TwoPlusTwo user Koko the munkey

Koko the munkey

Koko the munkey

Joined 16 years ago Lact Active: 10 days ago
8likes received


Biography: I play a lot of poker. Location: SWFL Interests: Poker, homebrewing Occupation: PS Consultant for HP Games and Stakes:

AK 200 BB deep, all-in pre?

2/5, max buy in is $1000, which is the effective stack for this hand.

There are no higher games regularly played at this casino, so I sometimes play with some very, very good players. There are two of them at this table and they are both involved in the hand. I'm pretty sure they are pros. Both of them are have several thousand in front of them and have been raising and 3-betting quite often. There are also three 70+ year old guys at the tab

2/5, $25 bomb pot, deep

I havne't posted a hand in a while but I ran into a good one the other night.

At this casino we normally do a $25 bomb pot when a new dealer is pushed. Everything else is the same. Single board NLHE.

I've been on a heater since I sat down. I've won 4-5 big pots by making hands and getting paid. There is a room-wide high hand jackpot every 30 minutes and I won the last one with quad kings. I got it all in pre against the player to my left. Vil