TwoPlusTwo user JimL



Joined 3 years ago Lact Active: 7 days ago
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Low value angle but still sketchy

$2/$5 table, button is in seat 8. Seat 9 is small blind, seat 1 big blind. Seat 2 straddles for $10. A bunch of limps mixed in with a few folds. Button folds. Small blind limps, big blind throws in an extra $5 to call. Straddle checks. 5 or 6 players to the flop. $50 or $60 in the pot.

I put out the flop.

I start to rearrange my rack (the previous dealer left it a mess), but I am carefully watching the player on seat 9 waiting for him to act

Progressive bounty tournaments

There have been lots of words spilled arguing about registering late for a tournament versus registering and playing early. There are advantages and disadvantages to both.

I am of the opinion that playing early allows a player to accumulate a massive stack by playing against the donkeys who are generally gone by level 4. This allows the player to get a stack that will make it far deeper in the tournament.

That said, I fully respect the idea

Effing variance

I played the most bizarre hand the other day. I had never seen anything like it before. It was a casino $2/$5 game.

First let me describe the villan. He is a regular. He plays in the game far more than I do and most would consider me a reg. He is a fine player. He is probably too ABC, but that means he plays a a game that is a bit too tight to be optimally profitable, but regularly crushes the casuals in the game.

Overall a perfectly fine, pr

Increased rake

I haven't seen this discussed here, but maybe I am reading the wrong forums.

Anyway, Horseshoe Las Vegas has recently increased their rake to $6+$2. I have heard the MGM Las Vegas has done the same. The Horseshoe management has led me to believe that this is also happening at Caesars Las Vegas.

This is a 20% rise in rake. It moves Vegas much closer to California and Europe if this becomes the norm.

Understandable, but disappointing non-the-l

Vegas water users - Brian Rast

This is a list of the top 100 users of water in the Las Vegas Valley.

Brian Rast shows up at #33.

Should we all be offended and get the pitchforks?