TwoPlusTwo user Canadian85



Joined 9 months ago Lact Active: 9 days ago
24likes received

How should a staking deal / with make up work

Having some discussion with my backer
( just started a month ago )

And with some others who are also backed
On how things should work

Like for profit chops

Let's say I'm 660 in make up

Total sent

End of day I have 800 on clients

Assuming 50 / 50 split
Do we split the 140

And he backer gets 660 back clearing MU

But it doesn't make sense to send backer
660 n I have 0 on sites

So I keep enough for Buy Ins 400 ish
While the rest goes to MU reduction


" grind house " in Canada for the near future ?

up n coming online MTT player - full time , I have my living expenses covered , eventually looking for few other players ( prefer MTT ) , but anything online - to share a place together

prefer Canada ( for a lot of reasons ), - if it would be abroad I would have to wait at least a few years to be more established , location doesnt matter to me within Canada. ( been talking to one
friend I know about possibly doing this in the ne

How to be a Online MTT Pro - This is the journey I am taking ( come along for the ride )

This blog is to inspire, give hope , ideas. It is for anyone who doesnt know about playing online poker, who wants to play , or already does, This is a very open , vulnerable , " putting myself out there ' type of blog

This will be my story of how & why I decided to use online poker - not only as hobby , but take my passion and transform it into a reality

Chapter 1 ( Intro / Transformation Phase )

Hi , I am a middle aged male , living i