TwoPlusTwo user KhalynYohrk



Carpal \'Tunnel
Joined 17 years ago Lact Active: 8 days ago
16likes received


Location: vegas Interests: Occupation: Games and Stakes:

Health and Fitness 14yr ago

Not an SS LOG; Lots of Excuses



Age 28

Height 6'

Weight 185

History; No athletics, no exp in gym till 23.

Regular working with free weights and BB since 23.

Posted routine here, got flamed and recommended to SS.

Started SS appx. 1 month ago.

I'm working alternating days on M/W/F of Squats/DL/Bench and Squats/Press/PC all 3x5 after warm ups. except the DL(1x5)

Today 2/1/10 my lifts were;

Squat 3x5 @ 265

DL 1x5 265

Bench 3x5 235

I added 10lbs to my squat since friday, form

Potawatomi (Milwaukee, WI)

Last march I moved to Vegas from Milwaukee where I played semiregularly live at Potowatomi in the 2/5 game.

The casino was still under construction before I left and I never got to see the completed room.

I'm wondering if there are any poto regs that can give me an update on it.

I remember there was a plo game on the weekends.
Does that still run? Buyin/blinds? is it still 2/3 plo 1/3 nl/pl?

Does poto get a 5-10 now?

Bascially just wondering