TwoPlusTwo user DrTJO



old hand
Joined 12 years ago Lact Active: 7 days ago
36likes received

Hero call with AK on Q-high board vs LP.

$2/4 NL (9 handed) $800 effective

MP V1 ($1200)
BN V2 ($1000)
SB Hero ($800)

Hero is dealt A K

2 folds, V1 limps, V2 limps, Hero raises to $36, V1 calls, BN folds.

V1 (gent in this 40s) has been playing 80% of hands, mostly limp calling, so appears a classic loose-passive. In a previous hand he called a pot sized turn bet OOP on AK3Kcc with JcTc and immediately checked/gave-up on a blank river.

Flop ($80) Q53

Hero bets $30, V1 calls.

Turn ($140) 3


TPGK & busted flush-draw faces overbet river shove from old man on double paired board

2/4 (9 handed)
Effective $480 (120bb)

Hero (CO) is a reg, 50s male, who is dealt AJ
Villain 1 (BN) is 80ish and wearing orange overalls, as if he’s just knocked-off work as a mechanic. He’s drinking a lot of coffee but more chatty than your typical OMC. He's topped up his stack to 100bb 2-3 times in the last hour.
Villain 2 (HJ) is a more typical OMC who's check-folding a lot of flops.

V2 limps, Hero (CO) raises to $15 with AJ, V1