TwoPlusTwo user Howard Treesong

Howard Treesong

Howard Treesong

Carpal \'Tunnel
Joined 19 years ago Lact Active: 9 days ago
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Biography: Nitty McNitterson Location: In for the long con! Interests: Occupation: Games and Stakes:

Selling BetMGM Championship Ticket

$3500 face, will sell for $3300. PM me if interested. Can take crypto.

Tourney is at the Aria, beginning June 7. I have a work conflict. Last two days of the tourney play in the PokerGo studio.

About the Forums 4mo ago

What's the right forum to post. . .

I have a tournament ticket to sell at a bit of a discount given a work conflict. What's the right forum in which to post that? I got an infraction on this point many years ago and don't want to revisit that trauma.