TwoPlusTwo user MDAmicros



Joined 10 months ago Lact Active: 9 days ago
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MDAmicros 2024 Goals/Challenge: Went from 5NL -> 25NL, now let's try for 50NL and 100NL!

Hey everyone, happy New Year's Eve and soon New Year's!! I'm very close to reaching my goal of 50NL on my [U][COLOR="blue"]first thread[/COLOR][/U... (check it out if you haven't yet! I went from 5NL -> 25NL on Ignition 6max 😀 ) and I wanted to make a brand new thread to highlight my goals/weekly (and/or daily) updates for 2024.

I still haven't fully completed my goal of reaching 25NL, but I am close to the goal line of 25-30 buyins and/or +

Journey Through Crushing the Micros with MDA!

Hi Everyone!

I've been a 2+2 reader for a little bit, but I'm just getting around to finally making my first post! First, I want to give a little backstory about myself.

I started playing online poker about 1 year ago for fun/entertainment with some friends at microstakes. I was quickly hooked and was determined to journey through the low microstakes of 5NL and beyond. However, things weren't as easy as I suspected and I had been stuck at 5N