TwoPlusTwo user Lucy's Fur

Lucy's Fur

Lucy's Fur

Joined 6 months ago Lact Active: 7 days ago
61likes received

What stops users from posting exploits?

If these sites are as exploitable as some claim; what is stopping them from posting the exploit and simply shoving it in our faces?

Is it because they know that if you believe them; they'll likely get banned from whatever site they are exploiting? Is it because the community would metaphorically crucify anyone who made statements without providing proof?

Do you think if someone was cocky enough; they'd find a way to tell us without being d

Core Concepts from 'Kill Everyone' by Lee Nelson and Tysen Streib (Part One)

The following are my notes from the book Kill Everyone: Advanced Strategies for No-Limit Hold 'em Poker Tournaments and Sit-n-Go's

Still reading; and I am a slow reader, maybe a page or 2 a day to digest the information. Will post each part as I read them.



- LAG early when blinds are small

- ALL-INs can build ‘fear equity&

Pot Odds explained (By ChatGPT)

1. Explanation for a 5-Year-Old

Pot odds are like candy sharing. Imagine you and your friends have a jar of candy, and you want to decide if you should put in one of your own candies to win more from the jar. You look at how many candies are in the jar and how many you have to put in. If the jar has a lot more candies than you need to add, it’s a good idea. But if you only get a few more candies back, it might not be worth it.

g 1 post


Why do players gush over rake back when the casino providing rake back could simply not charge the rake associated with rake back?

The only aspect I like about rakeback; is that it kind of acts like a savings account while you play. You don't use those funds when you buy in, which over time results in massive 'savings' that are waiting to be collected.

Am I missing something? Are you for or against rakeback?

Poker Song List?

- The Gambler by Kenny Loggins

- Poker Face by Lady Gaga

Then I found this really cool song; called '


Lyrics Below

I wanna be the very best
Like no one ever was
To catch them is my real test
To train them is my cause
I will travel across the land
Searching far and wide
Teach Pokér man to understand
The power that's inside

(Pokér man
Gotta catch 'em all) It's you and me
I know it's my destiny (Pokér man)
Oh, you're my best friend
In a wor

Lucy's Fur Tourney Results

Lucy's Fur Tourney Results
Lucy's Fur

"They're not colluding, you're just bad" is a dangerous mindset to adopt.

Rarely; should be rarely, you play a game and think 'this just doesn't feel right'. You then tell yourself. "Variance". Because what's more likely? Cheating -> Collusion -> Me being a bad player.

I'll take the third option for $1,000, Alex.

That said, there are bot/collusion rings online, and if you feel your being cheated; the correct move isn't to keep playing while denying it to yourself. Trust your gut; even if you're wrong

Global Poker Max Win on "Thunder Wheel" (GC )

Global poker has a challenge to spin using GC for like 25,000 spins. If you do; you get access to an all in tournament at end of month. Huge money (really unlikely to win, but if you have the GC, it's basically a free shot at a huge prize pool).

I was spinning these and doing things around my house; when I looked up and saw I was at the highest stage I'd ever been at. I hit record on OBS and got the tail end of the win.

Probability 3mo ago

How many hands for comprehensive RNG test?

Hey, I know nobody really posts in this section. If you see this and can advise me on the proper amount of consecutive hands, please do so.

Let's say we're using a poker site and we want to get to a 95% confidence level regarding the RNG.

I thought 10k hands would be enough; but from what I'm reading; it should be closer to 100k random hands dealt.

Does anyone know what the minimum amount of hands dealt should be for a 95% confidence rating?

Y Closed Thread

Brought my global account from $0 -> $110+ then crashed it to nothing.

Here's what I noticed on the way up. I won where I expected to win, I lost sometimes; and at the very least I could say 'I understand why you went in with that hand'.

On the way down; I lost like we were playing with fake money. People calling AA all ins with J6o and winning the hand happened quite a bit. Hero calls making it on river...too often. The amount of times I had the other player by turn, and they flopped it by river, is too

All in with 73o and checking it down with AA's. Inverse GTO or Exploitive play?

On the surface these decisions look silly.

Then when we account for the player being exploited; a medium stack that's backing down from all ins; or checking with AA because you know the opponent will all in to try to steal pot by last card.

These poor GTO decisions suddenly become wiser; so what are your examples of 'bad GTO but good exploitive play'?

I was just dealt JJ -> JJ -> AA consecutively. (1 in 10.65 million odds)

I think we calculate odds through 1/220 * 1/220 * 1/220

ChatGPT calculates odds at 1 in 10.65 million. Google just gives scientific notation.

Found a tell in my online gameplay. Fixed it and won heads up to win the tourny.

Down to me and 1 other guy. I have him by like 1,000 chips. I start to notice that every good hand I get; he's folding. My bad hands I'm unsure of, he's calling.

It took me like 10 hands to realize.

I was snap calling my good hands, delaying my softer hands. He had made the tell that I wasn't aware I was providing. After 10 hands or so; I realized what was occurring, so I continue delaying bad hands and wait for a banger hand. Get AQs a

g 1 post

Played my first tournament on Global Poker (For Gold coins; Not Sweeps Coins)

Got 3rd. Top 6 win the gold coins.

Buy-in: 1,000 GC for 2,000 chips.

Prize: 11,700 for third.

You could rebuy once; same ratio. At first break; They let me do something called 'add on' which let me add chips on even though I didn't go bust.

39 players.

I like the tournament style; but it came close a few times; at one point it was 'win this hand, or bust', then I had a decent hand in 5th, decided if I lost that hand, I'd still get a prize,

Signs someone is a weak live player?

For those that have played live....What are some dress codes/behavior/etc of 'bad players' that you can eyeball before they even play a hand?

If you were to walk into a room and had to ID the bad player by sight, or by observing their attitude; what attitude and dress choices scream 'I have no clue what I'm doing; you should eat me'?

My Goal: Dress the part, match the attitudes, and see if I can get better players to play recklessly against

Made my own 'Stategy Chart'

Made my own 'Stategy Chart'
Lucy's Fur

Bot nets on free poker apps?

Hey, I've been playing on playwsop. I've been using it to learn how to play poker. I understand it's not comparable to live, but this weird thing happened, and I want to know if you guys have seen similar.

In the app 1m chips = 1 dollar. (Not really - just in my imagination for practice)

This way the table values align closer to 1/3 or 2/4 etc etc; it also makes it easier to track my wins and losses in excel (I track the table sessions, no