TwoPlusTwo user Bloobird



Carpal \'Tunnel
Joined 12 years ago Lact Active: 7 days ago
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1/1 - Bottom 2 pair on wet board


9 handed, I have ~600 and am in SB, look down at 76cc

UTG (nitty) opens to 6 (his standard open), 3 calls before me and I figure the price is right to see a flop, BB comes along as well

6-ways to a flop of 876hh (pot is 36)

I figure that if there's ever a flop to donk out on, this is it, and lead for 25, it folds to an EP player (not the original raiser) who raises to 60

EP's stack is ~350, and he's been pretty active for the 3-4 hours I've

1/2 AA flop decision

8-handed, I'm in the CO, there's a straddle on. Folds around to MP on my right who opens to 12, I look down at AA and pop it up to 35, folds back around to MP who calls.

MP has been relatively tight in the couple of hours I've been playing, not uber-nitty but not getting out of line at all that I've seen. He's on a stack of about 400, I cover.

Flop comes out 987r.

MP checks, I put out 50, and MP relatively quickly raises to 150.

Thoughts? If we