TwoPlusTwo user JackTen00



Joined 8 months ago Lact Active: 7 days ago
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Suddenly asked about salary by Casino Poker Room Manager..?

Hey all,

Been playing since Nov at a particular casino, and up until the last month things had been going pretty well. However, I've hit a bit of a downswing recently and whereas previously my win rate had been solid at 70%, I've actually lost 8/10 last sessions and according to my bankroll management app, I'm now down ~£800 at this particular casino, having booked a big loss of about £1k during my last session.

Tonight, after taking a weeks

Thoughts on this £3k pot

Hey y'all

I was playing 1/3 last night in my regular casino - I normally play 1/2 but have occasionally played with these guys before. There's a lot of transfer of players between the two tables, and pretty much everyone at the table knew each other incl. myself. My image is a pretty tight player, who is solid but doesn't take too many risks.

An hour or so in I've doubled my stake and I'm up to ~£1k. I pick up AKos on the button. UTG raises p

Home Poker 8mo ago

Your thoughts on this invite

So I've met and played with this guy in my local casino at a 1/1 cash game table (UK) and he seems... ok. Pleasant enough but at the same time, I'm not sure how much I trust the guy given how I've seen him **** talk people who have left the table (having been nice to their face).

Not sure what he makes of me. First time we played together I was stomping the table, but made a terrible loose play at the end of the evening that cost me about £

Was I playing bad?

Hey y'all,

I've started playing poker again after a ~4 year break, live casino (in the UK), trying to build a bankroll grinding 1/1, 1/2 tables.

Last night I was sat at a 1/1 table with what I believed to be a relatively weak field - mainly rec calling stations who are entering far too wide into pre flop raises (with hands like K7os, J4os). There was however one LAG directly to my left who was constantly raising 20, 35 preflop. He had won se