TwoPlusTwo user Grimstard



Joined 7 months ago Lact Active: 7 days ago
119likes received

LOL Donkaments. Go for value?

$20 tournament 9 handed. Never played w these guys before but they’re mostly 50s+ and drinking booze smokin cigs and just there for the lols. Seem like loose passive mostly. 5k starting Stacks. Still full table left at this point and I have been playing tight folding mostly. Idk if they discussed payouts even just yet but ended up being a 100/60/20 split.

I have about 5k villain covers slightly. He’s 55 or so dude smoking cigarettes like it

27 versus a whale

Friendly home game. No rake. I’m host. 1/2 blinds. 27 bounty on $10 per player. Game is 5 handed. All Donks who see too many flops turns and rivers. Villain is whale seen him make some very loose plays. Capable of folding no pair on river tho but also very loose pre. My image is way nittier than anybody else at table. I never limp. They always limp. I haven’t shown down many if any hands but def not caught bluffing today

Micro he bet into my TRUP QUEENS

Villain is AnimalWhale on an ap game. That’s his username and defines how he plays. Hates folding. Lots of min raise. Will call off huge 3/4/5 bets pre with 6 high or worse. Very wild imo but I’ve seen him fold garbage. Also seen him way overplay dumb stuff like flushes on two pair board in limped pot. Seen him min bet 3 streets oop no pair no several times.

5/10 c blinds approx 3.49 effective stack.

I raise qjo heads up on button wi

AJs homegame squeeze

Villain is same villain from 444, I haz aces, I haz a boat. I’m getting sick and tired of losing pots to this mfer. This hand happened at 0.50/1 homegame and effective stacks approx 140-150. I’m being pretty nitty as a result of card dead ness. He pulled a wacky stop n go bluff on me with 87sooted earlier in night on a K9598 board where I raised flop and he bet turn and river on me and I kept him honest. So I guess maybe h


1/2 NL MGM Springfield. Villain is a scratch off lotto winner known for being angry and getting drunk and blasting off at 1/2. I always bum hunt him and he knows it but I’m always friendly. lol. Quite a bit of history w him. He views me super tight which is true. He plays something like 50% vpip/pfr when he’s not tilted/wasted but once he loses a stack or three (common) he’ll just start blind shoving 250BB hand after

Casino employees accused of rigged games

I've said it before and I'll say it again

F@&K Rivers

Boycott Rivers


AJs gets 3 bet in homegame

Everybody’s had at least one beer in em. Villain is brand new to home game. Never met him before today. He quickly dumped 200 BB + to host making some unorthodox plays (bluffs) post flop but we haven’t tangled yet. He seems relatively observant and haven’t observed him OOL versus others. Just the host so far who happens to be to his left. He’s been pretty Fit or fold in pots we’ve been in. I don’t think we’ve been HU in a pot yet but


0.50/1.00 home game. Everybody at least a beer deep. friendly kinda splashy game and villain is host But that’s besides the point. FYI he’s the same villain from the I haz aces thread weeks ago. Today he’s hosting a friendly home game 7 handed. He’s like 3-4 beers in which makes him a bit splashier (pre mostly…rarely gets out of line post but I have seen him make a cr river bluff on me once within past week

Grimstarr has AQ again

Friendly live 0.50/1.00 home game. Match the stack. Villain is rec very splashy sometimes has shown up with strange holdings doing things that don’t make much sense but also has shown me goods when I kept him honest light in all in pots too. He’s in for 100 I cover. He may be up couple bucks but relatively close to 100 start of hand.

I open AQo (no spade) to 3 in utg 7 handed. Host calls on button. Villain 3 bets to 6 from B

Paying the VIP’s time collection

Sometimes when a game gets real short people wanna quit. Now I’ve seen this happen more than once. I’ve been on both ends of it even. Often when the games short and a rec player is gonna quit and everybody else knows game will break if that happens, sometimes a player or players will offer to pay the time collection for the rec to make them incentivized to stay and gamble.

Is this rude? Predatory? Both? Neither?



Seems crazy stuff going on over there. Discuss.

BBV4Life 6mo ago

BB4VL micro stakes cash games?

we used to play microstakes on partypoker or pokerstars or something with cajunaimee and all ya'll other donks. games would typically get very deep quick. lots of all in with ATC and semibluff anytime a flushdraw is flopped etc. very fun. very juicy. very micro tho always. does this every still happen? maybe we can on one of those ap sites? any interest?

Banned for life

Rivers Schenectady banned me for life like 7 years ago and only reason they’ll offer is “suspicious gaming activity.” It could be for anything though I guess and tough for me to really apologize specifically for something if I were to write a letter requesting to appeal the ban. Any suggestions on how to get unbanned from a casino? specifically looking for insight from people who have experienced this before. Thanks.

Stand up game in casino settings across USA - where is it allowed?

I see this a lot in stream games lately. Definitely great for the game and induces lots of spazzy action. I know most casinos I’ve played in have a stupid gaming commission rule (middle finger) saying you can’t side bet or pass chips at a poker table. I like how on HCL the dealer gives the players button(s) to keep track of who won/(should be sitting) and seems like they kind of also enforce that the loser must pay. I’ve played some 2-7

Coaches & Schools 6mo ago

I used to coach

Many years ago I coached a little. Would usually watch people play online and give them tips between hands etc. idk if that’s even technically allowed nowadays or not. Anyways I think I know the game of NLH better than 99% of others and would be open to coaching. Lmk.

Home Game Listings 6mo ago

Upstate New York?

Any no rake home games?

I haz a boat

Same villain from the I haz aces hand. All the same rules apply and the sign from black has been hitting quite often. This time I haz sixes. Approx 500-550 deep. 2/5 blinds and I raise to 15 on the button HU w 66 he calls. Flop 9 7 3 two tone
Check. 10. Call.
Turn 6 off suit. no flush available. Villain leads 30. I raise to 99 problems but a bitch ain’t one he calls after 5-10 seconds thought.
River 3 no flush available he che

Vegas and the fuggin Mirage

1/2 NL @ MGM Springfield. Villain Hijack is a 65+ year old looking guy. Maybe played with him once weeks/months ago briefly. This hand I'm pretty sure he's nursing his 1st or 2nd beer (from my observation) but he doesn't seem wasted or anything near that. Probably working on a little nice beer buzz tho if I had to guess. He seems rather solid postflop capable of folding top pair when it seems clear he's beat...pretty sure I've seen hi


1/2 NL MGM Springfield

Villain is middle age never played w him before don’t have much read he just sat down very recently. I’ve been nitting it up basically. He’s got somewhere around 325/350 to start the hand.

9 handed. Some rando 20s/young 30s seems to potentially loose passive preflop imo from very very limited experience with him of 20-30 minutes (seen him call 3 bets with 67s in Mp bink nut straight and bet me off

Ask Me Anything 7mo ago

I am also a literal legend of gambling, ask me anything.

Grimstard rocks the Grimstard

I haz ACEZ

1/3 blinds. Friendly heads up homegame versus a pokerpal I've known for 5-6+ years. He plays relatively solid in the full ring but tends to loosen up when heads up quite significantly because that's good strat. He's not a drooler by any means. Thinks through his decisions everytime and seems to be profitable in the longrun. He's actually up quite a bit on me lifetime. We mostly play holdem 99% of the time but there was a period where

1-2NL MGM Springfield AK on monotone versus check raise all in 250bb deep

Table 1 MGM Springfield by the cage. Villain looks like a young/mid 30s year old Spanish background bro. Lots of them at this casino. I may have played 1 session with him in the past as his face looks familiar or maybe it was his railbird friend who was familiar I'm not 100% sure. Anyways no real huge reads on this guy he's only just sat down at the table 5-10 min ago. He bought in for the max, 5 stacks of red, and I did too ($500). I

1/2 @ MGM Springfield nut flush multi way facing check raise all in on paired board

1/2 game I bought in max 500. I’m relatively new to table. Pretty average line up nobody seems too scary. Lots of limping and typical 1/2 play. I’m playing very tight as usual and aggressive when I have it. Only been at this table no more than 30 minutes or so. Hand was from a year ago so bear with me on the exact details. I tend to bounce around tables here to try to get a Jesus seat next to a loose passive drunk which is

Home Poker 7mo ago

Is this the new state of home game poker?

Hello this is the artist formally known as the infamous Grimstarr.

This will likely be my one and only post on this forum as I’ve been banned more times than I can count and have just been lurking the past decade and expect the grudge holding mods to snap ban me after seeing this. Anyways I have a question regarding a local home game that may generate interesting discussion about what the poker community has devolved into over the past dec