TwoPlusTwo user BoisePokerPlayer



Joined 11 years ago Lact Active: 8 days ago
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Omaha/8 4mo ago

UTG NLO8 Ranges

UTG NLO8 Ranges
Poker Software 4mo ago

MonkerSolver "View" syntax

I'm sure someone else is interested in View syntax

Obviously there is all the Propokertools (PPT) syntax, but I'm looking for more advanced syntax. Like do we have a Wrap? Do we have a Nut Low draw? Do we have an OESD?

Here is what I got so far with Omaha. Seems to work ok for the HI hands but I'm limited to what I know from the one small web page on Monker's advanced syntax .

This is for Omaha only where you must use Two cards in your hand