TwoPlusTwo user BigBlue56



Joined 15 years ago Lact Active: 7 days ago
7likes received


Location: The Garden State Interests: Cigars, scotch... and poker Occupation: Educator Games and Stakes:

Range for calling Flop Raise-all-in

Recent session at the 1/3 tables at the Borgata (AC).

3 young aggressive players have just picked up to go to dinner, taking about 2k off the table.

Villain is of the new players to sit. He is an older gentleman who just kept talking and joking socially. Very comfortable.

We're 100BB effective.

V (300) raises to 15 (within standard opens) from UTG+1.
Folds to Hero (450) with XX in the BB, I raise to 50.
V calls.

Flop(100) Ts 6s 2d

H c-bets 50 fo

Home Poker 1yr ago

Our 'home' game

Current situation:

We play weekly at a local cigar shop.
Dealer's choice with a dealer ante.
Small stakes spread limit, table stakes-ish (occasionally we let a player do a minor freeroll by choosing to borrow enough to make a call or not).
No wild cards, but lots of non-traditional games.

Most popular games called:

2-3-5 Double board 5-card Omaha h/l where you can also play 3 cards up a column or 5 cards in your hand.

2-4-5 aka Boogaloo Single (