TwoPlusTwo user Drefaz



Joined 7 years ago Lact Active: 9 days ago
4likes received

Poker Theory & GTO 14h ago

GTO Average allins per x number of hands?

Hey guys, just curious how often every x number of hands a gto player goes allin on a gto pool playing NLH 6 max 100 bbs on average.

I don't need an exact number. I would check a database of mine to get a rough aproximate of how often I do with my pseudogto but I've been playing on my phone on the last months.

Have anybody got this number before or could check for me on a big number of personal database hands please?

Thanks in advanced!

Poker Theory & GTO 3mo ago

6max 100bb GTO preflop ranges with LJ Straddle

Anybody knows if they exist and where can I get them?

I have no idea how my opening preflop ranges should be for HJ, CO, BU, SB and BB when LJ straddles.

Thanks in advanced!

Poker Theory & GTO 4mo ago

Is it possible to make a solver play only pure strategies?

I wonder how much EV it would lose against a maximum exploitative gto strategy, and if it would be useful to improve the understanding of the favorite roles of each hand in any given spot.

Is it possible?

Has anyone tried this?


Poker Theory & GTO 4mo ago

Cbet sizes differences between 3bet pots and single raised pots

Examining solver results I've noted what may be an interesting trend:

We tend to c-bet flop smaller on average OOP on single raised pots compared to being IP.

But when it comes to 3bet pots, it's just the opposite, we tend to bet smaller on average being IP compared to being OOP.

Am I looking at a small sample or it's a real trend?


Poker Theory & GTO 4mo ago

Cbet Size 3bet Pot OOP

Currently I'm using a simplified one size flop strategy for Single Raised Pots IP based on texture.

I'm checking range OOP on SRP.

Using 1/3 on 4bet pots, and 1/3 on 3bet pots IP.

Currently working on a basic cbet sizing strategy for 3bet pots OOP and I have found the next on the solver solutions for SB vs BU 3bet pot OOP:

1/3 is still the favorite on most boards, except No Straight No monotone Low boards where it prefers 3/4 by far.

On dis

Poker Theory & GTO 4mo ago

100 bb vs 200 bb deep river massive differences

100 bb vs 200 bb deep river massive differences
Poker Theory & GTO 5mo ago

What's the reason behind using two sizes on the river?

I've read from several sources that simplifying the flop and turn to one single bet size is not a big deal, but it's advisable to be open to two sizes on the River.

Why is this?

This article by GTO Wizard explains one bet size river IP of 75% for all spots loses 0.18% EV median:

Doesn't sound like much to me, or is it? Curious about the reason for this recurrent idea.

What do you think?


Poker Theory & GTO 5mo ago

EV of betting simplifications, considering before getting GTO Wizard

I have some questions I would like to know before subscribing to this service, for those of you using the elite subscription:

Does the dynamic betting function forces you to have the allin option on the river? Or can you make it choose one single best size there too?

And have any of you ran some samples to check more or less which are the differences in terms of EV for:

Complex solutions.

One single best size per node (if possible).

One sin

Poker Theory & GTO 5mo ago

BU vs BB Cbet size Flop Heuristics (1/3 always?)

I've been killing my head lately and can't come up with a coherent heuristic for disconnected boards cbet size, SRP HU BTN vs BB.

I'm happy to cbet 1/3 on trips, paired, monotone and straights, and it seems to capture a whole bunch of what GTO likes to do.

But for disconnected boards it gets really tricky. The thing is on a lot of these, we are prefering 1/3 too, but on some, we want a big size also.

The thing is, even on those where we lik

Poker Theory & GTO 6mo ago

In which street are donk bets more frequent on average based on GTO?

Flop? Turn? River?

Curious about this fact, thanks!

Poker Theory & GTO 6mo ago

Do you defend tighter in BB the more people on the pot?

A common spot is when you are in the BB and there's one raiser only compared to one raiser and one caller or more.

I have the vague idea of hearing people say "I will call with this hands because my pot odds are so good".

Yet, playing around with my solver, I have found the BB calls the tighter and tighter the more people on the pot, contrary to what pot odds intuition would tell us. It's the same pattern even for tournaments with antes, he

Poker Theory & GTO 6mo ago

Can cap ranges still be linear, merged and polarized?

Can cap ranges still be linear, merged and polarized?

Or because they lack the strongest hands, they can't?


Poker Theory & GTO 6mo ago

Do we need to balance our give up hands?

"Your value bets drive your action. When you decide how to play your hands post flop, first think of the value bets you have. Depending on how many of them you have and what hands in your opponent’s range you are targeting as calls, you decide what size to bet and pick the required amount of bluffs to be balanced. What remains are the hands you check back because they have showdown value or because you intend to give up with them. You do no

Poker Theory & GTO 6mo ago

Modern Poker Theory Extract analysis

Book by Michael Acevedo:

"In general, you want to construct your betting range in such a way that your opponent cannot possibly make the right decision consistently against all the different holdings in your range. You want to create a big discrepancy between your opponent’s EV when they call and you hold hand type A in your range compared to when they call and you hold hand type B or C in your range. The same applies to raising. You

Poker Theory & GTO 7mo ago

GTO Big Picture

1) If we were to pick one single flop cbet size for all spots, which one would be the highest EV?

Based on an article by gto wizard, it seems for river it would be 50% OOP and 75% IP.

2) The same for the turn, which would be the highest single EV cbet size for all spots? I couldn't find any information on flop and turn.

3) How bad are we cbetting 1/3 bet size all flops as a default? Anyone here does that? How much EV would we lose compared

Other Poker Games 7mo ago

Regular OFC straight vs flush odds

(Get dealt 5 cards first, then 4 rounds of 3 cards (playing 2 and folding 1 each time)).

What have higher chances to complete, a 678 rainbown on bottom going for a straight, or a 3 same suits cards going for a flush?

(Assuming no blocked outs).


P.D: Any material where I can learn about the math of OFC?

Poker Theory & GTO 7mo ago

How is this a GTO call?

How is this a GTO call?