, because if so, i can see that going places 😀

by rickroll P

are we trying to appropriate the thanks obama meme into thanks trump, because if so, i can see that going places 😀

personally I am positive about Obama: some ACA provisions were smart (covering sons and daughters up to 26y old, a ban on previous conditions being used against insuring), extrajudicial mass drone assassinations of enemies of America and the west were very good, the shale revolution which he didn't stop and actually somewhat helped at the margin was awesome, the Asian pivot had some real merits

but yes the drone assassinations were the best

by ecriture d'adulte P

lol....You can define fascism so narrow that only Mussolini was fascist just like you can define prime so narrow that only 3 is prime. But that would be stupid. I grade you on a curve but this is bad even for a guy I primarily know for being too innumerate to follow polling.

Mussolini invented fascism.

some people can copy from that but it requires them to do what only Mussolini, and no one before did, otherwise they aren't copying him rather they are copying someone else that came before.

you guys just decided fascism is the "catch all" word for things you don't like in politics and move from there. as usual you invent definitions and insist east Asia was always at war with us and people who don't comply with your made up semantics are idiots.

by Luciom P

but yes the drone assassinations were the best

by Luciom P

Mussolini invented fascism.

some people can copy from that but it requires them to do what only Mussolini, and no one before did, otherwise they aren't copying him rather they are copying someone else that came before.

you guys just decided fascism is the "catch all" word for things you don't like in politics and move from there. as usual you invent definitions and insist east Asia was always at war with us and people who don't comply with yo

It's not a catch all for things I don't like. You can't just change the meaning of catch all or lie because you don't think trump is fascist. Trump fits in with with the existing concepts of Neo-fascism that existed before Trump.

by Luciom P

Mussolini invented fascism.

some people can copy from that but it requires them to do what only Mussolini, and no one before did, otherwise they aren't copying him rather they are copying someone else that came before.

you guys just decided fascism is the "catch all" word for things you don't like in politics and move from there. as usual you invent definitions and insist east Asia was always at war with us and people who don't comply with yo

You accusing others of inventing definitions is deliciously ironic.

by ecriture d'adulte P

like you can define prime so narrow that only 3 is prime.

I might well be missing something, but that seems pretty hard unless you define it to be identically 3.

by Luciom P

Mussolini invented fascism.

some people can copy from that but it requires them to do what only Mussolini, and no one before did, otherwise they aren't copying him rather they are copying someone else that came before.

you guys just decided fascism is the "catch all" word for things you don't like in politics and move from there. as usual you invent definitions and insist east Asia was always at war with us and people who don't comply with yo

It’s not fascism unless it’s from the Fasces region of Italy.

Otherwise it's just sparkling authoritarianism

by Luciom P

you guys just decided fascism is the "catch all" word for things you don't like in politics and move from there.

Have you known anyone in this forum to use the term "Marxist" in a similar way?

Or leftist?

Not sure Lucio really thought this through. If your sole defense against accusations of fascism is that literally only one specific person can ever be called fascist...

Man this guy. Same dude that told everyone to keep the cat memes coming

Loomer drew widespread condemnation from Republicans and Democrats alike last week for posting on social media that the White House “will smell like curry & White House speeches will be facilitated via a call center” if Harris wins the presidential election.

Sen. JD Vance told NBC News’ “Meet the Press” on Sunday that “I don’t like those comments” when asked about far-right activist Laura Loomer’s remarks about Vice President Kamala Harris last week.

After fielding questions from Welker about whether the comments offended Vance and his wife, who is Indian American, the Ohio Republican said he doesn’t “look at the internet for every single thing to get offended by.”

Sure buddy. Being terminally online boomer raging has nothing to do with you being the point man on this stupid pet eating story.

by Luciom P

Mussolini invented fascism.

some people can copy from that but it requires them to do what only Mussolini, and no one before did, otherwise they aren't copying him rather they are copying someone else that came before.

you guys just decided fascism is the "catch all" word for things you don't like in politics and move from there. as usual you invent definitions and insist east Asia was always at war with us and people who don't comply with yo

We don’t like communism but we don’t call it fascist shrug .
I know you did , even tho far right isn’t communism …..

Guys it doesn’t matter that there was an assassination on Trump, he didn’t die so the guardrails held.

by Luciom P

wanting allies that you feel betrayed you being punished as much as possible is basic humanity.

Then fascism is basic humanity .
Gj luciom .

And what did pence did to betray trump ?
Ah yes by not circumventing the passation of power toward a coup d’état !
So pence try to protect the constitution and you find normal trump wanted him dead and you call pence more fascist then trump ?


by Luciom P

can you read what I wrote again? I presented the nativist thesis and I rejected it.

don't comment in bad faith pls it's just a waste of time.

removing all power from unelected civil servants is pro democracy, it's incredible anyone who doesn't answer directly to voters, outside of the judiciary, has any power at all. the totality of power should reside with people who constantly have to answer to voters, if you want a democracy.

every pro demo

Sometimes , certain structures should just be run by the best people not by politics .
Especially now knowing the elections do not always bring the best people in “power” .

Sadly today , science for example is becoming a political issue even tho it shouldn’t but because of conspiracy and qanon and crap like that , some people think it’s better to put political people there just because they believe the same crap they do Instead of facts .

by Rococo P

Have you known anyone in this forum to use the term "Marxist" in a similar way?


by StoppedRainingMen P

Or leftist?

I need to do better job of vetting who I think is a Prez canidate. I must admit I am bored by the news so I only check it out like once a month. I happily have no cable and avoid news sites as best I can. But I thought highly of RFK. And just read this sht........

"" her dad once drove five hours after hearing a whale carcass had washed up onto the beach. According to his daughter, RFK Jr. proceeded to cut the dead animal’s head off with a chainsaw, before attaching it to the roof of their car via bungee cords.

“Every time we accelerated on the highway, whale juice would pour into the windows of the car, and it was the rankest thing on the planet,” Kick said. “We all had plastic bags over our heads with mouth holes cut out, and people on the highway were giving us the finger, but that was just normal day-to-day stuff for us.”

Absolute madman. WTF I am checking out of this election before I regret it. Head in the sand, not voting.

by roymunson888 P

Head in the sand, not voting.

vote stein!

So by their own standards, is Trump inciting violence against Joe Biden? 😉

by roymunson888 P

But I thought highly of RFK.


by checkraisdraw P

Guys it doesn’t matter that there was an assassination on Trump, he didn’t die so the guardrails held.

Under rated post right here

by checkraisdraw P

So by their own standards, is Trump inciting violence against Joe Biden? 😉


by Gorgonian P

Under rated post right here

Very good, but if we really wanted to channel Luciom, we would argue that unsuccessful attempts to kill presidential candidates actually strengthen the country because they give us an opportunity to improve security protocols.
