TwoPlusTwo user LtUaE42



Joined 12 years ago Lact Active: 8 days ago
7likes received


Biography: I suck at poker, except when I am winning Location: Cali Interests: Poker Occupation: Professional type occupation Games and Stakes:

Loud Club Music inside Bay101

Is it just me, or is it odd that on weekend nights their restaurant turns into a nightclub that blares thumping music? I mean, who wants to play poker with that in the background? Me, personally, once it starts I simply get up an leave.

Are they:
1) Just that stupid?
2) or, They know what they are doing and are trying to slowly destroy live poker in their cardroom so that they can use the space for something more profitable?

Rate my thinking/play, please

2/3/5 NL, with 10 straddle mostly on.

UTG+1 limps $10. He is largely irrelevant in terms of stack size and ability.

Folds to me in HJ and look down at A7ss. I have the largest stack at the table (3k) and I have been without a doubt the most active and aggressive at the table (tons of raises, 3bets). I knew how I was viewed. Against these players 90% of the time I would raise here, but decided to merely call.

The button seemed to be a tight agg