TwoPlusTwo user CastlesMadeASand



Joined 17 years ago Lact Active: 9 days ago
2likes received

Omaha 3mo ago

Looking for 2-3 mid-high PLO Cash players who are highly motivated

As the title states I am looking for 2-3 PLO cash players (6m or hu) who are highly motivated studiers, playing 100bb 1/2 plo or higher (preferably online but not required), and who are monker solver and excel competent for a study group.

I have a general study heuristic that I have been using for many years now that I will share with the group. It's been a very fruitful way of studying PLO/poker in general. The main reason that I'm looki

Psychology 7mo ago

HS player 140 bi below EV over the last 4 mo. Need some perspective

Title basically says it all. I play basically anything 5/10-200/400. Been doing this for over a decade and have done well. The last year, but particularly last 4 mo have been basically the limit that I can handle mentally. >140 buy ins under EV over the last 4 mo. I don't know how to continue doing this when I'm getting results like this. With the probability of some sort of collusion/RTA being >5% and the likelihood of a sub 1% run o